
Chapter 685 You Are Still Young

Jiang Jiu couldn't help giving Jiang Sixan a thumbs up. As expected, Jiang Sixan is very good at shopping malls.

Ye Feixiang naturally didn't know, but Jiang Jiu also admired him.

After all, he really stayed in the village all the time, wanting to bring the village to a better place, and he also thought of his childhood playmates when encountering problems.

Those people were also righteous, but after hearing what Ye Feixiang said, they agreed to buy shares one after another.

Ye Feixiang personally killed two chickens, one for chicken soup and one for stir-fry, and asked his wife to bring freshly dug bamboo shoots to cook for Jiang Jiu and the others.

Ye Feixiang winked at his wife, and she went out.

Soon, Ye Feixiang called them over for dinner.

"This is our signature dish, pheasant soup, very nourishing. Reporter Jiang, you must drink more bowls."

Jiang Jiu smiled, "Don't make fun of me."

"Really, everyone in our village reads your news every day. Many people think you are a big star somewhere. I told you that when I was young, she was my eldest sister. They didn't believe it.

I almost didn't use your photo as a poster. Thinking about it later, it won't work. When other people who come to play see it, someone will definitely harass Grandma Jiang, so I didn't do it. "

Jiang Jiu took a sip of the chicken soup, it was indeed delicious and fresh, "It seems that I have to thank you."

Ye Feixiang immediately raised his hand, "Don't say that, you guys helped me a lot today!"

At this time, Ye Feixiang's daughter-in-law came, holding Grandma Jiang's arm.

No wonder just now when she was about to call Grandma Jiang to tell her not to prepare lunch, Ye Feixiang told her that she had said so.

It turned out that at noon I went to invite grandma.

Grandma Jiang said, "This kid said that you are eating here, so you must call me here. You young people are eating, what am I an old woman doing?"

Ye Feixiang immediately said, "Grandma Jiang, what you said is wrong, you should be more happy when you eat with us. I have devoted my whole life to these dishes today. You can try them and guide them."

Saying that, Ye Feixiang pointed to the grilled fish, "This will be one of our shop's signatures from now on, you guys have to try it quickly. There is also this spicy chicken feet, with my honey seasoning added!

Mushroom soup is all mushrooms I picked myself, but it is fresh. "

There were seven or eight dishes on the table, which were hearty, and with Ye Feixiang present, the meal was lively.

After eating, Jiang Jiu rubbed his belly, "I'm full."

Ye Feixiang said with a smile, "It tastes good, how is my level?"

"First class chef."

Ye Feixiang was even more proud, "That is, this will be our signature dish in the future!"

After eating and drinking enough, Ye Feixiang followed Jiang Sixan to get the check, while Jiang Jiu left after bidding farewell to Ye Feixiang's wife, holding his grandmother's hand.

Grandma Jiang said with a smile, "This Ah Xiang is a good boy and very smart. I think people would come here every day to play, and they even looked for their farmhouse entertainment."

Jiang Jiu was surprised, "Really?"

"I heard that it's an online celebrity store. People in the city like to come to join in the fun, and it's cheap, so I came here. The village chief even praised Ye Feixiang for coming."

Jiang Jiu nodded and looked at Ye Feixiang with admiration.

Grandma Jiang continued to ask, "What are you going to do with Si Yan?"

Jiang Jiu was a little puzzled, "What's the matter with him?"

"You are all together, so I don't think about your future? Grandma is in good health now. If you have a baby, I can help you take care of it for a while."

Jiang Jiu coquettishly said, "Grandma, you will surely live a long life. You eat and drink well now, and I will definitely give you a big white and fat baby to play with in the future."

Grandma Jiang laughed, "Okay, if you don't dare to have a child because of work, don't worry about it at all. Have it if you want it, and if you don't want it, it will be two years later. You and Si Yan are still young."

"Grandma, you are so kind."

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