Chapter 120 Preparations for Huizong
Xu Guangbai took the book in a daze, looked at Qing Yuan who was still breathing deeply: "This book..."

"This book teaches the most profound talisman formations," Qingyuan repeated, "I will give you three months, if you can't master the formations in these three months, you can ask someone else to teach you Bar!"

At this time, the monkey boy Xu Guangbai finally knew that his master was serious this time, and was a little panicked: "Master...I..."

Qing Yuan was so angry by Xu Guangbai that his brain ached. If Xu Guangbai could remember a word, Qing Yuan would not be so angry, but Xu Guangbai obviously couldn't learn a word. He is not stupid, but simply does not want to learn.

Such students are the most troublesome for teachers.

Qing Yuan felt that he was still too optimistic about Xu Guangbai's situation: "You are not stupid, why don't you just learn, in the future you will have to cultivate by yourself after all, and you will have to walk your own way in the future, you can't even read a single word, change to Advanced, books without pictures, don’t you want to learn it!”

Xu Guangbai kept his head down and didn't speak. Qingyuan felt a headache just looking at him now, so he waved his hand to let him go down: "I've told you so many times, but it didn't work at all. You are really..." Qingyuan pointed at Xu Guangbai, his fingertips gasping. I was trembling, but after thinking for a long time, I couldn't bear to scold too hard, "Unbearably stubborn!"

"Go back and collect your things, let's go back to the sect at night," Qing Yuan saw that Xu Guangbai even wanted to beat him up to refresh his memory. I sat down again, "I will pick up all those copybooks you threw on the table and put them away!"

I received... I received...

Can't return...can't return...

Why can't I return the goods!
The more Qing Yuan thought about it, the more angry he became: "Go out, don't let me see you again within today!"


Xu Guangbai also hid farther and farther away. At this time, he was only a few steps away from the door. When he heard that he was told to leave, his legs made a mistake and he rushed out of the room quickly.

When he was about to turn back to the wing room when he went out, he happened to see Ji Mingzhao who was still eavesdropping by the window.

Qing Xi and Fu Xiao didn't come to watch the fun together. First, Qing Xi didn't want to see her junior being scolded, and second, she was easily discovered by the master, and she was even more afraid of being scolded together with her junior.

But Fu Xiao didn't wake up at all, and didn't know what happened at all.

But Ji Mingzhao is different, she can't be perceived by others, she can be said to be unscrupulous, lawless, and no one can stop this person's heinous evil deeds.

Moreover, the Yanghuo Talisman only allows people in this world to see Ji Mingzhao, but as long as their eyes are blocked, people in this world still cannot perceive Ji Mingzhao.

If Qing Yuan knew that Ji Mingzhao was outside the window, he might be able to punish Xu Guangbai lightly in order to save some face for Xu Guangbai.

Just, no if.

At this time, Xu Guangbai saw Ji Mingzhao squatting outside the window at a glance.

"You... uh!"

Ji Mingzhao covered Xu Guangbai's mouth and dragged him out of the room.

"I heard you were punished?" Ji Mingzhao looked at Xu Guangbai, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

Xu Guang gave Ji Mingzhao a white look, a little unwilling to face Ji Mingzhao who had witnessed him being scolded the whole time: "...too many things."

Ji Mingzhao's smile couldn't help but widen. If it wasn't for the size of her face, the corners of her mouth should be on the back of her head.

"You have to study harder."

Xu Guangbai raised his head and glanced at Ji Mingzhao, then lowered his head again: "'s up to you to say."

All joking aside, Ji Mingzhao naturally knows how serious Xu Guangbai's problem is. Qingyuan's request is not high, and Xu Guangbai can't even ask Xu Guangbai to know a few words. Chinese is the level where you can wake up with a smile in your dreams.

It is also fortunate that Xu Guangbai lives in a good world, even with his current learning level, he can't even graduate from elementary school.

"I'm serious, you really have to study hard," Ji Mingzhao was very worried about Xu Guangbai's illiterate, she put her hand on Xu Guangbai's head and rubbed it worriedly, thinking about it, she didn't know what to do. Does it affect intelligence if it is too late... No matter how much you do it, you will not see results, "Otherwise, what will you do in the future..."

Xu Guangbai did not avoid Ji Mingzhao's hand, and he was at a loss at this moment. He had never seriously thought about the future, and he did everything according to his mood. If he was in a good mood, he would study for two days. Put down the pick and quit.

No matter how rough your mouth is, I will not move.

