
Chapter 907 Killing Intent

Is it hallucination again?
Jiang Jiu was not sure, Ge Hongcheng stared at her with gloomy eyes.

The surroundings seemed extremely quiet at this time. Jiang Jiu could only hear the sound of boiling water flowing down. She slowly turned around and met the man's eyes.

At this moment, a nurse saw Ge Hongcheng and asked, "Whose family member are you?"

Ge Hongcheng glared at her, stood up and left.

Jiang Jiu realized instantly that this was not an illusion!

Sure enough, this person has been following me!

Jiang Jiu immediately rushed out and shouted, "Call the police! This is a murderer!"

The nurse just now also reacted. After all, this is a confinement center. The faces of these expectant fathers all look softer. Who can stand here with a fierce look?
So she asked carefully.

Now that he heard Jiang Jiu yelling, he immediately became nervous and took out his cell phone to call the police.

Seeing that Ge Hongcheng was about to run away, Jiang Jiu rushed out with the hot water bottle in her hand.

The other party was moving very fast, and when he saw that he was about to run down the safe passage, Jiang Jiu quickly opened the hot water bottle and poured some water.

Ge Hongcheng held on to the stairs and couldn't avoid it. The back of his hand was instantly burned red. He raised his head and stared at Jiang Jiu viciously, as if he wanted to eat someone!

But Jiang Jiu was thinking about catching him. This man killed Grandma Jiang, how could she let him run away!
Ge Hongcheng did not hide, but stood coldly in front of Jiang Jiu, "It seems that you are seeking death on your own."

Jiang Jiu raised the kettle in his hand and threw it at the opponent's head, but Ge Hongcheng easily avoided it.

Jiang Jiu's eyes were scarlet, "Why did you kill my grandma? Why!"

Ge Hongcheng had a gloomy smile on his face. He turned his neck and stared at her like a snake. "Go down and ask her yourself, don't you know?"

As he spoke, the man took out his dagger.

Jiang Jiu was stunned, but fortunately the self-defense skills she had learned from Jiang Siyan came in handy, allowing her to narrowly avoid it.

However, Ge Hongcheng was strong, his movements were fierce, and he was also big. Faced with the absolute gap, Jiang Jiu found that she had no chance of winning. Soon, Jiang Jiu was pinched by his neck and pinned down on the corridor.

Ge Hongcheng looked at the back of his burned hand, unable to stop the murderous intent in his eyes.

Jiang Jiu tried to break free, but couldn't move at all.The feeling of suffocation came bit by bit, and Jiang Jiu realized that she had been careless. She should not have followed alone just now.

This person kills without blinking an eye, and cannot be considered with ordinary people's thinking.

Since Ge Hongcheng can be so bold and follow Jiang Jiu over and over again, he will definitely not be afraid of being discovered. He even has a cat-and-mouse mentality, letting Jiang Jiu see him every time, which gradually breaks down her inner defenses.

He enjoys the fear of others when they face danger, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe him as perverted.

Jiang Jiu felt like she was taking in less and less air, and bursts of white light appeared in front of her eyes.


Suddenly, Ge Hongcheng was hit hard on the head by a trash can.

Bai Yiran was just waiting in the room for Jiang Jiu to come back to make milk, but she heard someone shouting outside. When she went out to take a look, she found that all the nurses had panic expressions on their faces.

"Everyone, go in and lock the doors!"

Bai Yiran hurriedly stepped forward, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

The nurse still wanted to hide it, but Bai Yiran seemed to notice something, "Did something happen in the water room?"

As he said that, Bai Yiran was about to run over there, but with such a big belly, how could the nurse let her go to such a dangerous place? He hurriedly said, "Don't go, I heard that a murderer crawled out, and he was boiling water." Over there in the room, now he has run away and I don’t even know where he has gone!

It's too dangerous, you go in first! "

After Bai Yiran finished speaking, his expression changed. He took out his cell phone and called Jiang Jiu. As a result, Jiang Jiu's cell phone ringtone could be faintly heard in the safe passage.

"Miss Bai! Miss Bai!"

Bai Yiran immediately opened the door to the safe passage and saw Jiang Jiu being strangled by the neck downstairs.

At this time, she didn't care so much, she ran down quickly, picked up the trash can and smashed it on the opponent's head!


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