
Chapter 415 Enjoy

Chapter 415 Enjoy
Jiang Jiu frowned slightly, now that Jiang Sixan is still in the hospital, how could he go back?

Jiang Yongyuan didn't know that Jiang Siyan couldn't eat tomatoes for the rest of his life. He would give him some tomato pasta when he went out for dinner. Jiang Jiu had every reason to believe that even if Jiang Siyan got injured and went back, the other party wouldn't care.

Jiang Jiu turned off the phone and went to find her own.

Luckily, her phone was broken in one corner of the screen and still works.

She called Zhai An to explain the situation, and he readily agreed to her request for leave, and she could contact him anytime if she needed help.

Jiang Jiu sent another message to the people in the group, and started packing up the others.

Bai Yiran came back from the living room and said, "The utensils in the kitchen are all good, so you can pack them up and go to my house."

Jiang Jiu nodded and opened the closet.

The firefighters came early, but the door of the closet was only blackened, but the things inside were intact.

Jiang Jiu went to the property owner and took a big bag. She packed up her bag and clothes. She couldn't get the rest of the stuff, so she didn't pack it up and left it to the landlord to decide.

Fortunately, the fire last night did not cause damage to the neighbor's house except for the blackened walls, and the landlord's house was insured. Naturally, the bank would compensate Jiang Jiu for this kind of injury and arson.

However, the only thing Jiang Jiu couldn't understand was that strangers in their neighborhood couldn't get in at all, so how did the two arsonists get in?
Jiang Jiu also went to inquire about the property and security, and called out the surveillance.

But at night, no strangers entered the community at all.

So, is it possible that they are from this community?

Or are these people hiding in the community during the day?

Bai Yiran also looked at the monitor, and couldn't help but said, "What do these people do, why can they come in?"

The security guard glanced at it and immediately explained, "They are construction teams, and they all came in after registering their identity information."

In fact, the security guards were also a little embarrassed. After all, the owner wanted to do renovations, so he had to let the construction team in.

Jiang Jiu suddenly remembered the stray cat that fell from upstairs that day, and the decoration worker who stared at her when she got off work yesterday.

Jiang Jiu immediately asked if the owner of his building was renovating it. Who would have thought that the security guard would say no, it was another building.

"But yesterday I saw that there was a decoration worker on the fourth or fifth floor, and he still stared at me for a while!"

The security guard was stunned, "This...could there be other decoration teams?"

Bai Yiran said directly, "Is there any other decoration team? Just check your records? Also, adjust the monitoring immediately. When she entered the community yesterday afternoon, the faces of the decoration personnel on the fourth and fifth floors!" "


Soon, the security guards found out that the owner who registered for renovation was actually the owner, and it was indeed not Jiang Jiu's building.

Moreover, the monitoring also brought up the faces of the two people, but Jiang Jiu didn't recognize them. After all, they were wearing masks at the time, and she couldn't recognize them, but she could provide information to the police.

Jiang Jiu took photos of the two of them and saved them on her mobile phone. After sorting everything out, she asked Bai Yiran to take the things back, while she rushed back to the hospital to bring Jiang Sixan lunch.

It's getting late just now.

At this time, the ward.

Zheng Yunhao sat on a chair and looked at him, "Chu Kuo's?"

Jiang Sixan nodded, "Except for him, no one else would care so much about this USB drive."

"You thought well. You hid it on Doug's neck, and those people didn't find it at all."

"The most dangerous place is the safest place."

Doug threw himself in front of them without anyone noticing.

"What's next?"

"Heal the wound."

Zheng Yunhao teased, "I see you enjoy being served."

(End of this chapter)

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