
Chapter 505 I Just Want Your Sister To Be Happy

"You are..."

Jiang Jiu covered her forehead, a little helpless, "I'm sorry, he burned your kitchen down."

Jiang Yi immediately knelt down to Jiang Sixan, "Brother-in-law, I'm really sorry, I've been a fool in this life, and I will definitely repay you!"

Jiang Yi quickly admitted his mistake. There is no such thing as a man with gold under his knees.

Looking at the mess in the kitchen, Jiang Sixan remained calm, "Leave it alone, the trade union will come to clean it at midnight tomorrow. Then Jiang Yi, you are not allowed to enter the kitchen from now on."

"Okay, okay."

By the end, the three went straight out to eat.

Jiang Yi was still aggrieved and justified, "I was so hungry, I wanted to cook something to eat, and then I thought about it. If you are off work, I will cook a delicious dinner to honor you and increase your goodwill. Who can Imagine how things would turn out like this.”

Jiang Jiu rolled her eyes, "Okay, we don't deserve your filial piety, if you dare to mess around again, get out of here immediately."

"As ordered!"

Jiang Jiu really couldn't figure out how someone like Jiang Shuhong could raise someone like Jiang Yi.

Jiang Sixan put the boned fish in Jiang Jiu's bowl, "Eat it."

Jiang Yi's conspicuous bag immediately applauded, "Brother-in-law is so caring!"

Jiang Jiu glanced at him, "Eat yours."


Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Yi and couldn't help asking, "Do you know Zhao Xun?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, "I don't know."

"Then how do you know that he jumped off the building because of depression and the long-term domestic violence of his parents?"

Jiang Yi took a big bite of the rice, "I just guessed."

Jiang Jiu naturally wouldn't believe it, "Jiang Yi, do you think I will?"

Jiang Yi looked at Jiang Jiu innocently, "I really made a wild guess. If you don't believe me when I tell you, I'm very lucky. I guess right."


Jiang Sixan suppressed a smile, "Don't be angry, eat first, and talk slowly when you get back."

Jiang Jiu frowned, and whispered, "You just let him!"

Jiang Sixan also followed in a low voice, "I just want you to eat with peace of mind first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"Brother-in-law is wise!"

The three went back after dinner, Jiang Jiu took a notebook and continued to look up the information, Jiang Yi was slipped to the balcony by Jiang Syanti.

Although Jiang Sixan had never lost his temper or said harsh words to Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi was still quite afraid of Jiang Sixan.

The man took out a cigarette from his pocket, bit on it, and Jiang Yi immediately lit him up like a dog.

Jiang Sixan took a deep breath, and let out a burst of white disgust. Jiang Yi couldn't help but stand obediently with his noble and glamorous facial features and the thin corners of his lips.



"Don't smoke, don't smoke!" Jiang Yi explained the lighter in his pocket, and said, "Isn't a lighter said to be an essential thing for a man, I'll just buy one and keep it."

"You smell like smoke."

Jiang Sixan held a cigarette between two fingers, ignored the embarrassment on Jiang Yi's face, and said calmly, "I don't care what you have to do with Jiang Jiu, she is soft-hearted and takes you in, I don't mind, but if you dare to make her hurt , I’m not so easy to talk about, understand?”

Jiang Yi nodded, "Understood, brother-in-law. I will move out in two days, and I will never disturb my sister."

Jiang Sixan patted Jiang Yi's shoulder, "I'm not forcing you to move out, but there are rules for living here. I just want your sister to be happy, understand?"

Jiang Yi immediately said, "Understood!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yi immediately walked towards the living room, "Sister, I have something to say!"

Jiang Jiu tapped on the computer to look up the information, "Say something quickly."

"Actually, I have met Zhao Xun."

Jiang Jiu finally raised her head, "When, where, how was Zhao Xun's situation at that time?"

Jiang Yi glanced at the man on the balcony, who was just standing, biting a cigarette and staring at him lightly, but in Jiang Yi's view, such a man was extremely dangerous, as if he could be skinned and cramped at any time.

I'm sorry, I have something to do today, and there are few updates. I will add 2 more updates to everyone. You can watch it tomorrow, good night~
Now that I have seen this, I still hope that if you like it, you will count more votes and reward more, so that the loincloth can be rushed to the list, and the story of Jiang Jiangjiang can be seen by more people. I love you.

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