
Chapter 957 Reporter Jiang, we found him

After working at the bar for several days, everything went smoothly.

The bartender saw that she rarely spoke and looked quiet. The boxes assigned to her were all more serious ones among the regular customers. If they really encountered some troublesome guests, Lingling would help her deal with them.

They get off work late and live in the dormitory every day.

Jiang Jiu visited and found that the girls' dormitory had seven or eight people per room and was overcrowded. Some girls would not stay here at night, but would leave with the guests.

Everyone knew what he was going to do when he left, and there was no revelation.

Jiang Jiu wasn't used to living in the dormitory, so she didn't live there. She went back after get off work every day.

Lingling couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you too tired to rush back and forth so late?"

Jiang Jiu said calmly, "I'm used to it. I have a cat at home. It will be pitiful if I don't go back."

Lingling bit her cigarette and smiled, "You are right to have a cat, you really should, otherwise you will be too bored by yourself."

It turns out that there are still people who think she is boring. Jiang Jiu thinks that she is from a foreign country, and the word boring has nothing to do with her.

But now, Jiang Jiu speaks less and less, and the expression on his face becomes less and less.

There seems to be a shadow of Jiang Siyan on his body.

Jiang Jiu returned home. After a simple wash, she sat on a chair on the balcony with a glass of red wine.

Even if she takes medicine now, she can't sleep well at night. She always dreams about grandma or Jiang Siyan.

She dreamed that Jiang Siyan always looked at her with love, always peeled shrimps and fish bones for her when eating, always comforted her when she was tired, and made her happy... Originally Jiang Siyan Jiu thought that such days would last for a long time.

It has been almost two weeks, and Jiang Jiu still has no news about Jiang Siyan.

She would go to Wu Kai every two days to ask if anyone had been found, but the rescue team never found anyone.

If you can't find it again, you can only give up.

However, Jiang Jiu kept comforting herself that no news was the best news, and Jiang Siyan would definitely be fine.After drinking two glasses of red wine, Jiang Jiu hugged Jiang Siyan's pajamas and fell asleep deeply.

The next day, Jiang Jiu got up early and still went downstairs for a run. Even though her body was very resistant to exercise, she knew that now she had to eat well and drink well to maintain the best body. Only in this way would she not be in trouble. Jiang Siyan was defeated before he came back, so he would not fall down without severely punishing Xiao Wenjing.

When the exercise was over, Jiang Jiu was sweating all over. Just when she was about to go back to take a shower, she found that Wu Kai had called her.

Jiang Jiu's heart skipped a beat, and she opened her phone several times before asking, "Hello?"

"Reporter Jiang, we found a male corpse, but the body has begun to soak in water for too long..."

Jiang Jiu's mind was buzzing. For a moment, the whole world was spinning. She couldn't hear clearly what Wu Kai said on the other end of the phone.

She only felt that her legs were weak, and even the hand holding the phone was trembling.

Suddenly, an indescribable sense of oppression made her unable to stand. Jiang Jiu sat directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

It seems like I'm going to have hyperpnea again.

However, she couldn't control it.

"Reporter Jiang? Reporter Jiang, are you listening?"

Jiang Jiu followed the method Jiang Siyan taught her before, covering her mouth tightly with her hands and taking deep breaths through her nose several times before the suffocation feeling disappeared little by little.

"I'll go right now."

Jiang Jiu wanted to get up, but her legs were still weak and couldn't bear the strength.

Suddenly, a car stopped and it was Makikawa Rin.

He stepped forward and helped Jiang Jiu up, "Are you okay?"

There was no trace of blood on Jiang Jiu's face, and she shook her head, her voice trembling unbelievably, "The police just called and said that they found a man's body, but it had been soaked in the sea for too long and could not be distinguished. Now, let me recognize someone, I, I..."

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