Ji Mingzhao thought about it, and always felt that he should have a heart-to-heart talk with Xu Guangbai, so he squatted down, wiped the ground with his hands, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and patted the ground next to him :"sit."

Xu Guangbai glanced at Ji Mingzhao, and sat down next to Ji Mingzhao hesitantly.

Ji Mingzhao looked at the sky surrounded by four walls in the courtyard. That day was so blue that it seemed fake, and the clouds flowed across the sky, drawing waves in the air.

"Look at this day," Ji Mingzhao crossed his legs and turned his face up, like an old lady basking in the sun at the east end of the village, "how blue, it's so blue that it looks fake."

Xu Guangbai wasn't sure what Ji Mingzhao meant, so he took a look at Ji Mingzhao, and found that she was really basking in the sun and didn't have the slightest intention to blame him, so he finally relaxed and looked up at the sky together.

The two of them just looked at the sky quietly, watching the clouds in the sky flow by, watching the birds in the sky fly by, until Xu Guangbai's restless heart gradually relaxed.

"What are your future plans?" Ji Mingzhao asked.

Xu Guangbai pursed his lips. Ji Mingzhao was not the first person to ask him this question. Every time he was asked such a question, Xu Guangbai resisted this question. His past life told him that his life was never in his own hands. .

Whether in the past or now.

He doesn't know how to go in the future, and he doesn't even want to think about it. Since life is not in his own hands, thinking about it is just adding troubles.

"What do you think?" Seeing that Xu Guangbai didn't answer him for a long time, Ji Mingzhao asked again.

"...Fulfill my destiny." Perhaps it was Ji Mingzhao who asked, this time Xu Guangbai did not confront him with anger, but answered Ji Mingzhao's question seriously.

"What about after it's finished?" Ji Mingzhao asked again.

Xu Guangbai glanced at Ji Mingzhao, but did not answer the question.

Ji Mingzhao knew that Xu Guangbai might never have thought about this question.

"Think about it," Ji Mingzhao looked at Xu Guangbai, his eyes were full of encouragement, "Just think about it."

Xu Guangbai lowered his head and sat on the ground silently, not knowing whether he was thinking or not thinking about anything.

Ji Mingzhao was very patient, Xu Guangbai didn't say anything, Ji Mingzhao just waited, waiting for Xu Guangbai to speak.

After a while, Xu Guangbai slowly opened his mouth: "I want to practice and become a fairy."

He wants to see how big this world really is, he wants to break free from the shackles and find his own way... and he also wants to never leave Ji Mingzhao.

Ji Mingzhao looked at Xu Guangbai, didn't preach, just put his hand on Xu Guangbai's head and rubbed it again: "You have a good idea, just do it."

Xu Guangbai squinted his eyes as if he had been tamed, he always tried to absorb the missing maternal love from Ji Mingzhao, and now he can experience the majesty of a strict father from Qing Yuan.

Even if Ji Mingzhao is so reckless and unreliable,

But also so tender.

"You know what to do, don't you?" Ji Mingzhao rubbed Xu Guangbai's head vigorously again, messing up Xu Guangbai's neat hair.

Xu Guangbai protested lightly twice, but in the end he still didn't break away from Ji Mingzhao's hand, allowing Ji Mingzhao to ravage his hair, crumpling his hair into a chicken coop.

Ji Mingzhao was still very satisfied with his masterpiece, he gently grasped Xu Guangbai's ears left and right to admire, and finally nodded in satisfaction: "It's much more handsome."

Xu Guangbai knocked off Ji Mingzhao's hands, patted his buttocks and stood up: "...boring."

Ji Mingzhao also stood up right after him: "What a chat, look, isn't this handsome?"

"Ah, yes," Ji Mingzhao suddenly thought of the little note that Xu Guangbai had passed to her in Fumozong's school, "You can't even write boring chats."

Xu Guangbai clicked his tongue, turned his head and gave Ji Mingzhao a hard look.

Ji Mingzhao crouched on the spot laughing so hard that he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Xu Guangbai couldn't bear such a stimulus, so he left a sentence that it would be better to kill you!He quickened his pace and left, heading for the west wing room where he lived.

"Wait for me..." Ji Mingzhao lived in the same direction as Xu Guangbai, so he quickly stood up from the ground and walked a few steps to follow Xu Guangbai.

Xu Guangbai didn't want to walk with Ji Mingzhao, so he quickened his pace again. Not to be outdone, Ji Mingzhao grabbed Xu Guangbai and forcibly walked with him.

The two walked out of the East Wing Room just like that.

Time is like a white horse passing by, or like a river going east, it is rushing, and it doesn't wait for anyone.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was time for the people from Fu Mozong to set off.

