
Chapter 664 This figure is a bit in a trance

Chapter 664 This figure is a bit in a trance
Before Jiang Jiu realized what happened, she heard Lu Junhao pointing not far away, "Cousin sister, pay attention, cousin is surrounded by people!"

Jiang Jiu followed Lu Junhao's line of sight, only to find that Jiang Sixan was chatting with someone, and the woman next to that person wished her eyes would grow on Jiang Sixan's body.

Lu Manman naturally noticed something wrong with the other party's eyes, "Cousin, cousin looks dangerous!"

Jiang Jiu has confidence in Jiang Sixan, "It's okay, your cousin knows how to deal with it."

The annual meeting hasn't started yet, everyone is walking around and chatting casually.

He Jingyi was also called away, leaving only Lu Junhao and Lu Manman by Jiang Jiu's side.

Lu Junhao was restless again, and he left again when he saw something interesting.

Jiang Jiu said to Lu Manman, "You don't have to accompany me, you can do whatever you want."

Lu Manman nodded. This time at the annual meeting, Laisheng Group invited some celebrities to perform for everyone, as well as performances organized by colleagues, which looked very lively.

When they first entered the arena, everyone tied a number plate in their hands, which means they can participate in the lottery later.

When Lu Manman heard that there were stars in the background, he couldn't help it.

After all, where girls at this age don't chase after stars?
Jiang Jiu was bored standing idle, so she went to sit on the side first. She just sat down when she saw a person standing in front of her.

"Such a coincidence."

Jiang Jiu raised her head, hesitating that the other party was behind the light, this figure made her a little dazed.

After a closer look, I realized that I had made a mistake.

"Xiao Wenjing, why are you here?"

What made Jiang Jiu a little dazed was that Liang Xu seemed to have one of Xiao Wenjing's suit today.

They were about the same height and shape, so for a moment just now, Jiang Jiu even thought that Liang Xu had returned.

But Xiao Wenjing is much younger than Liang Xu.

Xiao Wenjing smiled slightly, "I was also invited here, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

Jiang Jiu nodded and smiled politely.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Jiang Jiu shook her head. This was originally a public area. If the other party wanted to sit here, she would naturally not interfere.

"Last time, fortunately, it was resolved smoothly. I heard that Mu Chuanlin, who was originally cooperating with Jiang Yongyuan, turned out to be good friends with Jiang Siyan, and instead joined Jiang Yongyuan's army."

Jiang Jiu looked at Xiao Wenjing, who knew it clearly enough.

But this matter has never been a secret. After all, there were so many people in the meeting room that day, and many people knew about it.

Jiang Jiu just said, "I don't care much about his work."

Xiao Wenjing looked at her, "But Mr. Jiang cares about you very much. I thought you would talk about everything. Does he not allow you to ask about work?"

Jiang Jiu frowned slightly, the other party's question made her feel uncomfortable.

Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Siyan had already walked over.

"The world of the two of us doesn't need to be explained to an outsider."

Jiang Sixan stood and looked down at Xiao Wenjing, "Why do I remember that I didn't invite you?"

Xiao Wenjing smiled and explained, "It's a coincidence that I am the general manager of Jiusheng Group. Laisheng Group invited our boss and vice president this time, but the vice president happened to be busy, so I took advantage of it and talked with the boss. Come together."

At this time, the boss of Jiusheng Group also came, "Xiaowen, do you know Mr. Jiang?"

Xiao Wenjing explained, "I just met a few times."

The boss of Jiusheng Group had frequent business contacts with Jiang Sixan, so Jiang Sixan naturally invited them.

But he didn't expect that this Xiao Wenjing actually had such an identity.

(End of this chapter)

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