
Chapter 496 Be My Partner

Chapter 496 Be My Partner

"Thank you Boss Zhai for your cultivation, but now I prefer the rhythm and atmosphere of "Small Town Story". I think I still have the gene of a reporter in my bones. I like the feeling of running news every time I go out.

And I just came to the TV station not long ago, there are many senior seniors in the station, they are more suitable for "Twin Cities Vision" than me. "

Hearing what Jiang Jiu said, Zhai An didn't force her after all, "I see, thank you for your contribution to Shuangcheng TV Station."

Jiang Jiu smiled, "It should."

After saying a few more words, Jiang Jiu left the office.

Both Yang Sijie and Zhang Xiaoxiong came to gossip, asking if Zhai An had promoted her and raised her salary.

Jiang Jiu didn't hide it from them either, "I did ask for a promotion, but I didn't agree."

Yang Sijie couldn't help but said, "Why, you are stupid, who doesn't want a promotion and salary increase now, you actually refuse!"

Jiang Jiu still answered in Zhai An's office, "I still like my current position. I can go out to run news and record every story. It's so boring to stay in the station every day. After two years, I can't run anymore. I'll think about it." Let's change."

Hearing what Jiang Jiu said, Yang Sijie naturally supported her.

"Thanks to you, I can have a big meal at noon."

Zhang Xiaoxiong said, "Where do you think Mr. Zhai will take us to eat? I know a restaurant that is delicious, but it's a bit expensive."

Yang Sijie complained, "Wake up, Boss Zhai invited so many people, how could it be expensive?"

Jiang Jiu said with a smile, "Okay, go to work quickly, and stay here until there is nothing to eat."

Zhang Xiaoxiong and Yang Sijie left after arguing, and Jiang Jiu also started to organize things.

I haven't been back for a while, but fortunately I read the information last night, and it doesn't seem so strange.

"Teacher, you are back!"

Jiang Jiu looked up, and saw Ruan Yuan trotting over, holding an insulated box in his hand, and said with a smile, "My mother knows that you are coming to work today, so she made chicken soup early in the morning, saying it is for you."

Jiang Jiu was surprised, "How embarrassing, you can drink it yourself."

Ruan Yuan opened the insulated box and took out the chicken soup, "I drank it, and my mother said it was specially made for you. My mother said that you have always taken me with you, so you should have expressed your gratitude.

Later, because of Miao Xiaocui's matter, it was obviously the news that we did together, but it was the teacher who got in trouble, so I escaped by hiding behind the teacher. "

Looking at the steaming chicken soup in front of him, Jiang Jiu could tell that it had been boiled enough.

"Thank you auntie for me."

"it is good."

With that said, Jiang Jiu handed over a bag, "Take it."

Ruan Yuan looked down, "Teacher, who is this for?"

Jiang Jiu drank the soup, and it tasted delicious, "Of course it's for you. I've watched the show you hosted, and you did a great job, so you can graduate. This is a special gift for you."

Ruan Yuan stared at the suit in the bag in surprise, couldn't put it down for a moment and was a little embarrassed, "Teacher, I..."

"Okay, I discussed it with Boss Zhai. "Small Town Story" will also change its format, and you will continue to appear in "Small Town Story" in the future, but your qualifications are still young, and you have just become a full-time employee. program, so you can just feel wronged and be my partner, okay?"

How can this not work, this is simply too good!

Ruan Yuan's eyes were red and his breathing became short of breath. He nodded again and again, "Thank you teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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