This time, the reinforcements of Fu Mozong took out the fastest flying boat in Fu Mozong in order to rescue them as soon as possible.

When the monks of Fu Mozong left Wuhuo Village, the village head also called more than a dozen villagers to form a farewell team, took out a big drum and played it in the middle of the road, in order to send off the savior of Fu Mozong.

Most of the relatives of these villagers passed away in the catastrophe. Even the monks who were grateful to Fu Mozong didn't see any joy on their faces at this time. In the farewell team composed of more than a dozen people, none of them had a smile on their faces and gave them a good farewell. , the atmosphere is literally like a farewell.

Qing Yuan had tried every means to shirk when the village head proposed to hold a farewell banquet, but the village head insisted on it, and Qing Yuan was helpless. In the end, the two agreed on a compromise method and held the farewell party at the entrance of the village.

Ji Mingzhao listened to the tooth-piercing sound of the suona, and thought that this was really a farewell party, so he thought he would send me away today...

The monks of Fu Mozong stood straight at the entrance of the village, with forced smiles on their faces, after listening to the farewell party, they also had a new concept of farewell in their hearts.

This is not to send me away, this is to send me away...!
After the last sound of the drum music fell, Qing Yuan hurriedly bowed to the village chief, trying to get the village chief to accept his supernatural powers: "Village chief, then we will leave..."

"No, we still have dances!"

The village head tremblingly raised the crutch in his hand, and waved the crutch in the air, sending a signal to the people in the alley. Immediately, another group of people in the alley quickly ran out of the alley after receiving the signal.

"It's really unnecessary..."

"No, it must be used!"

Under the repeated insistence of the village head, the monks of the Fu Mozong watched the dance of the big men and the demons for nearly three sticks of incense. It can be said that the soul summoning at the entrance of the village is not as powerful as these few dancers, let alone their own souls. I am afraid that the soul can be recruited.

After watching the so-called dance with stiff smiles on the faces of all the monks, the village head finally showed mercy, saluted and bid farewell to them.

"Everyone, take care of the elders and aunts. I am too old to send you off. Take care, everyone!"

"Everyone take care too!"

All the monks also bowed to the village head and the villagers of Wuhuo Village. It is a long way to go to the mountains and high roads, and there is no need to see each other again in the future.

After the two parties bid farewell, Qing Yuan led all the monks onto the flying boat and set off in the direction of Fu Mozong.

The village head stood there and watched Fu Mozong's group leave. After the flying boat was completely out of sight, he sighed and said, "It's really good to be able to cultivate longevity..."



This time, Ji Mingzhao brought his own rabbit army with him when he returned to the Demon Sect. After Wuhuo Village suffered such a catastrophe, no one cared about these rabbits. Rabbit brought back.

By the way, he used the afternoon to pinch a little dragon with the soil he brought in from behind the mansion to fulfill his promise.

Although Xiaolong has no intention of playing now, he politely thanked Ji Mingzhao when he received the dragon.

Ji Mingzhao instructed a few words that the dragon is not dry yet, after drying in the shade, it is best to find someone to burn it so that it can be stored for a long time, and then it is safe to leave.

In fact, after Ji Mingzhao summoned these rabbits at that time, the rabbits followed Ji Mingzhao all the time, hiding in the dark and never showing up.

Rabbits are inherently timid, and Ji Mingzhao's idea of ​​relying on her rabbit army to save her was simply a fantasy. Ji Mingzhao appeared in front of him.

They also sent a rabbit to test Ji Mingzhao's reaction. At that time, Ji Mingzhao was very angry. After the testing rabbit conveyed Ji Mingzhao's anger to the other rabbits, these rabbits decided when Zhao calmed down, when will they show up in front of Ji Mingzhao.

It's just that these rabbits were not very lucky. Before Ji Mingzhao calmed down, Ji Mingzhao had to go with the monks of Fu Mozong, and Ji Mingzhao bought these rabbits back. However, the worst news is that Ji Mingzhao Still can't calm down.

So, in the wing of Feizhou, a group of rabbits surrounded Ji Mingzhao, beating his legs and shoulders, acting like dogs in the posture of rabbits, just to calm down Ji Mingzhao.

 small theater:

  General Rabbit (during protest): This day cannot be passed!I want to strike!
  Ji Mingzhao: What did you say?
  General Rabbit (with a flattering smile on his face): No, no, you heard it wrong...

  Xu Guangbai: this a rabbit or a dog...

  Qingxi: ...I guess it's a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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