
Chapter 963

Jiang Jiu's back instantly stiffened, and when he looked up, it was Ding Haizhe!
Jiang Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and walked next to him.

Ding Haizhe naturally received the news from Jiang Siyan and learned that Jiang Jiu was here. How dare he ask the boss's wife to accompany him for drinks. However, in this environment, he could only bite the bullet and protect him by his side.

Jiang Jiu guessed that Ding Haizhe had recognized him, but neither of them said anything.

Lingling, who was not far away, was originally worried that Jiang Jiu wouldn't like such an environment, but she didn't expect that she had already sat down, so she said nothing more.

Jiang Jiu followed the example of others and poured wine. Listening to their polite and false words, Xiao Wenjing just took a sip of wine silently, with no one around to serve him.

The atmosphere in the room seemed a bit charming, and the women around them were all veterans. Everyone thought that if the other party drank more, they would open more bottles of wine and make more money, so they drank without mercy.

One of the men said to Ding Haizhe, "Xiao Ding, why don't you drink? Why, the wine here still doesn't satisfy you? Or is it that the girl next to you doesn't satisfy you?"

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

Ding Haizhe also smiled, and his body faced the man, which happened to block Jiang Jiu's body. They were sitting in the corner, so Jiang Jiu's face was blocked in the shadow and could not be seen clearly.

"Brother Zhang Lei, please stop teasing me. You also know that I don't drink much outside."

Zhang Lei sneered, "Look at how cowardly you are. You were intimidated several times by someone named Lu. You are so afraid of death."

Ding Haizhe had a good temper and continued to explain with a smile, "Yes, after all, I am working for Mr. Xiao now, so he will naturally be unhappy with me."

The person named Lu mentioned by Zhang Lei was naturally Lu Feng. Jiang Siyan disappeared, but Ding Haizhe worked for Xiao Wenjing. Lu Feng naturally guessed some clues, so he threatened Ding Haizhe.

Although Jiang Jiu was not sure whether Lu Feng knew that Jiang Siyan had designed such a scheme, this matter has now become an excuse for Ding Haizhe.

Fortunately, Xiao Wenjing finally couldn't hold himself back and said, "Everyone, get out."

The men next to them all asked their female companions to go out, and Jiang Jiu also got up and left the box.

It wasn't until he came out that Jiang Jiu realized that his back was soaked.Xiao Wenjing held the wine glass and said coldly, "Why haven't I found the person I want?"

Zhang Lei immediately explained, "Boss, it's not that we are not looking for her, but that woman doesn't live in the previous villa at all. We have monitored her, and the lights have not been turned on in the room for a whole week, and no one has come in or out.

The last time I blocked her on her way to work, she was blocked by a group of people who rushed out of nowhere. Later I heard that the woman had resigned. We don’t know where she is now. "

Xiao Wenjing's eyes turned cold, and the goblet in his hand was placed heavily on the table. "No woman can find useless things!"

Ding Haizhe knew that the other party was talking about Jiang Jiu.

He took a silent sip of his wine.

Xiao Wenjing looked at Ding Haizhe again, "Do you know if Jiang Siyan has a place to live elsewhere?"

Ding Haizhe thought for a while, "I remember Jiang Jiu moved later, but I really don't know where she went. Jiang Siyan protected her very well."

Zhang Lei snorted, "No matter how well protected it is, he himself is dead. Besides, boss, I don't think you need to take the initiative to find that woman. She may want to seek revenge from you or Ding Haizhe. I Just come out obediently."

Xiao Wenjing was very vigilant, "I can't feel at ease until I see Jiang Siyan's body."

Ding Haizhe smiled faintly, "That bullet hit his heart. There was no way he would have survived."

What Zhang Lei dislikes about Ding Haizhe is that he betrayed Jiang Siyan and stood in his current position, and was even more important than him.

"So what, you were his personal secretary before, but as a result, Jiang Siyan had already transferred the equity of Laisheng Group to Lu Feng and Makikawa Rin, and our boss relied on high prices to obtain a small amount of equity from others. , there is no way to take charge of Laisheng!

Even in Yuanding Group, Lu Feng’s shares are the same as our boss’s. We’ve been working on it for a long time, but it’s not useless at all! "

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