
Chapter 897 You have something to hide from me

"I've taken a shower, go ahead."

Jiang Siyan raised the medicine box in his hand and asked her, "When did you start taking these medicines and how long have you been taking them?"

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment and said immediately, "These are my vitamins. You also know that my job requires me to stay up late. I definitely need to supplement more vitamins to have a better body."

Jiang Siyan obviously didn't believe it. He opened one of the small compartments, poured the medicine into his palm, and pretended to swallow it.

Jiang Jiu panicked and hurriedly stopped her, "You're crazy! What are you doing!"

Jiang Siyan's expression was serious, "Didn't you say vitamins? Then there's no problem if I take them, right?"

Jiang Jiu looked a little panicked, "This, this is for women, men can't eat it."

"You must be hiding something from me, Jiujiu."

Jiang Siyan looked at him and said word by word, "You no longer host "Small Town Story". I asked someone to call and inquire, and then I found out that you were transferred to the job of interviewing reporters, and it was your request.

Why don't you stop being a host, why do you take these medicines, and why do you hide it from me! "

Jiang Jiu pursed her lips and said nothing.

"The last time you were hospitalized, it was said that you suddenly fainted due to excitement in the restaurant, but you have never had this problem. I privately asked someone to obtain the surveillance of the restaurant that day. It was clear that everything was fine with you until someone knocked you over. Tomato juice.

Jiujiu, tell me, what’s wrong with you! "

A smile appeared on Jiang Jiu's face, "Ayan, you are thinking too much. I just want to add some vitamins, so don't think too much."

The man's eyes were so sharp that Jiang Jiu didn't dare to look at her.

Jiang Siyan smiled lightly and suddenly took the medicine in his hand.


Jiang Siyan went to get water, but Jiang Jiu was very anxious and stopped him, "Ayan, vomited, vomited! I said it's not okay!"

Seeing Jiang Jiu's anxious look, Jiang Siyan finally pulled out a tissue and spit out the pills, "Go ahead, Jiujiu, I don't want you to lie."

Indeed, Jiang Siyan was very smart, and he saw everything that was wrong with Jiang Jiu. After a little more investigation, he quickly understood.

After being silent for a while, Jiang Jiu slowly spoke.

"I didn't become a host because I couldn't be a host anymore. Now when I go to the studio, I can hear the ringtone of my cell phone constantly coming from my bag, and my grandma's voice calling me. She asked me Why don’t you answer the phone?”

Jiang Siyan felt heartbroken for a moment, "Jiujiu... this is not your fault." "I know it's all the murderer's fault. I know I can't do this. I should cheer up and arrest the murderer. , I know all this to comfort my grandma’s spirit in heaven.

But, it's useless!
I told myself over and over again in my mind that grandma is gone and her voice is fake!The phone has been set to silent, and the ringtone is fake!

I even pretended not to hear and tried hard to do my hosting job, but no, Ayan, I really can’t.

That day, the entire studio was waiting for me, and I knew that I was no longer suitable to host the show, and there was no way I could step into that studio again. "

Jiang Siyan held her tightly in her arms, "It's okay, everything will be fine. I will find the best doctor for you."

The feeling of being sober and falling into the abyss like Jiang Jiu's is the most powerless and heartbreaking.

Jiang Jiu leaned into his arms, "Since I haven't gone to the studio now, the situation has gotten much better. Don't worry."

"Are you having trouble sleeping?"

Jiang Jiu didn't hide it, "Well, you guessed it."

"I see."

Jiang Jiu stood up immediately and touched his face, "No way, the dark circles under his eyes are obvious?"


Jiang Jiu immediately ran to the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes seemed really heavy, and red bloodshot eyes also appeared.

She immediately picked up the eye cream and applied a layer of it, which was better than nothing.

Jiang Siyan stood beside her, looking at her panic, and smiled slightly, "I thought you wouldn't mind."

"How is that possible! I'm already miserable because I can't sleep, okay? How can I let my inability to sleep affect my beauty again?"

Jiang Siyan smiled and said nothing, and was urged by Jiang Jiu to take a shower.

When the man entered, the smile on Jiang Jiu's face faded little by little.

She went to get the small medicine box and opened it, only to find that there were three empty boxes inside.

Strange, this medicine is for two meals a day, and she only took one meal today. Jiang Siyan just poured out one cell, where did the remaining cell go?

Could it be that he has already eaten it?
Jiang Jiu was a little confused, but didn't think too much and took the medicine anyway. (End of chapter)

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