
Chapter 993 As expected of Brother Jing


Xiao Wenjing sat on one side with a gloomy face, and in front of him sat eight people, all buyers of this batch of goods.

Wan Caijie bit his cigar with dissatisfaction in his eyes, "Boss Xiao, this matter has been going on for so long. Shouldn't you give us an explanation? We paid the deposit, but we didn't see the goods anywhere. ah!"

Zhuang Lianwen also nodded, "Yes, we are all in business, and the most important thing is integrity. Boss Xiao will definitely give us an explanation this time."

Xiao Wenjing said coldly, "The goods are now being robbed by people. There is nothing we can do about it. Even if we need to adjust the goods, it will take time."

Wan Caijie took a deep breath of his cigar and sneered, "Who knows whether this is being hacked or not? It's all a matter of Boss Xiao's words. It's also something we have to deal with. The key is that we also communicate with our subordinates." The time has been agreed upon, it’s not that we are making things difficult for you, we are forced to do so!”

Xiao Wenjing looked at him, "Then what do you want to do?"

Wan Caijie's eyes were a bit cold and a bit cunning, "What we want is very simple. Just pay ten times the liquidated damages. Of course, from now on, we will take over the goods directly and give you [-]% of the goods." One profit.”

Zhang Lei had already fled back to Myanmar. Knowing that Gao Heguang had betrayed him, he was so angry that he beat him up.

I didn't expect to meet such a person who made matters worse here again. He said angrily, "You are really a lion. It's clearly not time yet. Why should you pay liquidated damages? Moreover, this transportation route is our brother's." I chewed it off bit by bit, why should I give it to you!"

Wan Caijie smiled coldly, "It is true that the time for breach of contract has not yet come, but the goods are indeed missing. Can you prepare so many goods in such a short period of time?
Can't find it or is it just nonsense?
Besides, you can do nothing from now on and just sit and collect money. This is a great thing! "

Xiao Wenjing raised his eyes and glanced at Wan Caijie, "It is indeed a great thing."

After saying that, Xiao Wenjing suddenly had a murderous intention in his eyes, took out his pistol and pointed it directly at Wan Caijie's head.

Wan Caijie was not afraid, and said coldly, "Why, you still dare to kill me!"

With a "bang", a bloody hole appeared on Wan Caijie's head, and his plump body instantly fell on the table, making no sound.Xiao Wenjing stood up, put his hands on the table, and glanced at the other seven people present one by one.

"It's not time for delivery yet, so we'll handle it how we want it to be handled then. But if someone dares to betray their trust, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The remaining seven people, including Zhuang Lianwen, did not dare to say anything more. After all, they were at the border with Myanmar and it was chaotic. Sometimes a bullet could make you disappear without anyone noticing.

After all seven people were sent away, Zhang Lei was still cursing, "These sons of bitches have gone too far. They dare to use this incident to step on our heads directly. We should kill them all!"

Xiao Wenjing smoked silently and said nothing.

Ding Haizhe stood on one side, and he became more and more aware that Xiao Wenjing was becoming more and more ruthless.

Zhang Lei couldn't help but ask, "Brother Jing, what should we do next?"

"We will snatch that batch of goods back no matter how they were stolen. Those people who robbed our goods will definitely take action, and they are not afraid of finding the person behind them."

Xiao Wenjing has sent people to investigate Mr. Liang, who was colluding with Gao Heguang, but according to the feedback from those people, the so-called Mr. Liang did not get the goods.

Now Xiao Wenjing's main suspicion is Lu Feng.

Zhang Lei was a little worried, "Brother Jing, will there not be enough time?"

"Of course it's not enough. I didn't say we'd grab this batch of goods now. We can grab other people's. Wan Caijie bought a batch of goods with the people above us at a high price and gave them a sweet spot. In this way, we can grab them in the future. They can bypass us, and now that he is dead, the goods will naturally be ours."

Zhang Lei was delighted, "As expected of Brother Jing!"

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