
Chapter 448 Became Her Exclusive

Chapter 448 Became Her Exclusive
The next morning, Jiang Jiu began to prepare the ingredients for the barbecue. In the afternoon, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Sixan wore casual clothes, one black and one white, and set off in the car to their destination.

Jiang Sixan originally didn't intend to let Jiang Jiu drive, but the other party refused to let him touch the car at all on the grounds that his hand hadn't recovered.

This time, the place they agreed with Bai Yiran was Beixi River, which they had visited with Mr. Huo Nan before. The environment there was good, suitable for camping and fishing.

When Jiang Jiu was driving past the forest, she couldn't help but think of that time when she and Jiang Sixan were being chased, and they accidentally fell down the slope. Because of her negligence, Jiang Sixan broke her ankle.

It's just that Jiang Siyan's hand was injured when he passed through this forest again.

She smiled, and took a look at Jiang Sixan, "You really have many disasters."

Jiang Sixan naturally guessed why she said that, "Do you know what I was thinking at that time?"

Jiang Jiu couldn't help being curious, "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Sixan pretended to be serious and said, "At that time, I hadn't been with you in a proper way. I fell so embarrassingly that I couldn't clear my name. I was sad."

Jiang Jiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I was scared to death at that time, are you still thinking about this?"

Jiang Sixan touched her head, "I'm just kidding. But those people are coming at me, I'm afraid because I've got you in trouble, if something happens to you, I'll never forgive myself for the rest of my life."

Jiang Jiu couldn't help looking at Jiang Sixan. He was wearing a black casual outfit today, and he looked a lot more childish. The glasses were also new gold rimless glasses, and the glasses with the glasses chain were placed on the In the room, it became her exclusive.

Jiang Sixan could feel her gaze without turning his head, with a slight smile on his face, "Concentrate on driving, and I don't have navigation on my face."

Jiang Jiu was slightly embarrassed, "Who, who looked at you!"

"If I didn't hit the mark, why are you blushing?"

"Jiang Siyan!"

Jiang Sixan nodded immediately, "OK, I'll shut up."

After the man said a few more words, Jiang Jiu couldn't drive properly anymore, and the whole person was in a mess.

When the car arrived at the destination, Bai Yiran and the others hadn't arrived yet.

Jiang Sixan has been here many times and is familiar with it, so he quickly chose an excellent camping spot. Yes, they plan to stay here for one night tonight.

After choosing the address, Jiang Jiu took out the tent, barbecue box, charcoal, pot, and various kitchen utensils from the car one by one.

It was a bit difficult for Jiang Jiu to build the tent by himself. Jiang Siyan wanted to help, but Jiang Jiu was afraid that his hands would be inconvenient, so he didn't want him to help.

Finally, Bai Yiran and Zheng Yunhao also came, and they successfully set up the tent.

Jiang Jiu moved out of the oven and said with a smile, "I have prepared everything. There are many delicious things. By the way, I also brought small cakes, biscuits and lo mei, all made by myself."

Bai Yiran hugged Jiang Jiu immediately, "Our Jiu Jiu is virtuous, it's really cheaper for someone."

Jiang Jiu glanced at Bai Yiran shyly, "Bai Bai!"

Bai Yiran immediately laughed, "Although you told me not to prepare anything, I happened to have fresh big guys from the restaurant in the past two days, and I'll bring them together today."

Jiang Jiu was still wondering when she saw Zheng Yunhao appearing holding three big foam boxes.

"There are three pine leaf crabs in this box. Here are ten hairy crabs, which are big and fat. The other box is full of various snails. I know you like them, so I let someone get some of them."

Jiang Jiu's eyes lit up, "Baibai!"

"Little things, little things."

Seeing them like this, Zheng Yunhao and Jiang Sixan walked aside, Zheng Yunhao gave him a cigarette, looked at his hands still wrapped in gauze, and lit his cigarette, "How is it? "

(End of this chapter)

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