Chapter 111 Five Fire Village (Nineteen)
The movements of Qingxi and Tao Jiang suddenly stopped following the scholar's words: "What did you say?!"

Xiucai looked through Qingxi and Tao Jiang, and looked at the altar not far away. At this time, the altar seemed to be shaking slightly. Xiucai suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. After he finished speaking, he was killed right away. The connection between the talisman and the talisman was far less close than that of the law. The poison on his body may have limited impact on Qingxi: "If so-and-so dies, she will never appear again. Don't come, I never lie to people about things that matter to my family and life."

Every muscle on Qingxi's face seemed to have lost the ability to express emotions, and scenes from Yucheng once again resurfaced before her eyes.

At that time, after hearing the loud noise in Yucheng, she ran towards Yucheng from the numerous checkpoints. When she reached the first checkpoint, she found that the spirit horse had already run away. Return to Yucheng.

When she returned to Yucheng, what she saw was...

A dead silence.

She traveled to every corner of Yucheng, rummaged through every piece of short film ruins in Yucheng, but she never found even a soul of a person, and countless empty bodies were lying on the ground, still maintaining the last movement before death .

The hawker next to the noodle stall was still holding his chopsticks when he fell to the ground, and the noodle bowl of the diner next to him was upside down next to his face.

Qing Xi doesn't remember how she found the bodies of her senior brothers and sisters, nor how she returned to Fu Mo Sect, but only remembers that when she woke up, Qing Yuan was sitting beside her bed, unable to hide his sadness, Both eyes are red.

Not only Qingyuan, but also Qingxi has never been able to get out of the Yucheng tragedy, and this time, she will lose Xu Qing again.

"Senior Sister...Senior Sister! Be sober!" Tao Jiang's attention was always on Qingxi. At this time, Qingxi's state was obviously not right. Her eyes were red, obviously being controlled by a demon.

Qingxi's actions were extremely fast. Tao Jiang originally wanted to control Qingxi and mark Qingxi with a seal of freshness to suppress Qingxi's demons, but Qingxi's cultivation was higher than his, and his speed was faster than him, almost In an instant, Qingxi was in front of Xiucai. During the surge of spiritual energy, Xiucai was pressed down hard on the ground by the huge spiritual pressure, and even pressed the hard ground out of a deep pit.

"Do you think that I can't cure you? I have more ways to make your life worse than death." Qingxi's eyes were red, obviously losing his mind. "If I can't save the soul of my junior sister, I will kill you and you." All of this altar will be buried with her!"

Xiucai was suppressed by Qingxi, unable to move at all. After a long time, Qingxi took Xiucai out of the mud and stuck a mantra on his forehead: "Say, how to release her soul!"

"...When the altar is opened, her soul will naturally come out..." Xiucai was carried in mid-air by Qingxi, seemingly without the conceit and arrogance in the mansion, succumbing to Qingxi's pressure, and bowed down Proud head.

The talisman on his head flashed a red light, and Xiucai lied to Qingxi.

Qingxi clenched her hands into fists. Her condition was very bad. The aura on her body was chaotic and violent, so that Tao Jiang, whose cultivation was weaker than her, couldn't get close to her at all: "Senior Sister! Calm down, Senior Sister!"

"Xiangu, you can't kill XX," said the scholar who had been bowing his head at this time, "Xiangu told XX that if XX died, Xiangu's junior sisters would never come out again. Not only that, thousands of people in Wuhuo Village under the mountain All the people are going to die, I don't know if the fairy girl can pay back this debt."

The mantra on the scholar's head flashed a white light, this time, what he said was true.

"It's you who have to pay off the debt, not me," Qingxi flashed the magic talisman in his hand, and almost instantly stuck it to Xiucai's right arm, and Xiucai's right arm disappeared immediately. Imitating Xiucai's tone, he said, "Even if you are not afraid of death , I also feel that the young master will be afraid of pain."

"Ah!" The scholar suddenly let out a scream, and his face turned pale in an instant, "You famous and decent families, why do you use such methods!"

Qingxi knows too well what Xiucai cares about, and Xiucai also knows what she Qingxi cares about. Xiucai wants to delay the time and revive the things in the altar. Few, and finally reduced to no one available.

But even though his cultivation level is low, he is very cunning, and he insisted on avoiding it all these years, just because of this altar that cannot be hidden at all. For this reason, he never went to the front of the stage, so he did not hesitate to use himself as bait and the tens of thousands of people in Wuhuo Village as threats .

