
Chapter 895 Shopping malls are like battlefields

After get off work in the evening, Xiao Wenjing and Jiang Jiu made an appointment at a restaurant.

Xiao Wenjing handed her a drink and said, "Why did you suddenly change your mind? I thought you didn't want to do this kind of thing."

Jiang Jiu took a sip of the drink and smiled bitterly, "Because I didn't believe what you said before, but now I believe it. You know, the last time I went to do an exclusive interview with Haochi Group, I met the person who killed my grandma. "

Xiao Wenjing paused, "Really?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I recognized that man even when he turned into ashes. I happened to meet him when I got out of the elevator that day, and he also noticed me. He originally wanted to attack me, but fortunately there were passers-by around, so I was fine.

After I called the police, I heard that Mei Xuyao ​​had been taken away for investigation, and it was already on the news.

I think you are right. Now that I have finally caught Mei Xuyao, I must hurry up and provide evidence so that I can catch them all. "

Xiao Wenjing calmly took a sip of wine and said, "Okay, take this USB flash drive. It has an anti-tracking Trojan on it, so no one will find out that you have copied data."

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I understand."

The reason why Jiang Jiu told him about Ge Hongcheng was to lower Xiao Wenjing's vigilance and let him know that he really wanted to find evidence from Jiang Siyan.

In fact, Jiang Jiu couldn't hide Mei Xuyao's matter even if he wanted to. After all, the media had already reported on it.

It would be better for Jiang Jiu to take the initiative to tell the story about Mei Xuyao ​​as a "surrender", so that Xiao Wenjing really thinks that Jiang Jiu now believes him and is willing to be honest with him about everything.

Jiang Jiu took the USB flash drive and put it in her bag.

Xiao Wenjing said, "What are you going to do?"

"I have a cat, and it's still at Jiang Siyan's place. I'll take the cat away. It won't be difficult to enter his house this way."

Xiao Wenjing smiled and raised his cup, "I wish you success."

Jiang Jiu suddenly looked at him, "Are you really sure that all the illegal cooperation contents of Haochi Group are in Jiang Siyan's computer?"

Xiao Wenjing did not say it directly, but changed his words to a euphemistic way, "You also know how Haochi Group has made its fortune in recent years. He gave many tempting conditions to Laisheng Group. To be precise, not only Just Laisheng Group.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. How can it be as peaceful as it seems on the surface?These words were also what I overheard when Haochi Group had a deal with my company before. Therefore, if you really want to let Haochi Group in, this is the only way. "

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Understood."

Xiao Wenjingka's fingertips tapped the table casually. At this moment, a child holding ice cream suddenly ran over and bumped into Jiang Jiu. The ice cream fell directly on Jiang Jiu's clothes.

The child's mother hurried over and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll compensate you for this dress!"

The child was also pressed on the head by his mother to apologize, which made him a little big.

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "It doesn't matter, no compensation is required, and it's not expensive clothes."

After the mother and son left, Jiang Jiu said to Xiao Wenjing, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"it is good."

After Jiang Jiu left, Xiao Wenjing's eyes fell on Jiang Jiu's bag.


Jiang Jiu went to the bathroom, took some water with a paper towel, and gently wiped the mark.

It's okay. The ice cream didn't leave any obvious traces. It won't be a big problem if I go back and wash it with water.

After Jiang Jiu finished tidying up, she returned to the restaurant.

The two of them continued eating and then left.

She took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Siyan, "Are you at home? I have something to ask you."

"it is good."

After getting the reply, Jiang Jiu set off to Jiang Siyan's home. (End of chapter)

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