
Chapter 965 Unreal

Fortunately, this voice was very unfamiliar, not Xiao Wenjing.

Jiang Jiu still held the cleaning tray and tools in her hands, and whispered, "I'm here to clean the box."

The man glanced at her, walked directly to the sofa, took his coat, and looked at Jiang Jiu with her head lowered and submissive, throwing away a few hundred dollars in tips, "Okay, let's continue cleaning."


When the door closed, Jiang Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in order to prevent such a situation from happening, Jiang Jiu hurriedly hid the recording pen, then quickly cleaned the box and left.

As soon as he went out, Jiang Jiu told his supervisor about his resignation. He originally came here to resign today, but he came here again because he heard the news about Xiao Wenjing.
After getting off work in the evening, Jiang Jiu hurriedly changed her clothes and went out. On the way back, Jiang Jiu turned on the recorder and listened to their movements. She was even more frightened when she learned about their plans behind them.

Jiang Jiu drove back, picked up Doug, packed some of her belongings, and went directly to the place where Jiang Siyan was recuperating.

By the time she arrived, it was already three or four in the morning.

She was very careful all the way here, for fear of being discovered.

But Jiang Siyan told her that Makawa Rin's people have been secretly protecting her, so she should be safe.

When we arrived at the villa, the nurse below said, "Mr. Jiang is already asleep."

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I know, it's okay, I'll just take a look."

After staying in the bar for so long, my body has already been stained with various smells.

Jiang Jiu put Doug in place, quickly removed his makeup, took a shower, then took out his notebook and edited the audio from last night, leaving only important clues.

It wasn't until almost six o'clock in the morning that Jiang Jiu got everything done.

Even though he didn't sleep all night, Jiang Jiu still didn't fall asleep.

She quietly got up, went to the next room, secretly opened the door a crack, and walked in gently.

Jiang Siyan is still sleeping.

Jiang Jiu lay beside his hospital bed and watched silently.

Still a little unreal.To this day, Jiang Jiu can still clearly remember the way Jiang Siyan brought people to rescue her. She can clearly see the knife piercing his lower back. She can also clearly remember the "bang" sound. Jiang Siyan's figure fell to the bottom of the sea like a falling god.

Every time he thought of this, Jiang Jiu's heart ached.

She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch but not daring to touch Jiang Siyan's face. She could only vaguely trace the outline of his face.

Suddenly, Jiang Siyan opened his eyes.

Jiang Jiu was so frightened that she hurriedly waved her hands, "I'm sorry for waking you up!"

Jiang Siyan shook his head, glanced at the time, and guessed that Jiang Jiu must not have slept well, or maybe he had not slept all night.

"What time did you come back?"

"Two or three o'clock, I brought Doug with me."

Jiang Siyan made a judgment in his mind and patted the place next to him, "Sleep for a while."

Jiang Jiu shook his head, "I'm not sleepy."

"Just think of it as sleeping with me."

Hearing what Jiang Siyan said, Jiang Jiu took off her shoes and lay down.

The bed here is naturally much larger than the hospital bed, so it's no problem for two people to lie down together.

Jiang Siyan held Jiang Jiu's hand and said, "Close your eyes."

Jiang Jiu obeyed obediently.

It was really strange to say that the warmth of the man's body came from the palm of his hand and the familiar breath was on the tip of his nose. Jiang Jiu suddenly felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep without realizing it.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Jiu stood up, but Jiang Siyan was no longer around. She felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but get up to look for Jiang Siyan, but the door was pushed open at this moment.

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