But Qingxi can't let this altar be opened. Once it is opened, not only Xu Qing's soul, but even dozens of villages around here will be destroyed in this catastrophe. Xu Qing's soul cannot be rescued... …

Qingxi closed her eyes, she wanted to try again...

If it doesn't work,
She will definitely take care of the overall situation.

Qingxi stuck another talisman on Xiucai's left arm.

Xiucai trembled uncontrollably, they all knew that this was their last chance.

"I'll ask you again, are you letting go or not?"

Xiucai looked at Qingxi, who was even crazier, and then at Tao Jiang, who was completely frightened behind her, and suddenly laughed, and suddenly changed the subject: "Xiangu, you scared your friend, Xiangu won't go Coax?"

Qingxi didn't waver at all, as she clenched a fist with one hand, after a muffled bang, Xiucai's other arm disappeared completely.

This time, the scholar's face was as pale as paper, and he couldn't stop shaking.

Qingxi threw Xiucai on the ground like throwing rubbish, fixed Xiucai on the ground with a talisman, and stopped the bleeding for Xiucai, so that Xiucai could not die, but also suffered unbearably.

Afterwards, he said to Tao Jiang behind him, "Let's go."

Tao Jiang looked at Qingxi with a complicated expression. He and Qingxi were only less than ten years old. It can be said that he and Qingxi grew up together. It can be said that Tao Jiang knows Qingxi's personality well. Shan is also a little indecisive, with all the people in the world in his heart, and he doesn't want to see others suffer.

In her heart, there was a place for everyone in the world, including him, Tao Jiang, but she didn't put him in the most important place in her heart.

She is so dazzling, like a group of never-extinguishing flames, exuding infinite vitality, and he, Tao Jiang, wants to hold this flame in his palm and make her shine only for himself.

Let her dance between your palms, and as long as your hands are closed, no one can see the flame.

Tao Jiang had worked hard, always felt that as long as he treated Qingxi better, Qingxi would look back at him one day.

In this endless narcissism, Tao Jiang gradually magnified Qingxi's indecision in his heart wishful thinking, and kept telling himself that only he could better protect Qingxi and protect Qingxi under his own arms. It is the best for Qingxi.

When Qingxi came back from Yucheng, Tao Jiang regretted countless times for not being able to accompany Qingxi, causing Qingxi to be so hurt that he was bedridden for nearly a month. sickly.

In the infinite self-hypnosis, he magnified his effect on Qingxi, and he also tried to tell Qingxi that he was her harbor, and only he could better protect him from wind and rain.

It's just that he forgot that Qingxi's cultivation was higher than his, and he was also known as a rare talent in talisman cultivation. He didn't need his protection at all.

After Qingxi woke up a few months ago, Tao Jiang felt that Qingxi had changed, she became stronger, more determined to move forward, and more determined.

He once felt that Qingxi was no longer like himself, no longer optimistic, no longer carefree, he felt that he had failed to protect Qingxi, and he even wanted to change Qingxi back.

Maybe what he likes is never the real Qingxi, what he likes is just the Qingxi in his imagination, as long as Qingxi is out of his imagination, he wants to change Qingxi back, to make Qingxi 'normal' look like.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a memory that he had selectively forgotten.

In my memory, Qingxi once stood in front of the Bright Stone at the gate of Fumozong, and said to him: "What do you look like now? If you continue like this, sooner or later, you will never be able to pass through this Bright Stone again!"

Tao Jiang woke up suddenly, Qingxi still hadn't waited for him, and had already arrived at the altar, Qingxi's eyes had returned to normal, and she was looking at him standing there.


Tao Jiang took two quick steps to Qingxi's side, and finally returned to reality from his self-moving unrequited love: "Senior Sister."

Qingxi quickly turned his gaze from Tao Jiang back to the altar again: "You protect the law for me."

Tao Jiang nodded, and pulled out his spirit snake whip from his dantian: "Yes."

Qingxi also took out her writing brush from her dantian, and quickly formed a formation.

In fact, she wasn't completely sure about destroying the altar, otherwise she wouldn't force the scholar to question. Destroying it by herself was a bad idea, but at this moment, Qingxi could only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The altar began to vibrate more and more frequently, and the amplitude became larger and larger. These signs all indicated that the contents inside were about to come out.

At this time, the scholar who fell on the ground had no support for his hands, so he could only stand up with his neck with difficulty: "You bastard, as long as you dare to move the altar, I will bury all the people in Wuhuo Village with you!"

Qingxi paused slightly for drawing the talisman, but quickly started drawing again.

