
Chapter 999 Chapter 1002: Provoking the Bai Family and the Zheng Family

The nanny quickly held Babao in her arms and shouted loudly, "Grab the child! Help! Grasp the child!"

Bai Yiran's expression changed instantly when he heard this, and he hurried over, "Where's Qixi!"

The nanny said anxiously, "Just now, a man suddenly hugged Qixi and ran away. Miss Jiang went after him!"

Bai Yiran looked anxious and said to Xie Xinghui, "Xie Xinghui, you stay here with Babao, I will chase him!"

Although Xie Xinghui was anxious, she rushed out to take a look, but now she couldn't leave the nanny and Babao here, so she could only protect the nanny and Babao first.

Jiang Jiu rushed out and saw the man running out with Qixi in his arms.

"Everyone, please help, someone is robbing the child! Help me!"

Someone in the crowd reacted and blocked the opponent's way, but unexpectedly, this person actually took out a dagger!
When the other party didn't dare to move, the man continued to run away.

Jiang Jiu was about to catch up with him, but unexpectedly the other person continued running, so Jiang Jiu could only use all her strength to keep up.

Fortunately, she had been running in the morning during this period, otherwise she would not be able to keep up.

Seeing the other party getting into the van with Qixi, Jiang Jiu grabbed the door and rushed forward to grab Qibao. Unexpectedly, the other party took out a knife and put it at Jiang Jiu's neck, saying coldly, "Don't move!"

Seeing their fierce looks, Jiang Jiu did not dare to act rashly, "What do you want to do? Give me the child back!"

Seeing the person who snatched the child just now sneered, he actually grabbed Qibao and was about to throw it out!
Jiang Jiu's eyes widened and he hurriedly went to grab it, but he heard the other party threaten him in a cold voice, "If you dare to move again, this child will not survive. Drive quickly!"

Jiang Jiu had just put half of her body outside to prevent them from driving away easily, but now, she did not dare to act rashly, after all, Qixi was still in their hands.

The car started quickly, and Bai Yiran could only watch Jiang Jiu and Qibao being taken away.Bai Yiran's mind was in confusion. She hurriedly looked around, found her car, and chased after her. At the same time, she called Zheng Yunhao, "Ahao, Qixi was robbed, and Babao is still there." Stay with Xie Xinghui and the others in the mall, send someone to pick them up immediately!"

Even after so many years of struggling in the mall, Bai Yiran still felt trembling all over and couldn't calm down when encountering this incident.

Zheng Yunhao listened to her trembling voice and said immediately, "Okay, I'll go right away. Where are you now, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I followed the car. In order to chase Qibao, Jiang Jiu also got into the kidnapper's car."

Bai Yiran said the license plate number and his address.

Zheng Yunhao asked her not to hang up the phone and went to meet her immediately. At the same time, he took out his backup phone and called Bai Chuanting and asked him to pick up Babao and take him home.

After Bai Chuanting learned about it, he immediately drove to the mall and took away the nanny and Xie Xinghui.

The nanny was obviously frightened, and couldn't help but worry, "What should I do with Qixi?"

Xie Xinghui wanted to call Rin Makawa, but the other party was working abroad during this period and couldn't leave at all. Even if he could help, it was impossible to save the fire from afar, so he couldn't help but become anxious for a moment.

Bai Chuanting was much calmer than they thought, "Qixi will be fine."

The Bai family is not an unknown junior. After living in the Shuang Cities for so many years, they naturally have some tricks.

Although Zheng Yunhao is a doctor, he is still the brother of Makawa Rin and Jiang Siyan. How could his family not have some strength?

The kidnappers this time don't have eyesight. It's not good to offend anyone. If they offend the Bai family and the Zheng family, they will be the only ones who suffer! (End of chapter)

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