
Chapter 534 She Admits She Is Some Nympho

Jiang Jiu came to Jiang Sixan's bedroom. The room was pitch black, and Jiang Sixan was rarely asleep.

Must be exhausted these days.

Jiang Jiu opened the curtains to let the sunlight in through the window.

Jiang Sixan turned his head a little childishly, avoiding the sun.

Jiang Jiu smiled and lay beside the bed, "Ayan, get up."

Jiang Siyan didn't move.

Jiang Jiu continued, "Ayan, get up, go to bed after eating, you haven't eaten breakfast, you can't stop eating."

Jiang Sixan finally opened his eyes, but dragged Jiang Jiu into his arms, "Lie down with me for a while."

Jiang Jiu smiled and touched his face, "Did you stay up late last night again?"

Jiang Siyan didn't speak, Jiang Jiu patted him on the back lightly, "Go on to sleep after dinner, okay?"

Jiang Si slowly opened his eyes, "What time is it?"

"It's past eleven."

Jiang Sixan got up and didn't stay in bed any longer, "Wait for me."

Jiang Sixan is much taller than Jiang Yi. Compared with Jiang Yi's slender and thin body of a teenager, Jiang Sixan's body has the tension and sexiness that a mature man should have.

His body is covered with a thin layer of muscles, but he doesn't look thin. His model-like inverted triangle figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist, and his slender figure make him scream no matter where he stands.

Jiang Jiu admitted that she was a bit of a nympho, and secretly glanced at it several times.

Seeing him go to wash up, Jiang Jiu hugged the quilt to bask in the sun.

The three of them ate together, and today Jiang Yi looked extraordinarily well-behaved, he ate obediently the whole time, and didn't dare to speak.

After eating, Jiang Yi said, "Sister, brother-in-law, I have made a decision. I plan to go to school."

Jiang Yi has just been admitted to university this year, but since returning home on National Day, he has not been to school.

Because Jiang Shuhong withheld his ID card and froze his bank card, he can't go anywhere now, but what Jiang Jiu said is right, if he wants to be free, he can't hide here forever.

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Okay, can I help you with anything?"

"Then what, my card and bank card have been confiscated by my dad..."

Jiang Jiu looked at him, "Do you want me to get it for you?"

"No, no, I can go by myself. That's right, I still want to tell you something."

Jiang Yi scratched his head, "I said I didn't know Zhao Xun, I lied. It was Jiang Shuhong who sent me to that correctional center. I was imprisoned for two days, and I met Zhao Xun. It may be rare for him to meet someone his age who told me about himself."

Jiang Jiu's face changed slightly, "You were caught in the punishment center?"

Jiang Yi clenched his fists tightly, "Yes, because I don't want you to know, so I haven't said anything, and I dare not say anything about Zhao Xun."

In this way, everything makes sense.

Jiang Yi knew that something happened to Zhao Xun because of family reasons, so he talked about the news with Jiang Jiu, which was to guide Jiang Jiu to report Zhao Xun's news.

But he didn't want Jiang Jiu to know more, so he didn't go into too much detail.

What happened to Jiang Yi was regarded as Jiang Shuhong's shame, that's why Jiang Shuhong's ID card and bank card were confiscated, and he was detained in Shuangcheng.

Jiang Yi's character is not the character of being locked up obediently. After being taken to the correctional center, he and Zhao Xun quickly got to know each other. After learning about each other's affairs, he felt very sympathetic and wanted to ask Zhao Xun to escape with him.

But Zhao Xun gave up, he had nowhere to go.

Jiang Yi was very smart, and escaped from the correctional center by taking advantage of their patrols. However, because he had no money and no ID card, and only had a few coins on his mobile phone, he finally found Jiang Jiu, his half-sister.

He has always known about Jiang Jiu's existence, because Wang Ping has said by his side since he was a child, praising him as a boy who will inherit the family business in the future, and that girl named Jiang Jiu is not qualified to inherit the family business at all.

Until one time, Jiang Yi saw Jiang Jiu's name on the news.

The mine collapse in Huatai Village, Jiang Jiu's name appeared in almost all major news.

Jiang Yi turned on the news at home with some curiosity, but Wang Ping came over in a hurry and turned off the TV, afraid that Jiang Shuhong would come back and see it.

"Are you stupid, don't mention this woman in front of your father in the future!"

Jiang Yi didn't understand, so, "Why?"

"She is that Jiang Jiu. Although your father never mentioned it, what if one day he remembered that he still had a daughter and wanted to give her the family business!"

Although Jiang Yi disagreed with Wang Ping's point of view, after he went back, he still called up Jiang Jiu's information.

A reporter from Twin Cities TV, Jiang Jiu.

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