
Chapter 952 Do you believe in telepathy?

Bai Yiran glanced at Zheng Yunhao, who shook his head and couldn't continue to stimulate Jiang Jiu now.

She already had psychological problems because of what happened to Grandma Jiang. What happened to Jiang Siyan must be a huge blow to her, and they can't stimulate her now.

When walking back, Jiang Jiu gave an address, "I'm going to see Doug. He must be scared at home after being out for so long."

After hearing this, Bai Yiran asked, "Is this what you rented later?"

"No, Ayan bought it for me. The previous rental house was not safe, so he bought me a house here with its own swimming pool."

When talking about Jiang Siyan, Jiang Jiu finally showed a smile on his face, "Do you think he is stupid? His company was attacked from both sides and he lost so much money, but he didn't even blink when he knew that my place was not safe. Blink, you bought me a house here.”

Bai Yiran held Jiang Jiu's hand tightly, his face full of worry, "He really loves you."

Jiang Jiu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Bai Bai, do you believe in telepathy?"

"Believe it, this is quite possible."

"I also believe that Ayan will be fine. I will find him, I will."

The three of them came to Jiang Jiuxin's house. Bai Yiran urged Jiang Jiu to take a bath quickly, and then asked Zheng Yunhao to go to the kitchen to make ginger water. He took care of Doug, got him food, and dealt with the cat litter.

Doug actually remembered Bai Yiran and was no stranger to seeing her, so he walked around her.

Bai Yiran touched Doug's head and said, "Eat."

Jiang Jiu bought Doug a machine that automatically puts cat food, so he didn’t have to worry about Doug going hungry.

Watching Doug start eating, Bai Yiran went to the kitchen and asked if he needed help.

Zheng Yunhao just asked her to sit and rest while he went to dispose of the spoiled food in the ward and put it in a garbage bag so that he could take it out later.

Finally, Jiang Jiu finished taking a bath, and the ginger tea here was also cooked. Bai Yiran held it for Jiang Jiu to drink.

"I don't want to be hospitalized anymore. There's nothing wrong with my body."

Zheng Yunhao nodded, "No problem, but you still have to take medicine. When I go to the hospital to buy you some medicine, you can rest at home." Jiang Jiu nodded, "Thank you."

After drinking the ginger tea, Jiang Jiu opened the curtains of the room and stretched, "The weather is really nice today. You don't know. When I was at the dock early this morning, I saw a lot of seafood sellers, which were cheaper than those in the wet market. There's a lot of it, and it's fresh. If you want to eat seafood in the future, it seems you'll have to grab it."

Jiang Jiu acted as if nothing was wrong, but Bai Yiran became more and more worried because she was very familiar with Jiang Jiu.

At this time, she seemed to be suppressing all the emotions in her heart. If these emotions could not be vented, the backlash would become even greater.

"Jiujiu, you haven't had lunch yet. I'll order takeout. Can we eat some together?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Okay, just keep an eye on it."

Zheng Yunhao's phone rang. There was an emergency operation that required his intervention. Bai Yiran asked him to leave first and stayed with him.

Bai Yiran ordered a lot of things according to Jiang Jiu's appetite.

When the takeout arrived, Jiang Jiu couldn't help but tease, "Are you running a restaurant? You ordered so much?"

"You can save some of the unfinished food to reheat at night. Many things in your refrigerator are spoiled."

In fact, Bai Yiran was worried that Jiang Jiu would not have a good meal if she was not here, so he ordered more on purpose.

Bai Yiran asked, "Do you watch variety shows?"

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, "Let's watch the news."

Bai Yiran was stunned for a moment, but did not object.

If it was Jiang Jiu before, she would definitely watch some funny variety shows, or "Small Town Story". For her, news is definitely not a variety show on the dinner table.

The news only lasted half an hour, and Jiang Jiu finished reading the news of the past three days.

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