
Chapter 899 My poor brother-in-law

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Of course, don't delay staying in bed, get up quickly."

Jiang Siyan smiled and stood up neatly, wearing only a pair of pajamas, with his upper body exposed. The man's perfect muscle lines fell in the sun, as if they were plated with a layer of gold, and his whole body exuded light, as if The gods come to earth in person.

Jiang Jiu couldn't look away, knowing that the other party had gone to the bathroom.

She made the bed briefly, then got up and waited for Jiang Siyan outside.

The man washed up quickly. When he came out, Jiang Jiu said, "I prepared Shaomai and steamed dumplings today. Ding Haizhe delivered these things to the door in the morning, which made me feel a little embarrassed. It was too much trouble for others."

Jiang Siyan nodded, "I'll give him a salary increase later."

Jiang Jiu smiled, "How about wontons?"

"as always."

The two of them finished their breakfast. Jiang Jiu was in good spirits and said, "Then leave Doug to me from today on."

Jiang Siyan nodded, "I'll carry some of Doug's things to the car for you."

"Less, I can't fit it over there."

Jiang Siyan nodded and scratched Doug's head, "Little guy, you will have to endure hardships with your mommy from today on."

Jiang Jiu picked up Doug and said, "No, I will definitely take good care of Doug!"

After leaving the house, Jiang Jiu did not dare to act too intimately.

They have been acting for so long, so naturally they dare not fall short.

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Siyan, "I'm leaving."

The man's eyes looked at her through the lenses, with restraint, "Take good care of yourself."

"I know."

Jiang Jiu got in the car and drove away. When she got home, Jiang Jiu first arranged a nest for Doug. After thinking about it, she bought a monitor from the same city order and placed it in the living room and bedroom, so that she could easily check Doug. The movement of the grid.

After all, this is a new environment, and Doug is definitely not used to it. The place is small, and it really feels aggrieved.

In addition, Jiang Jiu has to go to work now and cannot stay with him all the time. Instead, he uses surveillance to greet Doug and comfort him.The order from the same city arrived quickly, and the things to be monitored were not big. In order to prevent Doug from accidentally touching them, Jiang Jiu hid the ones in the living room on the shelf and blocked them with things, while the ones in the bedroom were placed in the bay window. The green plants next to it make it perfect for invisibility.

After dealing with all this, Jiang Jiu felt much more relieved.

Soon, Xiao Wenjingdi’s message came from the phone, [How is things going? 】

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, and she didn't intend to hand over the USB flash drive so easily, so she said, "I haven't gotten it yet. Something happened after I went back yesterday. I'll try again in two days." 】

[Okay, don't worry. 】

Jiang Jiu naturally knew that Xiao Wenjing was anxious and deliberately hung him up.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jiu called Jiang Yi, "At home?"

"Of course. It's summer vacation now. What's up? Do you want to go play?"

So many things have happened recently that Jiang Jiu even forgot that they were on summer vacation.

"No, I just thought that you are too bored at home and don't want anyone to play with?"

Jiang Yi immediately said, "Of course I want to go out and play. Lu Junhao and I have made an appointment to go traveling in two days!"

Jiang Jiu continued, "Do you know where Xiao Wenjing's home is?"

"I know, I've been there once, what's wrong?" Jiang Yi's imagination was wide open, "Sister, it's possible that you're not cheating, but that you really like him! My poor brother-in-law!"

Jiang Jiu was angry and funny, "Get out of here, what's that? I'm just asking. After all, you have a good relationship. By the way, did you find anything interesting when you went to his house last time?"

Jiang Yi became more and more suspicious of why Jiang Jiu asked, but he still answered honestly, "No, his house is big, but deserted. I went there once just to play games, and then I didn't have any fun at his house, so I didn't went."

"That's it."

Jiang Jiu asked for the address again, and then said, "I'm asking you about Xiao Wenjing, but don't tell anyone."

"I understand. You are pregnant with your second child. How could it be possible for your ex-brother-in-law, Jiang Siyan, to find out? I will definitely not tell you."

Jiang Jiu felt a sharp pain in her head, and her condition seemed to be getting worse.

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