
Chapter 977 Control

Nature is really a magical place. When Jiang Jiu saw the aurora for the first time, she couldn't help but feel a little excited, "It's beautiful."

"I asked someone about it and they said you can see the Aurora from this place, so I brought you here to try your luck. It seems we have good luck."

Jiang Jiu nodded heavily.

Jiang Siyan held her hand and walked to the restaurant next to her, "Eat first, and then we can go see it after eating. Then we can drive the car closer so that you can feel it up close."

Although Jiang Jiu wanted to see the Aurora now, but faced with the temptation of delicious food and couldn't bear to leave, she still agreed.

Although Jiang Jiu had already eaten so many snacks in the car, she still had dinner for two people. Jiang Siyan was even thinking about whether he should buy some to strengthen the stomach and digest food.

Jiang Jiu secretly complained, "The food in these restaurants is exquisite, but the portions are too small. Unlike ours, where they serve a big bowl, it's really enjoyable."

Jiang Siyan smiled, "Do you still want to eat?"

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, ate another piece of pizza, and then ended the battle.

Jiang Siyan took her to chase the aurora. When they arrived at the destination, they found that there were other people present.

When Jiang Jiu heard them speaking Mandarin, she felt a sense of intimacy.

However, everyone here is wearing thick clothes, scarves and hats, so Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan are not worried about being recognized.

The tourism industry here is developing well, but now in the off-season, there are not many people. Jiang Jiu discovered that there are even tents for rent here.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but take out her phone to take pictures. When she went back, she would definitely find time to send all the photos.

It was getting late, but Jiang Jiu didn't feel sleepy at all. Originally, Jiang Siyan planned to take Jiang Jiu to stay here for one night, but Jiang Jiu still missed her cabin, so she drove back overnight.

In the past half month, Jiang Jiu has completely let herself go, focusing only on eating, drinking and having fun. A child in a restaurant spilled a portion of ketchup, and Jiang Jiu even took the initiative to help the child clean up.

During this time, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan went to two other countries. During the day, they ate and drank everywhere and visited famous tourist attractions. At night, they got entangled together and did everything in the room to make people blush. Heartbeat thing.Until he went back, Jiang Jiu was a little reluctant to leave, feeling that time passed too fast.

However, they must still go back. After all, the last thing has not yet ended.

The two of them took a plane back to Shuangcheng. It was already early in the morning. Jiang Jiu did not notify anyone, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and to prevent Xiao Wenjing's people from finding out.

The two went directly to the house they bought before. Xiao Wenjing's people hadn't investigated this place yet, so it was relatively safe.

After playing these days, she was naturally a little tired, and she needed to catch up on the jet lag. After taking a shower, Jiang Jiu lay on the bed and fell asleep unconsciously.

Jiang Siyan came to the balcony in a bathrobe, lit a cigarette, and called Makikawa Rin.

On the other end of the phone, Makawa Rin quickly picked up, "Finally, I was willing to call me."

"Screw you."

Jiang Siyan chuckled and took a puff of cigarette, "Did things go well during the half month I was away?"

Makikawa Rin leaned on the sofa with a lazy posture, "Of course it went well. Ding Haizhe gave the news that Xiao Wenjing was very cautious and delivered the goods back separately, each time a little bit, but these multiple goods are accumulated together. It's enough to make him fat.

His ambitions are getting bigger and bigger now, and it will be time to close the net next time. "

Jiang Siyan had already guessed that Xiao Wenjing would do this, so he ignored it and gave him enough sweetness first.

"How's Laisheng doing here?"

"A small number of people are ready to take action. Your uncle also suffered a man-made accident last week. His car almost crashed, but there was no danger. Now my people are protecting him 24 hours a day, so don't worry."

Jiang Siyan chatted for a few more words and learned almost everything about the past half month. Fortunately, everything was under his control.

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