
Chapter 814 Don’t investigate my people

Soon, they came to a coffee shop.

Jiang Jiu was worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep after drinking coffee, so she just asked for a glass of water.

But Xiao Wenjing was not worried about this problem at all and ordered a cup of coffee.

"I just saw your car, so I came here to wait for you."

Jiang Jiu looked at him with some confusion, "So, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

Xiao Wenjing paused, "How much do you know about Jiang Siyan?"

Jiang Jiu frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I know you and Jiang Siyan are lovers, but as far as I know, your original boyfriend was still Jiang Siyan's good brother, right?"

With that said, Xiao Wenjing handed over a few photos.

"There is also this person you should know, Manager Zhao of Yuanding Group. He was the capable person next to Jiang Yongyuan, but he betrayed him at the critical moment.

Do you really think he was the one who purified the revolution?It was Jiang Siyan who found his family to threaten him. "

Naturally, Jiang Jiu has seen the person in the photo. If he and Jiang Siyan hadn't cooperated at the beginning, things probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

Jiang Jiu looked at Xiao Wenjing with a vigilant expression on his face, "What do you want to say?"

"Reporter Jiang, Jiang Siyan is a very dangerous person. Keeping him by your side will only harm you!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Everything I said is true. When he approached your ex-boyfriend, it was just to get you. Don't you think such a man is scary?

He is very sophisticated and forbearing, including Manager Zhao, who uses violence to make the other party unable to resist, and uses his wife and daughter to threaten him. For such a person, he will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. play hard! "


Jiang Jiu stood up and said, "If you are just talking about this, then we have nothing to talk about."

Xiao Wenjing grabbed Jiang Jiu's arm and said, "You are a reporter. Don't you want to know what kind of dangerous person you are sleeping on the pillow? Jiang Si Yan is not as good as you think!" Jiang Jiu was also annoyed. "I don't believe him, do I believe you? You investigated the past of me and Jiang Siyan, and you started investigating the matter of Yuanding Group. Speaking of danger, Xiao Wenjing, did you have ulterior motives when you first contacted Jiang Yi?"

Xiao Wenjing laughed at himself, "Why should I investigate the past? It's because I care about you and I like you! I don't want you to be with such a terrible person every day!"

Jiang Jiu shook off the other party's hand and looked at him in disbelief.

"Let's do this for today, I'm leaving first."

"Jiang Jiu!"

Jiang Jiu looked at Xiao Wenjing, her voice polite and distant, "Thank you for liking me, but I can tell you clearly that I don't like you.

Thank you for telling me so much, but I have known Jiang Siyan for so many years, and I know what kind of person he is. I don’t want you to continue investigating my people, otherwise I will be very angry. There is no chance to have a good talk. "

Xiao Wenjing was silent for a long time and nodded, "I understand, I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you."

Jiang Jiu nodded and turned to leave, but heard Xiao Wenjing continue, "Jiang Siyan seems to have had a conflict of interest with others during this period. Those people have a good reputation and act excessively, so you should be careful."

"it is good."

After separating from Xiao Wenjing, Jiang Jiu drove home.

After pushing the door open, Jiang Siyan was still sitting in the living room, reading a magazine.

No matter how late she came home, Jiang Siyan would always be waiting for her in the living room.

Jiang Jiu felt warm in her heart, with a faint smile on her face, "You've been waiting for a long time. You can go to rest early next time. There is no need to wait for me, really."

"It's okay. I can't sleep without you here anyway."

Jiang Siyan stood up and approached, "I'm so good today, I didn't drink."

This period includes the first few days of the holiday, so there will be fewer updates. I’m really sorry, it’s time for a holiday, and I’m feeling ambitious.I will update as much as I can. It will take a while starting from October 10.3rd to 6th. I will catch up on everything I missed in the past few days, okay?

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