
Chapter 889 I saw him

Just when Ge Hongcheng was about to take Jiang Jiu away, a man's voice came from not far away, "Hey, what are you doing!"

Ge Hongcheng stood up immediately, lowered the brim of his hat and left in a hurry.

After all, he is still wanted and wants to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.


When the man saw him leaving in a hurry, there was still a woman lying on the ground. He immediately guessed that there was something wrong with the man and immediately shouted, "How can you beat someone so easily!"

At this time, Zhen Jingshan, who had been sitting in the car waiting for Jiang Jiu to come back, had not left yet.

Seeing that Jiang Jiu never came back, I was just about to send a message to ask what happened, but I heard a noise from the underground parking lot.

The basement was relatively empty and the sound traveled farther. Zhen Jingshan came out when he heard the sound.

As a result, I saw a person lying not far away, and a man was holding a phone and talking anxiously.

"Jiang Jiu!"


Jiang Jiu woke up again and found that she was in the hospital. Bai Yiran and Zheng Yunhao were both there. Zhen Jingshan also sat anxiously on one side, "Are you awake?"

Jiang Jiu stood up slightly, but the severe pain in her abdomen made her lie on the bed.

Bai Yiran said immediately, "Don't move, be careful. I just did an examination and they said your abdomen was injured. Be careful to pull the muscles."

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but said, "Why are you here?"

"Ahao came back to work today, and I came with him for a prenatal check-up. I happened to hear the news that you were admitted to the hospital, so I came over to take a look."

Seeing Jiang Jiu like this, Bai Yiran couldn't help but said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"How did I come to the hospital?"

Zhen Jingshan finally spoke, "I was waiting for you in the car. I heard someone calling from behind, so I went over to take a look, and I saw you lying on the ground."

Jiang Jiu stood up in a hurry, frowning in pain, but still asked, "Did you see the person who hit me? He was wearing a black or maybe a dark gray jacket, a tall man!"

The light in the basement was a little dim, and Jiang Jiu couldn't tell the color of the clothes the other party was wearing before he was knocked unconscious.Zhen Jingshan shook his head, "I didn't see it, but the person who called the police might have seen it. I heard him say that he saw a tall man attacking you, but when he yelled, the man ran away."

"Where are the police? Where are they?"

Seeing Jiang Jiu being so excited, Bai Yiran couldn't help but say, "Don't be anxious yet. They see you are unconscious and plan to come back when you wake up."

Jiang Jiu immediately picked up the mobile phone on the table, "I'll call Wu Kai!"

Seeing Jiang Jiu looking so excited, Bai Yiran didn't stop him.

"Officer Wu Kai, I saw him, Ge Hongcheng."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.

Ten minutes later, Wu Kai led someone to the ward.

Jiang Jiu told everything he had just seen, including what happened when he went to look for Ge Hongcheng and was attacked.

Wu Kai immediately asked people to investigate the Haochi Group, and at the same time looked for the parking lot surveillance and the other party's discarded clothes.

When Jiang Jiu thought of Ge Hongcheng, her voice trembled, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

The murderer appeared again. This time, Jiang Jiu couldn't let him escape at any cost.

Bai Yiran was frightened when he heard that. Ge Hongcheng was such a dangerous person. If Jiang Jiu hadn't been lucky this time and met a passerby to help him, the consequences might have been different.

By the time they cooperated with Wu Kai to prepare the record, Zhen Jingshan and Zheng Yunhao had already left.

Bai Yiran explained, "Ahao's surgery is about to start, so I went to prepare. Your colleague just received a call and the desk urged him to go back, so I asked him to leave first. You have a good rest, I'm here to accompany you." you."

Looking at Bai Yiran's figure, Jiang Jiu moved to the side and said, "Come up too, sit for a while and rest."

Bai Yiran shook his head and pretended to be mysterious, "I won't sit down anymore. My prenatal check-up is not over yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man opened the door and came in.

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