
Chapter 667

Chapter 667

The performance came to an end, but naturally many people came to toast.

Jiang Siyan had a bad stomach, Jiang Jiu was a little worried and didn't want him to drink so much.

Jiang Sixan gave her a look, indicating that he was fine.

After finally finishing the discussion, Jiang Jiu hurriedly pulled Jiang Sixan away, and ran to the side to rest for a while.

"This group of people toasted too fiercely, why did you catch you drinking alone!"

Jiang Siyan smiled and pinched her face, "Does your heart hurt?"

"You have a bad stomach, don't you know?"

Jiang Jiu was naturally distressed, but she also understood that everyone was happy today, so she came over to drink.

But wine is not a good thing, just taste it, drinking too much will hurt your health.

Jiang Jiu asked someone to get the anti-alcoholic medicine. Suddenly, a woman's voice came, "Mr. Jiang, why are you here?"

Jiang Jiu turned around and glanced at the other party, feeling that the other party looked familiar.

Oh, the first-level alert that Lu Manman said.

The woman came here with a twisting catwalk, holding a wine glass in her hand, smiling coquettishly, "I just wanted to ask you for a drink, but you hid here, don't you want to have a drink with me?"

Walking to Jiang Siyan's side, the other's chest was almost attached to Jiang Siyan's body, Jiang Jiu pulled Jiang Siyan back a step, and stood between them.

Zeng Qiushuang covered her mouth and pretended to be surprised, "Sorry, I didn't see you just now, I dare to ask who is..."

Jiang Jiu had a professional smile on her face, "My name is Jiang Jiu, and I'm Ayan's girlfriend."


The two shook hands with their own concerns, and Zeng Qiushuang said with a smile, "I have something urgent to ask Mr. Jiang and I want to talk alone. I wonder if my sister would mind?"

Jiang Jiu laughed angrily, did this person think he was stupid?

She has already revealed her identity, but this woman still keeps leaning on Jiang Sixan. She really thinks she has no temper, right?

Jiang Jiu said with a half-smile, "mind."

Zeng Qiushuang smiled, "Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect your girlfriend to be a bit protective, but she didn't understand when we talked about business before. It's too noisy here. Why don't we find a quiet place to chat?"

After finishing speaking, Zeng Qiushuang covered his mouth in surprise, "Sister, don't be angry, Mr. Jiang and I are really just talking about work, be careful not to get crow's feet when you get angry, women are only so glamorous for a few years, but they need maintenance better."

Jiang Jiu held back her anger, and when she was about to speak, Jiang Sixan had already hugged him into his arms. This protective posture was self-evident.

"Miss Zeng, the person I'm cooperating with is your brother. I don't think you have the ability to talk to me alone about the cooperation. Of course, you can also make an appointment with my secretary. We'll have a good chat then.

Also, you are already 30 years old, seven years older than our family Jiujiu, and she can call you auntie a few years older, you don't need to call her older sister to look younger, after all, just by appearance, I recognized it at a glance.

I have something else to do. I'll go first. "

As he said that, Jiang Siyan ignored the other party's pale face, put his arms around Jiang Jiu and walked out.

Turning the corner, Jiang Jiu whispered excitedly, "You were too handsome just now, you didn't see her face, her face became like a traffic light!"

Jiang Sixan touched her head, "I really like to see you stand up for me."

Jiang Jiu pretended to give him a fierce look, "Bad guy."

Jiang Sixan leaned into her ear and said, "You want what you said just now, but do you still count on it?"

(End of this chapter)

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