
Chapter 463

The man immediately carried her to the direction of the bedroom, frightened Jiang Jiu repeatedly begged for mercy, "I'm hungry, I'm really hungry, let's eat first."

Jiang Sixan then carried the man on his back to the kitchen, and after putting him down, Jiang Jiu asked, "What do you want to eat, I'll show you."

"I went to the barbecue before, and there should be leftover ingredients in the refrigerator. Let's cook them all."

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I'll make a crispy fried crabstick."

Jiang Siyan nodded, looked at the remaining squid whiskers, and took them all.

Jiang Jiu liked to eat seafood since she was a child, and her taste has not changed since she grew up, so Jiang Sixan can cook almost every kind of seafood.

He scalded the squid silk and took it out, then heated the oil in a pan and put in the garlic. After the fragrance was released, he poured in the squid silk and sprinkled with various seasonings.

The man's forearm is strong and powerful, and he can easily shake the spoon, and soon, the squid mustache emits bursts of fragrance.

Before serving, add chopped chili, cumin powder, white sesame, etc. After stirring evenly, a spicy cumin squid is ready.

Jiang Jiu was so greedy, she stood aside and asked for something to eat.

Jiang Sixan pampered her with a chopstick and blew on it, lest she get burned like last time.

Jiang Jiu took a sip and immediately gave a thumbs up, "Delicious! I have to eat two bowls of rice for this squid whisk today!"

Jiang Sixan chuckled, "Even without it, wouldn't it be enough for you to eat two bowls?"

Jiang Jiu glared at him pretending to be fierce, "Hmph, ignore you."

Jiang Jiu's crab sticks are also simple to make. She breaks eggs into a bowl, adds salt and pepper, mixes well, coats the crab sticks with starch, then coats them with egg wash, fry them in a pan until golden, and take them out.

Jiang Sixan was making sweet and sour pork ribs, so Jiang Jiu made another soup. Soon, three dishes and one soup were ready.

Jiang Jiu took a photo with satisfaction and sent it to Moments, with the text, [One cat, two people, three meals for four seasons. 】

Crying for others and showing off a wave of affection by the way, Jiang Jiu put down the phone regardless of whether others lived or died, had a delicious meal with Jiang Siyan, and then patted her stomach contentedly.

Jiang Sixan looked at her, "Watch a movie?"

Jiang Jiu thought about it, she had been watching movies for a long time, and nodded upon hearing this, "Okay, I'll get the tablet."

Jiang Sixan said, "You don't need to bring a tablet. When I was renovating here, I specially made a projection room for watching movies."

Jiang Jiu was shocked, "Jiang Sixan, you have a movie theater at home!"

"Not even a movie theater."

"Let's go."

Jiang Jiu was full of excitement, she even forgot when was the last time she went to the cinema, she was all chasing variety shows on the tablet to enjoy herself.

But thinking about it this way, Jiang Siyan was wronged.

There is a movie theater at home, and I have to watch such a small tablet with Jiang Jiu every day.

When I came to the projection room, there was only a bed, a huge screen, and no furniture.

"Jiang Sixan, you are too extravagant, watching a movie with such a bed."

Jiang Sixan chuckled, "At the beginning, I thought I could watch a movie comfortably, so I let people do it casually."

Jiang Siyan chose a movie, and Jiang Jiu half-lyed on the bed, quite interested.

This is a love movie abroad, telling the story of the hero and heroine overcoming many difficulties and finally being together.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but think of the youthful campus at the beginning when he and Jiang Sixan were in high school.

Others wear ugly white shirts, but on Jiang Sixan's body, it looks like it was specially made.

Jiang Jiu was so engrossed that she didn't notice the gaze of the people next to her.

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