
Chapter 960 Weakness

There was gauze on the wound, almost close to the heart.

It's no wonder that Xiao Wenjing thought he was dead.

Jiang Jiu's nose felt sore, and she couldn't help but start crying, "Does it hurt?"

"it's already over."

Jiang Jiu knew in her heart that this matter would be difficult to deal with.

Xiao Wenjing was simply bullying others too much. She would have to settle this debt with him sooner or later!

Jiang Siyan had a faint smile on his face, "Seeing you crying so sadly makes me really feel sorry for you. Be good, stop crying."

Jiang Jiu wiped her tears carelessly, then remembered that when Jiang Siyan came to see her before, he had brought over the share transfer documents.

This battle will be difficult to fight next.

Jiang Siyan said, "Don't worry, what I gave him is fake."


"Of course I knew what he wanted. Later, in order to stage a fake death scene, he did not have the opportunity to confirm anything on the spot. The largest shareholder of Laisheng Group is my uncle, but I did not transfer all the shares to him. Instead, some of it was left on Makikawa Rin.

Xiao Wenjing would definitely be wary of Makikawa Rin's identity and background, so there was nothing he could do if he found out that I had falsified the share transfer document.

And in the original Yuanding Group, my uncle and I still held the majority of the shares. Xiao Wenjing did not have absolute say in the matter. Now he is probably just an ant on the hot pot, and can only be incompetent and furious. "

Hearing what Jiang Siyan said, Jiang Jiu finally felt relieved.

Jiang Siyan continued, "During this period, after Xiao Wenjing learned that my equity transfer letter was fake, he has been looking for you everywhere."

Jiang Jiu was surprised, "I didn't even notice it."

"That's because Makawa Rin's people have been helping you secretly, and you were also following Xiao Wenjing, so you naturally missed it." Jiang Jiu didn't expect that they had done so many things secretly, and couldn't help but start to admire them.

After listening to what Jiang Siyan said, Jiang Jiu also started to talk about what happened to him during this period.

"Xiao Wenjing often goes to a bar, where I inquire for information."

"Don't go, they have been looking for you everywhere. If they find you, they will either ask you about the equity or my matters, because you are the person closest to me and my weakness. If they know that I am still alive, they will definitely deal with me again. you."

Jiang Jiu naturally knew Jiang Siyan's worries, so he nodded, "I understand."

Jiang Siyan's body did not really recover. After a while, he became sleepy. Jiang Jiu helped him lie down to rest.

Looking at the man's indifferent sleeping face, Jiang Jiu couldn't help but leaned over and gently kissed him on the lips.

After leaving the room, Jiang Jiu began to visit the villa, only to find that Makawa Rin had not left yet.

The other party helped him a lot, so Jiang Jiu naturally wanted to step forward and say thank you.

"Makawa Rin, thank you for helping Ayan and I in this matter."

The man was smoking a cigarette with a nonchalant expression, "I'm helping Ayan. He's a brother. You're his lover, so it's reasonable for me to help you. Besides, you took such good care of Ayan back then. Let's treat each other well."

Jiang Jiu had a faint smile on his face, "I still want to say thank you. Ayan is recuperating here now. Can I come over often?"

Makikawa Rin nodded, "Of course it's no problem, you can even move here, but just in case, don't go out easily after you move here. After all, if your whereabouts are discovered, then all the crimes Ayan suffered will be in vain." ”

Makikawa Rin took a deep breath from the cigarette and spoke slowly, "That bullet caused Ayan's heart to stop twice."

Jiang Jiu was startled. Jiang Siyan just said it was dangerous, but she never expected that it would be such a situation.

"Once on the operating table, and once when I almost escaped the critical stage and came back after emergency treatment."

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