
Chapter 839 Someone wants to deal with Jiang Siyan

There were two "buzzing" sounds, and the sound of a motorcycle speeding up came from behind. Jiang Jiu subconsciously turned around to look, only to find that a man wearing a helmet was riding a motorcycle and holding a steel rod in his hand. Rush towards Jiang Jiu!

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, and the next second she was almost sure that the other party was coming towards her, so she turned around and ran away.

However, Jiang Jiu could outrun the motorcycle because of its speed and momentum, and he was about to catch up with him.

Jiang Jiu fell down unexpectedly. Seeing that the steel rod was about to fall, she subconsciously protected her head.

But the next second, she was suddenly hugged into a hug. Jiang Jiu opened her eyes in surprise, only to find that Xiao Wenjing was protecting her, and the steel rod was blocked by his arm.

When the attacker saw other people suddenly coming out, he immediately left on his motorcycle.

Jiang Jiu stood up hurriedly, "How are you?"

Sweat broke out on Xiao Wenjing's forehead, "It's okay."

This didn't look like "nothing" at all. Jiang Jiu hurriedly pulled his sleeve and found an obvious mark on his arm.

Not sure if any bones were injured, Jiang Jiu immediately said, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"It's okay, just apply some medicine."

"How is that possible? What if I hurt a bone?"

Xiao Wenjing smiled, "If you are really worried about me, then give me some medicine."

Seeing the other party's insistence, Jiang Jiu didn't know what to say, so she helped the person sit down on the road next to him, while he went to the drugstore to buy medicine.

Soon, Jiang Jiu came back with the medicine, disinfected it first, and then applied the medicine.

"Your injury will definitely swell. If the pain continues to be unbearable and does not relieve, you still need to go to the hospital to take a X-ray. Do you understand?"

Xiao Wenjing endured the pain and said, "I thought I was a hero and saved the beauty today, and I could go to your house to have a cup of tea and sit for a while."

Jiang Jiu knew that he was diverting her attention to prevent herself from being in so much pain, but this behavior was naturally unacceptable.

After all, it was Jiang Siyan's home, and it was impossible for her to bring a man back.

Jiang Jiu didn't answer. After taking the medicine, she gave him the medicine and called him a car. "You can call me if you need it. If you get hurt this time, I will definitely be responsible."

Xiao Wenjing was not in a hurry to go back. He grabbed Jiang Jiu's arm and said, "Are you in such a hurry to leave? I came today just to find you."


"I got the news that someone is going to deal with Jiang Siyan. They know that you are Jiang Siyan's weakness, so they came to hurt you to give Jiang Siyan a blow. During this time, you should not go out alone."

Jiang Jiu frowned slightly, "Where did you get the news? Who wants to deal with Jiang Siyan?"

Xiao Wenjing shook his head, "Don't ask these questions. The more you know, the more unsafe it will be for you."

Jiang Jiu's occupational disease broke out at this time, "Why can't you ask? Xiao Wenjing, if you are really worried about me, you should tell me the truth instead of being secretive like this.

Since you said that someone wants to deal with Jiang Siyan, or even me, to show him off, then even if you don't tell me, I will investigate it myself. "

Xiao Wenjing laughed, "You are still so serious, that's okay, I said. In fact, I was chatting with someone at the wine table, and the other person told me that someone was going to take action against Jiang Siyan.

I was worried about you, so I came to see you, but I didn't expect that I actually met you.

In fact, I have told you before that Jiang Siyan is very dangerous, and it is not unfounded. You should still pay attention. "

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