
Chapter 856 Layout

After a few minutes, Jiang Jiu calmed down and said, "You continue."

"Before, I suspected that Xiao Wenjing was deliberately approaching you. I investigated his background. It was very clean. He came from an ordinary working-class family. He graduated from a prestigious school. He joined a good company. He worked for a few years and became a manager of the company. Everything fell into place.

Until one time, I met a client, and when I was chatting with him, he was also from a prestigious university, and happened to be in the same class as Xiao Wenjing. Because of the school anniversary, he even showed me some of their outstanding students during the school anniversary. A group photo of graduates returning home.

But I found that Xiao Wenjing was not in that group photo, so I deliberately mentioned Xiao Wenjing, but the other person was very unfamiliar. However, it was also possible that there were many students at the time, and it was understandable that he did not know.

So, I asked someone to go to that school to check Xiao Wenjing's information, only to find that he did not graduate from that school at all.

This also means that his information is false.

Later, I hired someone to investigate, which confirmed my suspicion. When he approached Jiang Yi, I suspected that he did it on purpose, just for you or me. "

Jiang Jiu was a little unbelievable, but heard Jiang Siyan continue, "Jiang Yi is young and easily trusts others, so I deliberately lied and learned the place where they first met.

Later, my people discovered through surveillance that Jiang Yi had been targeted for a long time, and Xiao Wenjing had indeed approached with purpose.

He used Jiang Yi to get to know us, and we gradually got to know each other later. Including what you said before, he has been looking for you to try to provoke our relationship.

Although I don't know Xiao Wenjing's purpose of doing this, we have to guard against it. "

Jiang Jiu only felt cold in her hands and feet. She never thought that she had been living in the other party's design.

"So, what you suspect about grandma is Xiao Wenjing's doing?"

Jiang Siyan nodded, "But now I just have suspicion and no evidence. Jiujiu, the other party is constantly approaching you. I think we can take advantage of this opportunity."

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Siyan blankly, and finally nodded.

After returning, Jiang Jiu pretended to have a big quarrel with Jiang Siyan. At the same time, she contacted Xiao Wenjing and deliberately revealed that she and the other party had a big quarrel and broke up. She wanted Xiao Wenjing to give information about who was dealing with Jiang Siyan. extension.She didn't hide anything about Grandma Jiang, so Xiao Wenjing believed all this because Jiang Jiu hated her out of love.

Xiao Wenjing had set up such a big game, so Jiang Jiu naturally had to guard against it.

Therefore, only Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan knew about this matter, and no one else told it.

After all, they want everyone to know that the two people are really separated.

Xiao Wenjing will believe it only when others believe it.

Now, Jiang Jiu has moved out of Jiang Siyan's home, and has more contact with Xiao Wenjing, consciously or unconsciously.

At night, Jiang Jiu closed the curtains and searched inside and outside the house to make sure there were no bugs. The next day, she contacted someone to reinstall the network, changed the door locks, and placed an order for wiretapping detection equipment online. .

When the things arrived, Jiang Jiu searched the room carefully again to make sure there was nothing, and then she felt relieved.

Next, Jiang Jiu returned to work and investigated the affairs of Zhenglin Group.

What she did was almost blatant. She did not avoid Xiao Wenjing. She even deliberately talked about her progress when she was Xiao Wenjing's female companion.

"I just happened to follow the person in charge of Zhenglin Group in the past two days, but I found that he was on the line between the company and home every day. Do you think I made a mistake?"

Jiang Jiu was wearing a long red tube top dress with a one-line neckline today. The waist was designed to be nipped in. Her slender waist was visible at a glance. The hem of the skirt was submerged all the way to her ankles. She was naturally white, and she wore red on her bodice. There is nothing tacky about her body, but she is so beautiful that she stands out.

Jiang Jiu's long curly hair was scattered casually behind her back, and her movements were full of all kinds of charm.

But when she raised her eyes, she saw Jiang Siyan standing not far away, but she didn't expect that the other party was also here. (End of chapter)

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