
Chapter 810 She is ignorant

But the exact reason remains to be seen.

The police also conducted an autopsy on Cao Jiajun, but the specific data has not been released yet.

Jiang Jiu and others thanked Wu Kai and then set off to the TV station.

"We will interview Cao Jiahao again tomorrow."

Ruan Yuan and Zhen Jingshan nodded, "No problem!"

After editing all the interviews, it was getting late, so Jiang Jiu packed up and got ready to get off work.

She had just gotten into the car when suddenly, someone knocked on the car window.

Jiang Jiu was surprised, but still lowered the car window halfway, "What's wrong?"

The man had short hair and a ruthless smile. He handed over a travel bag and said, "You are Reporter Jiang. Our boss likes the news you report very much and wants to make friends with you. This is a meeting gift from him."

Jiang Jiu just wanted to say no, but the other party stuffed the bag directly into her and drove away.

Jiang Jiu didn't know him, so naturally she didn't know the boss he was talking about.

The other party gave this bag, and a bad image flashed through Jiang Jiu's mind.

In a video she just watched a few days ago, someone put a bomb in such a bag.

Jiang Jiu swallowed and carefully opened the zipper, only to find that it was a bag of money.

Jiang Jiu was even more confused.

She picked up her phone and couldn't help but call Jiang Siyan, "Ayan, someone gave me a bag of money, a lot of money."

Jiang Siyan's voice was far calmer than she expected, "Is there anyone around you?"

"No, he knew who I was and said his boss liked me very much. He just threw the bag into my car and left."

"It's okay, you come back first."

Jiang Siyan's voice is always so reassuring.

Jiang Jiu started the car and took the money back.

After arriving home, Jiang Siyan was also there.He looked at a bag of money, one hundred thousand.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but said, "Tell me, it could be someone from the casino, otherwise I wouldn't be able to guess who else is there."

Jiang Siyan nodded, "It should be them."

Jiang Jiu was confused, "But why do they want to give me money?"

Jiang Siyan said, "Do you still remember what you captured? In it, the croupier was cheating.

You also said that when you went in disguised, you were followed. It is very likely that they would investigate and monitor after you went back and know it was you.

But you didn't capture anything particularly important, and you didn't broadcast the video publicly right away, so they were polite first and then attacked. "

Jiang Jiu was a little scared at this time, "How about we call the police and hand all the money to the Public Security Bureau?"

Jiang Siyan patted her shoulder, "Don't worry, if you hand it over, you need to explain the origin of the money, and the last video will definitely be involved, and things will only become more troublesome.

Since no one from the casino is causing trouble for you, this matter is not difficult to solve. "

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but ask, "So, what is the problem with that casino? Why do you and Zhai An both think that the casino is dangerous and don't let me continue to investigate?"

Jiang Siyan pulled her to sit down and massaged her arms. Her hands were tired from facing the keyboard every day.

"In the gambling towns of Shuang Cities, people from the Qi family have always monopolized the entire industry. The older generation of the Qi family started from scratch. At that time, the world was in chaos, and the old Mr. Qi was also taking advantage of both black and white.

When the current head of the Qi family took over, it was said that it was a golden basin to wash away, but how could the interests behind it be so easily given up?
As far as I know, those who offended the Qi family did not end well.

There have been incidents at this casino before, but they were suppressed.

Jiujiu, there are some things that don’t need to be said, but you should also understand that many things are not things you can get results from just thinking about them. "

Jiang Jiu had never heard of this. No wonder Jiang Siyan objected, and no wonder Zhai An also felt dangerous.

It turned out that she was ignorant.

"What now?"

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