The villagers of Wuhuo Village are extremely pitiful. This place is a rare place of geomantic omen, but they were framed by this thief and ended up like this. But Qingxi has no choice. Between tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of lives, Qingxi had no choice.

"You wait!" Xiucai entered a very crazy state, maybe this is his true face, the extremely uncontrollable emotions and infinite malice are undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

As the scholar's voice fell, the two faintly heard a commotion coming from the foot of the mountain.

Qingxi is at a critical moment, no one knows whether the fallen Xiucai will stay behind, Qingxi hesitates again and again, and fails to drive Tao Jiang away for the first time.

But at the foot of the mountain at this time, it can be said to be chaotic.

Qingxi initially chose to send the surviving people to Yan Ze's mansion because Yan Ze's mansion is the largest including the whole Wuhuo Village, and it can be said to be the most suitable for emergency shelter.

But at this time, the so-called villagers who had lost their souls and recovered, seemed to be controlled by something at this time, and pulled out the knives they had hidden on their bodies at the nearby people.

Just like what Qingxi said, perhaps there was no lost soul at all, but it's a pity that Qingxi and the others were really pressed for time, and they didn't even have time to investigate all the strange things in Wuhuo Village, so they were tricked by the scholar.

Qingxi, who has not yet investigated clearly, has no idea who has lost his soul and who is an ordinary person, and the situation is urgent, so he can only throw all these people who are still alive into the mansion, which is also part of the scholar's plan.

The mansion at this time can be said to be extremely densely populated. A tile thrown from the sky can knock out three people and even have a dog attached. In such an environment, even those villagers who have lost their souls have any changes. , this time is also inevitable.

All of a sudden, the crowd began to commotion. Outside the mansion, there were resentful souls wandering around the mansion. Inside the mansion, a group of villagers held sharp knives and chopped anyone they saw. There was no way to avoid the crowd. Several strong peasants tried to attack He grabbed the knife before, but he didn't expect that the body of the 70-year-old woman in front of him contained huge energy. Several big men failed to catch the old woman, and one of them was even accidentally injured.

At this time, there was chaos in the talisman array, and Ji Mingzhao happened to be in the mansion, but she was not in the courtyard, but was already squeezed into a corner and couldn't move. Ji Mingzhao didn't care about the situation at this time Whether the villagers here were afraid or not, they quickly awakened their army of mud figurines.

"Don't be afraid...don't be afraid..." At this time, Xiaolong's mother was holding Xiaolong who wanted to run away with one hand, and holding Xiaohu who was crying in fear with the other. Among the villagers who lost their souls here, only five people did not go mad, but Keep your family close behind you.

Xiaolong couldn't restrain his fear: "You let go! You are not my mother!"

Xiaolong's mother was still staring at the maddened villagers not far away, retreating and saying, "Yes, I'm not your mother, if I hadn't taken your mother's body, I wouldn't have cared about you little thing , let you die outside!"

Xiaolong opened his mouth wide when he heard this, and tears welled up from his eyes: "You give me back my mother! You give me back my mother! You give me back my mother!"

"Your mother died a long time ago!" The rabbit that took up the body of Xiaolong's mother endured it for several months, and was finally cornered by the brat, "I have a male rabbit that has been pretending to be your mother... I call you father! I will feed you and clothe you, but your mother died a few months ago, if it wasn’t for me, both of you brothers would starve to death!”

"You're talking're talking nonsense!" Xiaolong still couldn't believe it, and even wanted to run to his father who was waving a knife in the crowd, but was caught by the rabbit spirit.

"Be honest, don't you want to live?" He had low spiritual power, otherwise he would not have searched for the physical body, and at this moment, it would be considered as trying his best to protect the people around him.

At this time, there were screams and cries in the mansion, and soon, the monks of Fumozong who were killing demons outside the door discovered the commotion here.

Shen Ming and Shen Ping brothers and sisters ran into the mansion quickly, Shen Ming was also a talisman cultivator, his pockets were wide open, and several talisman papers immediately surrounded the two hundred people.

The villager closest to the door twisted his body vigorously, trying to loosen the shackles on his body, but he never thought that the shackles were getting tighter and tighter, and even tightly strangled in his flesh.

Seeing that he couldn't get away from the struggle, the villager simply stopped struggling, and instead showed a strange smile on his face: "Want to watch the fireworks?"

 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao: Today's appearance is just a few lines...

  Xu Guangbai: Not bad, I haven't come out for a long time.

  Agu: How long do you think I have been out?

(End of this chapter)

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