
Chapter 515 Punishment

Jiang Jiu boldly reached out to Jiang Sixan, "Ayan."

The sound of "Ayan" made it impossible for Jiang Sixan to drive properly. He drove the car directly to a remote section of the road. The body was hidden in the darkness, like a beast that finally found a place to live.

Jiang Jiu finally freed herself from the restraints and rushed towards Jiang Siyan.

The man put his hands through her armpits, hugged her to his lap, and patted her butt with one hand gently.

"Ah!" Jiang Jiu exclaimed in a low voice, a little dissatisfied, "It hurts."

But Jiang Siyan's hand didn't stop.

Jiang Jiu struggled to get up, but was held down by Jiang Siyan with one hand, unable to move.

Even though she was drunk, Jiang Jiu still felt a little ashamed and kept struggling, but the car was so big, where could she hide.

Jiang Jiu felt that her ass was about to bloom!

"Ayan, it hurts, don't hit me, I was wrong."

Jiang Siyan asked blankly, "Where did you go wrong?"

As soon as the words fell, there was another slap.

Jiang Jiu's body trembled slightly, "I, I shouldn't have lied to you."


Right now, the carriage is very quiet, and the sound of spanking is particularly harsh.

Jiang Sixan continued to ask, "What else?"

"I shouldn't be getting drunk outside, and I shouldn't be looking for handsome guys!"

Jiang Jiu admitted his mistake very positively, raised his head cautiously, with a hint of flattery and pleading, "Can you stop beating?"

Jiang Jiu is now lying on Jiang Sixan's lap, her waist sinking, supporting her upper body, her white back is so fragile and full of temptation displayed in front of Jiang Sixan.

Jiang Sixan leaned over while pinching her chin, and kissed her hard.

Jiang Jiu instinctively put her arms around the man's neck, and responded cautiously.

Because Jiang Jiu had only been discharged from the hospital for less than half a month, Jiang Sixan was still reluctant to proceed.

"Legs closed."

The man's voice was low as if rolling gravel, his glasses were thrown to one side, but his clothes were still neatly put on, and he didn't feel a bit embarrassed.

It's all Jiang Jiu, with her suspenders slipping off, her skirts lifted up, and she exudes a coquettish aura.

After a while, the car fell silent.

Jiang Jiu leaned against Jiang Sixan quietly, without speaking.

Jiang Siyan looked at the sleepy man in his arms, glanced at the time, and said, "Sit down and go home."

Jiang Jiu nodded, rubbed her eyes and sat in the back seat, continuing to sleep with her eyes closed.

When Jiang Sixan drove the car downstairs, Jiang Jiu was already fast asleep. Jiang Sixan took off his coat and covered her, picked her up and walked towards the house.

When he got home, Jiang Yi happened to go out to get water from the refrigerator. When he saw Jiang Jiu being carried in, he thought something had happened.

"What's going on here?"

Jiang Sixan glanced at him, and Jiang Yi was immediately frightened and stood where he was, not daring to move.

"She's asleep, it's okay, you go to bed early."


I don't know why, but Jiang Yi always feels that his brother-in-law usually smiles at Jiang Jiu, but the way he looks at him always feels very scary.

Jiang Sixan took her to the bedroom, gave her a simple bath, and carried her back to the bed.

It was obvious that the attack was not serious just now, but there was still a mark on Jiang Jiu's ass.

She was born white, and I don't know if this mark can be eliminated by tomorrow morning, or if I wake up and see it tomorrow morning, it will probably explode again.

Jiang Sixan lay down, looked at the sleeping person in front of him, and hugged him into his arms.

Seeing that many people say that it is not enough to read, I will update a few more today, everyone has a good time reading~
I hope everyone will support the original version of "The Loincloth". Most of the pirated versions in other places are garbled characters. Don't ask me why the characters are garbled, it is a pirated version!
It's not easy for a small author to code, please support our Jiang Sixan and Jiang Jiu, please

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