
Chapter 690: Did the person named Zhou have positioning installed?

Bai Yiran took out his phone directly, "Okay, I bought it."

The man was taken aback, "No, no, no, the price I said was sold to those bosses in the market. One person can't eat so much. If you really want it, I can make it cheaper."

The little boy also said, "Let's be cheaper, sister, we are cheaper."

Bai Yiran asked the other party to show the payment code, but the other party didn't want so much money and was unwilling to show it. Fortunately, Jiang Sixan had some cash and paid the money.

To Bai Yiran, being able to eat such a big fish for hundreds of dollars is much more cost-effective than those in restaurants.

"How could your child be so polite and sweet-tongued? I'm happy and happy to buy it."

The man was naturally also happy, and there were a few small fish in the bucket, which he also gave to Bai Yiran.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help asking, "You bought so much, can you finish it?"

"It's because of you."

Bai Yiran took a photo and posted it on Moments, in a good mood.

Everyone took the fish to Ye Feixiang's farmhouse and asked him to help process the fish, and they could pay for the processing fee.

But Ye Feixiang naturally wouldn't ask for anything, Jiang Siyan would be his big boss next, and Jiang Jiu was his younger brother, and introduced him to business, so how could he ask for money.

Tired from walking, Bai Yiran went back to Grandma Jiang's house to rest, and dragged his luggage there later.

When he turned on the phone, Bai Yiran's phone had already received a lot of messages.

Many people thought she had gone to some tourist attraction and commented on the beautiful scenery.

But Zhou Hang sent her a comment, [This place looks familiar. 】

Bai Yiran, [? ? ? 】

Soon, Zhou Hang sent a private message to Bai Yiran through the window, and sent a location, [I am here. 】

Bai Yiran was stunned, not expecting Zhou Hang to be near this village.

【Why are you here too? 】

[Come here to do some errands, and I just saw the Moments you posted. 】

Bai Yiran was puzzled, 【You didn't go out with my parents? 】

The chat box above Zhou Hang's head quickly changed to typing, [I heard that you were delayed by the company's affairs, so I didn't go. It just so happens that I have something to deal with here.I'm here for two days, how about you? 】

[Stay for three to five days. 】

[Then I'll go find you and treat you to a meal. 】

Jiang Jiu secretly watched Bai Yiran's chat, and then put his arms around Jiang Sixan's neck, forcing him to bend down in cooperation.

"That guy named Zhou Hang, I suspect that he installed a surveillance camera on Bai Bai's body, and he even chased him to this village!"

Jiang Sixan nodded, "Yes."

Jiang Jiu was anxious, "Are you okay? Why don't you hurry up and report to Dr. Zheng!"

Jiang Sixan pushed his glasses, nodded with a smile, "Got it."

Jiang Jiu knew that there was an insurmountable gap between Bai Yiran and Zheng Yunhao, but she understood Bai Yiran, who still loved Zheng Yunhao in his heart.

And Zheng Yunhao rushed to the hospital as soon as he recovered from a serious illness in order to mend this relationship.

Jiang Jiu doesn't want to see two people who love each other go further and further apart.

This Zhou Hang has now been chased into a small village, which is naturally a very dangerous thing!
Jiang Sixan unhurriedly took out his phone and sent a message in the group, [Bai Yiran is playing with Grandma Jiujiu. 】

Zheng Yunhao replied quickly, 【You treat me well, I won't go there. 】

[Really not coming? 】

【Not going. 】

They are all over the Chinese New Year, and they don't want Bai Yiran to see him sad.

Jiang Siyan raised his eyebrows, and replied, 【The surname Zhou is also nearby, and he's here to find Bai Yiran. 】

There was silence in the air for three seconds, and then I saw Zheng Yunhao withdraw two messages, [I'll go, locate. 】

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