
Chapter 830 Do you need me to sympathize with your situation?

Bai Yiran was stunned for a moment, "Ahao?"

Zheng Yunhao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Bai Yiran with a slight smile on his face, "I made you worry."

Bai Yiran hurriedly pressed the nurse's bell. His originally calm face finally lost some composure, and his eyes turned slightly red. "Do you know how long you have been asleep? You scared me to death!"

"Feel sorry."

Bai Yiran shook his head hastily, "It's okay, as long as you're okay."

Soon, the nurse came here. Knowing that Zheng Yunhao was awake, she immediately called a doctor for examination.

"There is no problem, but the right hand still needs to be well cultivated. You must remember that it will need to be rebuilt when the time comes."

Zheng Yunhao is a doctor himself, so he quickly understood what the other person said and nodded.

Liao Fenglan also didn't expect that Bai Yiran was pregnant with twins.

While he couldn't help but accuse Zheng Yunhao, this kid didn't say anything and would not take responsibility at all.

When he saw Zheng Yunhao still lying on the hospital bed, he couldn't say any words of criticism. He just asked him to have a good rest. They would definitely take good care of Bai Yiran.

Although Zhuang Jiaxin could not accept Zheng Yunhao's family, they naturally felt sorry for their daughter, and they still brought food in different ways every day.

After all, Bai Yiran finally escaped death this time. How could they be willing to see her suffer?

The two families were harmonious for the first time.

With the addition of Zhuang Jiaxin and Liao Fenglan, Bai Yiran and Zheng Yunhao no longer lack people to take care of them.

Even Grandma Jiang goes to the hospital from time to time to deliver food to Bai Yiran and Zheng Yunhao.

Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan are going to participate in the last variety show recording.

The contract originally signed by everyone was for six episodes, but Cui Yanyan suddenly withdrew her capital and exited, leaving the program team unable to find a temporary replacement.

The program team originally planned to produce a second season immediately, and then invited Jiang Jiu and his wife and two other couples to continue to participate.

However, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan do not plan to continue participating in the second season. After all, they originally planned to participate in a few episodes and then quit. This is considered the best arrangement.In order to protect her own face, Cui Yanyan still came for the last episode, but without the arrogance of the past, she was as numb as a robot.

Although Jiang Jiu was surprised, he was not in the mood to care too much. He just thought that after two days and one night here, he would no longer have to interact with Cui Yanyan.

But she didn't expect that Cui Yanyan would be so bold during such a live broadcast, directly blocking her way and asking, "Did you ask Jiang Siyan to do it?"

Jiang Jiu glanced at her, "What do you want to say?"

"Someone deliberately released wrong news in the market, causing heavy losses to our Cui Group. Not only that, he also used illegal competition to snatch resource customers and maliciously suppressed our Cui Group... Isn't this Jiang Siyan's work?
My father and Jiang Siyan's father have a relationship after all. Jiang Siyan will definitely not target me. It must be you who is behind it! "

Jiang Jiu didn't know if Jiang Siyan did these things, but she didn't refute, but looked at Cui Yanyan calmly, "So?"

Cui Yanyan didn't seem to expect that she would say this, "What did you say?"

"I said, so what?"

Jiang Jiu looked indifferent and said, "Do you need me to sympathize with your experience?"

Previously, Cui Yanyan used her status as a sponsor to change her job, and even almost poured scalding hot oil on Jiang Jiu during the last episode of the show.

Cui Yanyan was furious, "Aren't you the one behind the scenes? Jiang Jiu, let me tell you, don't think you can suppress our company like this. From now on, you and I are at odds with each other!"
You like Jiang Siyan, right? I want to see how long Jiang Siyan's company can last! "

Jiang Jiu originally didn't want to pay attention to Cui Yanyan's provocation, but since the other party mentioned Jiang Siyan, Jiang Jiu naturally couldn't just sit idly by.

"Cui Yanyan, don't think of your ignorance as your talent and show off. If you are ugly, study more. If the Cui Group is in trouble, go help more. Don't use harsh words in front of me.

Or do you think this can bring your Cui Group back to life? "

After saying that, Jiang Jiu didn't want to say anything more to the other party, so she turned and walked downstairs.

Cui Yanyan was so angry that she stepped forward and said, "Jiang Jiu!"

Before Jiang Jiu had time to turn around, he was pushed out hard by the other party!
She was just standing at the top of the stairs, and fell down without any precautions. (End of chapter)

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