Chapter 147 Guangyuan Secret Realm (Twenty)
"Come one by one, don't jump in line behind!"

Xue Wen stared dumbfounded at the long line of Tiancaidibao in front of him. He didn't even quite understand what happened, and the situation changed instantly.

Sitting on the ground, Ji Mingzhao glanced at the Millennium Black Tie in front of him: "Tell me about your strengths."

It was the first time that Xuantie opened his mouth after finally cultivating spiritual wisdom: "Two... ten thousand... years."

Ji Mingzhao nodded solemnly: "There are still 2 years behind you, and nearly [-] years in front of you in the waiting area, you are not too dominant..."

This girl must have worked as a part-time HR, and she is proficient in her methods in the workplace: "Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?"

Ji Mingzhao said that Xuan Tie almost had a feeling called depression: "No..."

Ji Mingzhao seemed to be looking at Xuan Tie, and at the same time he seemed to be looking at the team behind him: "You have also seen it, we all clearly marked the price, no one cheats, I show my sincerity and sincerely want to take you away, and you have to take it too." Show some sincerity, right?"

As soon as Xuan Tie heard it, he keenly heard that there was something in Ji Mingzhao's words, and he might be deceitful: "What... do you mean?"

Ji Mingzhao showed another lovable smile: "I want to ask if you would like to condescend and bring your children along."

When Xuan Tie heard it, he intuitively felt that this girl was cheating. Although he didn't know what this sentence meant, it must not be a good thing.

At this moment, it suddenly felt cheated. No matter what it is, it has existed for thousands of years. How could this little girl who is less than a fraction of its age be persuaded by a few words, and suddenly slipped out of the team in anger. out.

Ji Mingzhao stopped looking at Xuan Tie at this moment: "Next."

The black iron is actually the best quality among these black irons. Although the black iron in front is also ten thousand years old, there are too many impurities in it, not as pure as this piece. Ji Mingzhao thought that the fire essence could be given to Agu, this black iron You can give Xu Guangbai a talisman.

Xu Guangbai is not like Agu, Xu Guangbai is too stubborn, if it is true that this magic weapon is twisting his temper with him, and he is not sure what Xu Guangbai can do, Ji Mingzhao has no choice but to find someone who is easy to control. I want to lower the price and try to find a good talker for Xu Guangbai.

It can be said that everyone understands this truth, but these natural talents and earth treasures were born in the deep mountains and grew up in the deep mountains. After all, they have never experienced severe beatings in human society. Compared with Ji Mingzhao's fleshy Q bombs, they are still a little immature, and I don't know the introversion reason.

That Xuantie didn't expect Ji Mingzhao to have such a reaction. He thought and thought in the corner, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know whether he had made a profit or a loss, but when he saw the line getting longer and longer, he felt a little anxious. Well, there are only three who can go out this time, and the rest don’t know how long they will have to squat in this space. It would be hard to miss such a good opportunity: "...I... wish!"

Ji Mingzhao raised his eyelids, and imitated the expression of their company's HR: "Then go to the waiting area over there and wait."

Xuan Tie didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ji Mingzhao's gourd, so he could only silently walk to the corner where heaps of natural treasures were piled up.

At this time, there are already many treasures of heaven and earth in that corner, and they were all in the same space. It can be said that they are connected with the same fate, and the relationship is also good. Even the air seemed to be filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Only Huo Jing, who was the first to try to eat crabs, was beside him, shining like watching a play.

The Tiancaidibao here quickly shifted the conflict to the inside, and Xuantie, who was given special treatment by Ji Mingzhao, also became the target of public criticism at this time.

Ji Mingzhao's audition lasted for two full hours. Except that she really felt that Ji Mingzhao was a liar, she picked out 53 of the best-looking Tiancaidibao among the rest, including There is Xuan Tie who has just agreed to the unequal treaty.

When Ji Mingzhao turned his head, he almost failed to recognize the black iron. Ji Mingzhao looked at Xue Wen: "...What's wrong?"

I saw that Xuan Tie had been bullied into a bad shape, and there were many scratches on the surface, obviously it had gone through a fierce battle.

"Just now they collectively beat that piece of black iron." Xue Wen saw it, but did not intervene in the war between these treasures of heaven and earth.

"As long as there is wisdom, there will be disputes." The old god Ji Mingzhao sighed on the ground, and walked slowly to the so-called waiting area.

At this time, all the treasures of heaven and earth raised their heads and looked at Ji Mingzhao with great anticipation. At this time, every spirit knew that there was only one quota and one opportunity, and they had to grab it no matter what. Take this opportunity.

They have long forgotten their initial fear and apprehension, and even in the past few hours, they seem to have forgotten the original intention of queuing here, and the purpose has changed from going out at the beginning to competition.

This change was so fast that even Ji Mingzhao, the instigator, did not expect it. She walked into the "selection area" and carefully checked the condition of the black iron. She saw that there was nothing serious about it, only the surface was scratched, and there was nothing wrong Only when you hurt your inner self can you let go of your heart.

In the end, under the expectation of all the treasures of heaven and earth, Ji Mingzhao finally transferred away a ten-thousand-year-old wood essence. As for why he chose it, the main reason is that the wood essence is really old and of good quality, although I don’t know. What's the use of this Wood Essence, but even if one of Xu Guangbai or Agu's ghost or demon is dedicated to the teacher, it can be exchanged for a lot of resources.

Passed the fire essence to Xue Wen: "I chose it for Agu without permission, do you mind?"

Xue Wen couldn't catch it by himself, how could he mind: "...No... I think I follow you and always take advantage of you."

Ji Mingzhao himself doesn't care about these things. First of all, Xue Wen can't grab resources at all, but he can't get away with himself with the grass. Second, Xue Wen is a summoner. His ability is more suitable for combat support, and she is suitable for this kind of speculation. ·Falling, the dirty things done by the unrighteous way.

There are specializations in the art industry, and there are shortcomings and strengths: "You are just not good at this. In the end, the task bar lied to you."

This is true, Xue Wen nodded in agreement rarely, and he only felt the deep malice from this world after learning about Ji Mingzhao's 'salary'.

"Let's go," Ji Mingzhao put the remaining Xuantie and Wooden Jing into his backpack, after all, she was looking for it, Xue Wen will definitely not take another Wooden Jing, "You carry me on your back. "

Xue Wen smiled and squatted down, showing his generous back to Ji Mingzhao: "Hey."

Ji Mingzhao had passed the shyness period, and threw himself on Xue Wen's back: "Get up the sedan chair!"

Xue Wen stood up obediently: "Where does Your Majesty want to go today?"

Ji Mingzhao lay on Xue Wen's back, and the two successfully passed through the restriction in front of the Qingyu Gate, and set off on their way home against the resentment of many treasures behind them: "Go to the stars and the sea!"

 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao: I'm afraid!
  Xu Guangbai: ... Are you afraid?I think these ghosts are afraid of you, right?
  Ji Mingzhao: ...

(End of this chapter)

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