
Chapter 984 Men’s Tension and Sexiness

The next day, Ruan Yuan began to hand over the materials for "Small Town Story" to Jiang Jiu during this period, including the themes they were currently preparing.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jiu said that she would no longer continue to work on the theme of "Small Town Story".

Ruan Yuan was very surprised, "Teacher, what happened?"

Jiang Jiu explained, "You will still be responsible for "Small Town Story" next. I plan to try other channels."

Ruan Yuan was curious, "What kind of show is it?"

"Not sure yet, let's see if I can handle the Twin Cities News."

Ruan Yuan's eyes widened, "Really? Teacher, that's so congratulations to you!"

Jiang Jiu smiled and said, "Let's wait until I can really successfully host this show."

"Twin Cities News" is a live broadcast program. The program lasts for half an hour. During this half hour, relevant news needs to be reported, so it is definitely not good.

Jiang Jiu still felt a little stressed. After all, "Small Town Story" was a recorded broadcast. When she was in bad condition, she could re-record a few times. However, this time it was a live broadcast and she could not re-record.

If one mistake was made, Jiang Jiu would face complete failure.

But Ruan Yuan had great confidence in Jiang Jiu and expressed that he would celebrate her.

Zhen Jingshan also said that there was definitely a need to celebrate, but Jiang Jiu was stubborn. The three of them found a small restaurant during lunch and had a simple meal without ordering wine.

Zhen Jingshan drank the drink and it felt like foreign wine, "Come on, give us one of the Iron Triangles!"

Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan also raised their glasses at the same time, and everyone clinked glasses with each other.

Zhen Jingshan took a sip and couldn't help but say, "Actually, I still miss the days when the three of us went out to find news together, disguised and sneaky, sometimes very dangerous, but every time the news was broadcast, it caused a sensation. I feel happy when I see justice being upheld and when the victim's violated interests are known to everyone.

Who didn’t dream of being a hero when they were young? I still have it now. When I was young, I was a war correspondent. Now that I’m older, I’m pretty good at doing interviews. "

Ruan Yuan also nodded, "I was busy at that time, but also happy. Especially when I saw the ratings reaching the first place, nothing can really replace that mood."

In fact, Jiang Jiu felt the same way.

When your serious work is seen by more people, when those in need look at you with pleading eyes, and finally have a smile on your face, this is indeed greater than the work itself.Jiang Jiu said, "We are all still in the same TV station. If we have the opportunity in the future, we will definitely do news together."

"Yes, cheers!"


After eating, Jiang Jiu also felt an unprecedented energy.

She sorted out the information and checked the usage hours of the studio. It happened that there was an hour tonight when no one was using the studio, so Jiang Jiu took advantage of this time and went in with the manuscript to give a demonstration.

After entering, the studio was empty. Jiang Jiu turned on the lights and found that her mood was not as heavy as before.

She finished reading the manuscript smoothly and nothing happened.

However, after two days it would be time to actually host the show. Jiang Jiu secretly encouraged herself that everything would be fine.

When I got home in the evening, Jiang Siyan was busy in the kitchen.

He was wearing home clothes, and compared to his usual suits and ties, he looked much more noble and soft.

The man tied his apron around his waist. Viewed from behind, he had a slim waist and broad shoulders. He had a perfect inverted triangle figure.

His sleeves were pulled up to his elbows, revealing his strong forearms. With his movements, the veins on his arms bulged slightly, showing the tension and sexiness of a man.

Jiang Jiu trotted forward and hugged Jiang Siyan from behind, "What delicious food is our Ayan making?"

Jiang Siyan naturally knew that she was coming and smiled, "I made salt and pepper shrimps and steamed hairy crabs for you. There is also bone soup stewed in the pot, plus two vegetarian dishes. Do you like it?"

Jiang Jiu felt hungry all of a sudden, and the kitchen was filled with the aroma of bone soup, which made people salivate.


"Then wash your hands and prepare to eat."

"Okay, long live Ayan!"

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