
Chapter 740 I Thank You 8 Generations Ancestors

"No, I'm here myself."

Wei Xueli walked in nonchalantly, sat on the chair unceremoniously, and looked at Bai Yiran, "Miss Bai, we meet again."

Bai Yiran naturally didn't have a good face towards him, "Yeah, it's like a dog-skin plaster, you can't even shake it off."

The man's face changed slightly, with a bit of ruthlessness, "Bai Yiran, I advise you not to be ignorant of compliments. I am here this time to cooperate with you."

Bai Yiran leaned on the back of the chair, put his hands on the table, and intertwined his fingers, "Cooperation?"

"Of course. How much can you accomplish as a woman? Why don't you stay with me? I can guarantee that the Bai family will become bigger and stronger!"

Bai Yiran raised his eyebrows and said to his assistant, "Go make a cup of coffee and come in."

The assistant nodded and left.

Wei Xueli thought that Bai Yiran was interested, so he continued, "Miss Bai, what do you think a woman does running such a big company, anyway, she wants to get married and have children, and take care of her husband at home.

Get acquainted, don't say I won't help you, I can let you be my wife, and you can get dividends from the company without working at home. I will work harder on the affairs of the Bai Group and help you take care of it. How about it? It's good enough for you, other women don't treat you like this. "

Bai Yiran nodded, and nodded very seriously, "I thank you eight generations of ancestors."

Wei Xueli slammed the table, "Bai Yiran, what do you mean!"

Bai Yiran smiled, leaned on the back of the chair and stretched out his hand to pat him, "Of course I am sincerely grateful. Thank you for taking care of my thoughts. Not only did you want to take away my company with nothing, but you also wanted to take away my company." You want me to go home to wash, cook, and serve you. Your idea is really stupid. If I don’t applaud you, I’m sorry for the two pounds of meat on your neck.”

Wei Xueli saw that he had been refuted on the spot, and stood up angrily in an instant, "Bai Yiran, don't be shameless! It's your blessing that I can like you in eight lifetimes!"

"Oh, what brand of plastic bag do you hold so well?"

"Can you say that again!"

"Why, can't you hear me clearly? I'll engrave it on your monument later."

Wei Xueli was so angry that his blood rose instantly, he rushed up and grabbed Bai Yiran by the collar, "Don't think I dare not hit a woman!"

Here, the assistant just came in with coffee and was shocked when he saw this situation.

"Come on, someone has been beaten!"

In an instant, the male colleagues in the office stood up and ran towards the office.

The next second, a scream came from the office, and Wei Xueli was thrown out by Bai Yiran's shoulder, falling heavily to the ground.

Bai Yiran looked at him condescendingly, "Don't think that women are easy to bully, when my old lady turns into a swan, you are still an egg. Get lost!"

Wei Xueli held his waist, glared at Bai Yiran fiercely, walked to the door, only to find that the door was full of people surrounding him, and said sternly, "What are you looking at, get out of the way!"

A group of male colleagues looked at him with gloomy expressions and refused to let him go, as if they would take action in the next second.

After all, this is Bai Yiran's territory, Wei Xueli didn't dare to act wildly, so he could only look at Bai Yiran, "Boss Bai, I offended just now."

Bai Yiran waved his hand, and the male colleagues got out of the way.

Watching Wei Xueli leave, Bai Yiran was in a good mood, "Everyone, you can order whatever you want for afternoon tea. I'll treat you!"

"Boss atmosphere!"

"The boss is mighty!"

"Okay, okay, let's go."

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