
Chapter 866 Protect Yourself

Zhen Jingshan nodded. Just now, he took advantage of Jiang Jiu to attract the attention of the guards and successfully entered their VIP box that no one was allowed to enter.

The scale inside surprised Zhen Jingshan.

No wonder ordinary people don't let people in. There is a small box inside, very close to each other. There are wine girls in sexy clothes selling drinks into the box.

These boxes have no doors, just a veil, so you can enter at will.

When someone buys wine, the wine girl will perform a sexy dance, and the other person will give a good tip.

Zhen Jingshan pretended to be a guest and sat on one side. Unexpectedly, a wine girl came in.

He stood up immediately, but was still entangled. Fortunately, he was eloquent and the other party had no suspicion and was anxious to go to another place to do business.

It's easy to get in, but getting out is a problem. There's still someone guarding the door.

At this moment, something must have happened not far away. Many bar security guards went there, and some even brought weapons.

At that time, Zhen Jingshan guessed that something must have happened to Jiang Jiu and the others, so he took advantage of the chaos and left without the guards paying much attention.

However, when Zhen Jingshan came out, he found that the police had not arrived yet and did not dare to leave.

When Wu Kai and others arrived later, they were stopped by Boss Liu, so he pressed the fire alarm directly to create chaos.

This time, the three people went in with pinhole cameras. Although the content captured was illegal, they did break the law. We will see how much of the captured content can be used.

Jiang Jiu said to Zhen Jingshan and Ruan Yuan, "You go back and rest first. I'll be here to watch."


"It's okay. This is a hospital. I can sleep anywhere. Besides, Weiwei is a girl. Even if something happens, you can't help. It's inconvenient. Just go back."

Jiang Jiu kept urging them to go back first, and then Zhen Jingshan and Ruan Yuan agreed.

Jiang Jiu bought herself a cup of hot cocoa and drank some, and the fear just now disappeared a lot.

It was the first time I hit someone so desperately, my arms hurt.

Fortunately, everything was okay, otherwise Jiang Jiu wouldn't know what to do.

Sun Weiwei slept in a double ward. There was no one in the next ward and it was empty. Jiang Jiu lay down and could sleep for the night.I took out my phone and thought about it, but still didn't send a message to Jiang Siyan.

After all, there is nothing you can do except make the other person worry.

Thinking like this, Jiang Jiu fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, Jiang Jiu woke up before six o'clock due to the sound in the corridor.

She opened her eyes and looked at the snow-white ceiling for a moment, not knowing what night it was.

When she came to her senses, she found that Sun Weiwei was no longer on the bed next to her. She was so frightened that she stood up in a hurry, "Weiwei!"

Jiang Jiu got up and rushed out of the ward, and saw a figure running over not far away, "Sister, I'm here!"

Jiang Jiu looked at the breakfast in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief, "Why did you go buy breakfast by yourself? When did you get up?"

Sun Weiwei smiled sheepishly, "I just woke up not long ago. I know you worked hard last night and I saw it, so I thought about buying you some breakfast."

Jiang Jiula was brought back to the ward, "The doctor said you can be discharged from the hospital when you wake up. Those people were all arrested last night. I will accompany you to the police station to record a statement later."

Sun Weiwei nodded, "Sister, thank you."

"What are we talking about? Thank you. Besides, no matter who I saw last night, I would go to save them. But you, why did you end up in that place? You are not allowed to go into these places at your age, do you know?"

Sun Weiwei nodded guiltily, "I was just curious. My friend said it was very lively and the music was dynamic and could relax the study pressure, so I went."

"and after?"

"Someone bought my classmate two drinks. I saw her drink and I drank too. Later I found that I couldn't move my whole body and was taken to the box. In fact, I was still conscious but couldn't move. Fortunately, you guys came later. .”

Thinking about it now, Sun Weiwei was still scared.

"You have to know that whenever the country issues relevant regulations and does not allow you children to enter a place, it is to protect you. This is a lesson learned from how many people suffered injuries, bloodshed and tears, and these regulations are now in place.

It is a good thing to be curious and explore your heart, but the first thing is to protect yourself. "

Sun Weiwei nodded repeatedly, "I understand, sister."

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