
Chapter 678

Mr. Mu patted Mu Chuanlin on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Chuan Lin, the Mu Family will depend on you from now on."

Mu Chuanlin didn't speak, but someone beside him couldn't sit still.

The other party is Mu Chuanlin's elder brother and Mu Ang's father, Mu Weiguang, "Old man, I'm afraid it's not right?"

Mr. Mu looked at him coldly, "I haven't said anything about you yet, and you don't even look at what day it is today. Go take care of your wife and son first, and don't embarrass me anymore!"

Mr. Mu ignored his elder son at all, and went straight to the crowd.

The old man is in his 70s this year, and he is still in good health. He is in control of all the affairs of the Mu family.

It's a pity that except for the youngest son, none of them are useful, and no one can inherit his mantle.

When Mu Weiguang's mother was still there, she didn't like the illegitimate son Mu Chuanlin, so she kicked him out.

In the end, who would have thought that Feng Shui would take turns, and these sons would either achieve nothing, or be obedient, or spend a lot of time on weekdays, and none of them would be promising.

On the other hand, the youngest son has already established his own business empire at a young age, with a vicious vision, and he is like a dark horse in the mall, as powerful as a broken bamboo.

Mr. Mu was naturally happy, and praised that his youngest son was the most like him, so he sent a message in advance to ask people to come back.

Sitting next to Jiang Sixan, Jiang Jiu heard him briefly introduce the Mu family's relationship, and couldn't help but sigh, indeed, the relationship among wealthy families is quite complicated.

"Makikawa Rin really doesn't care?"

Jiang Sixan took a sip of champagne silently, "The fun hasn't begun yet."

Makikawa Rin looks dangerous, but in fact, he is indeed dangerous.

Swallowing one's anger for so many years is not something ordinary people can do.

Soon, Mu Chuanlin walked towards Jiang Sixan, and the two clinked a glass with each other.

Zheng Yunhao was also on the side, and said with a smile, "Good boy, now that you come back, you won the first prize."

Mu Chuanlin and they came to the place where there was no one on the balcony, so there was no need to worry about talking.

And Jiang Jiu didn't go out with her, after all, she wasn't interested in the conversation between men.

"The old man thought that I should be grateful for letting me wear this false name."

Mu Chuanlin looked at the bright lights in the hall, but it was a pity that these lights belonged to others.

Jiang Si extended his hand and pushed his glasses, "I checked, and most of the real estate and equity of the Mu family are still in the hands of the old man."

Mu Chuanlin nodded, "You're right. Except for some property that my useless brothers took away, what the old man left to me is just the villa where my mother lived for a while back then."

The reason why he generously gave Mu Chuanlin an unwarranted title in front of everyone was just to hang him and let Mu Chuanlin do things for him loyally.

After all, the old man is old, and his thoughts are really naive.

Jiang Sixan looked at Mu Chuanlin, "Do you need help?"

Mu Chuanlin said with a smile, "Don't worry, I really need your help, I won't be polite."

"it is good."

Zheng Yunhao raised his glass and stood on the side, "Look at you presidents, you are as busy as dogs, just like me, free and unrestrained."

In fact, the Zheng family has a lot of property, but the Zheng family's parents are quite open-minded, thinking that their son can do whatever he likes, and when he doesn't want to be a doctor, he will come back to inherit the family business.

After all, Zheng Yunhao is still young, so who knows what will happen in the future.

After drinking for three rounds, the birthday party is about to end.

Ding Haizhe came to pick up Jiang Sixan and Jiang Jiu, Zheng Yunhao also called the driver at home, but just as he was about to get in the car, he found Bai Yiran in Zhou Hang's car.

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