
Chapter 503 Don't scare yourself

Jiang Jiu interviewed a few more questions, and then went to interview Zhao Xun's father, Zhao Kangde.

The man was obviously much calmer than Bao Xiangyu. He sat on one side with a vicissitudes on his face, "My Kun'er was killed by this school. He always said he hated studying, but his mother and I were busy with work and didn't think about it." Feeling like a child..."

Zhao Kangde and Bao Xiangyu almost spoke in unison. The answer they could give was that the child was tired of studying and must have been bullied at school.

Jiang Jiu finished the interview here, and went to the school to find a teacher for an interview.

Because of this matter, the school has been on vacation for two days, and everyone is not at school.

Jiang Jiu contacted the principal of the school, but the phone kept showing that it was turned off.

It is also for this reason that the public opinion is insulting the school for its inaction at this time, shutting down the phone to deal with everything, leaving only the victim's family with white hair and black hair, so pitiful.

Jiang Jiu took out his business card to the security guard at the school gate, and said, "I am a reporter from Shuangcheng TV Station. This is my business card. If anyone in the school is willing to be interviewed, you can contact me at any time."

The security guard nodded and put the business card aside.

Jiang Jiu glanced at it, and there were at least a pile of business cards next to it.

On the way back, Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, is it really useful for you to give your business card to the security guard?"

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "I don't know either. Now I can only hope that those people will give us a chance for the sake of Shuangcheng TV station."

After returning home, Jiang Jiu began to sort out the materials, while Ruan Yuan looked at the public opinion on the Internet and found that the popularity of cursing the school had never gone down. Many Internet celebrity bloggers took the opportunity to grab the heat, cursing the school for not doing anything, and being a coward.

Under the comments, there are naturally a group of people who follow suit and curse.

"This kind of school is simply a garbage school, entrapping students!"

"A good student, the school is unwilling to adjust the monitoring after being bullied, there must be something wrong!"

"It is recommended to investigate this school carefully."

"Zhao Xun is withdrawn, how do you know it must be the school's problem? What if it's his original family?"

It was just such a comment, and it was scolded more than 1000 times in an instant. The other party couldn't help it and deleted the comment, but Ruan Yuan saw it and immediately sent a private message to the other party.

Originally, he also had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that the other party was Zhao Xun's classmate, so Ruan Yuan immediately made an appointment to meet him.

Jiang Jiu agreed, and set off together, and the three met at a milk tea shop.

The other party was a little girl who didn't want to be on camera, so Jiang Jiu chose to record after obtaining the other party's consent.

"You said that Zhao Xun is withdrawn, do you know anything else?"

The little girl's name is Fang Fang, and she nodded when she heard the words, "In the first year of high school, his academic performance was quite good. In the second year of high school, it seemed that something happened at home. He stopped studying for a while, and then came back to class. After that, he I don't like chatting with other people.

It's just the third year of high school, and he started school a week late. Everyone is racing against time to study, but his family doesn't seem to pay much attention to it.

I've heard him say before that he doesn't like to come home. "

Jiang Jiu asked, "Why doesn't he like to go home, did you say anything?"

Fang Fang shook her head, "I don't know, he doesn't have many friends, and he doesn't talk to anyone. If I didn't collect my homework and talk to him, I probably wouldn't be able to talk."

After all, it was her classmate, Fang Fang also looked a little sad.

"He is actually a very nice person. Once it rained heavily and I didn't bring an umbrella, so he gave it to me and went back in the rain. Hey, no one in our class bullied him, at most, no one talked to him. ...Could it be because of this? He feels lonely and everyone is cold and violent?"

Jiang Jiu reassured, "Don't make random guesses, the police are still investigating the reason, including us, don't scare yourself."

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