Chapter 154 Guangyuan Secret Realm (27)

Chen Sanming's previous wish was that his mother, who lost her husband in the early years, would be healthy and the world would be peaceful.

Now that the world is at peace, he has brought his mother into the capital to enjoy the blessings. Perhaps it is because the mother is not destined to enjoy the blessings, or it is more likely that her wish has been fulfilled. One day and night, she passed away in her sleep with a smile on her face.

At this point, Chen Sanming no longer had any worries, and in his hesitation, he even had doubts about the path of cultivation that his master had set for him, and he didn't know where to go.

Hesitant about studying and fearing that the master is about to leave, he was reluctant to learn at first, always thinking that if he learns slowly, the master will leave later, he is not sure if he is the material for cultivating immortals , so I just want to be able to stay with Master for a longer time, and a little longer.

But the day of parting was coming, Xu Wanyuan still ascended.

Before his ascension, a new small world germinated in his body. Through his own will, he made the small world into the mausoleum of his master. His master did good deeds during his lifetime, but his aptitude was not good, and he failed to become a fairy in his life, but he He also selfishly wanted his master to be worshipped, so he set up a mausoleum among the mountains. If someone worships, he can take the treasures collected by him under the altar.

"All things have a cycle of cause and effect, and when good thoughts arise, good results will come. Unfortunately, in the previous life, I made some big mistakes, and the cultivation in the previous life was not smooth. Fortunately, the virtues are good, and it is easier to practice in this life." He took another sip of wine. , although he chose to live in seclusion here for Qingxiu back then, he was inevitably lonely after many years, and occasionally wanted to have someone to talk to.

These people's cultivation is not as good as his, and they can't hurt him. If they want some opportunities, they can take them by themselves. People with profound cultivation and pure minds can peep into the secrets of heaven to a certain extent, and can see through cause and effect. As long as they are not extremely evil people, It's okay to say a few words, "I asked Master to build this courtyard for me under the mausoleum, so that we can reunite as soon as possible."

"The mountains..." Yan Qing wanted to ask for a long time what happened to the 'mountains', but he never found a chance to ask, "Why did you stop us from going in to worship?"

He pondered over his words, and finally asked what he wanted to ask.

Chen Sanming didn't care much, and took another sip of wine: "Then someone probably annoyed Qun Shan and did something disrespectful to that tomb?"

"But we are new here, how can we disrespect the tomb of the Venerable Master?" Even they were kicked out without even seeing the tomb, so there is no disrespect.

"It's not that you are the ones who came here before. The 'mountain' is the guard. In the final analysis, Master still pays too much attention to the tomb. It is true, and it is unnecessary."

Chen Sanming's words were very strange. It stands to reason that he respected his master so much, so he shouldn't have such an attitude towards his master, but it is really impossible to ask.

This strange reception soon started a new topic: "What sect are you from?"

"Fu Mozong." Ye Ning replied.

"Fu Mozong..." Chen Sanming nodded, but he had seen it in the book left by his master. The devil's temperament is unstable, he respects power, and he does whatever he wants. This kind of creature based on Yin Qi is chaotic, and Cultivation is more than several times the speed of human beings. Some demons who pursue extreme power will even go against the law of the sky. The practice is also to harm other living beings for fun.

The way of heaven is majestic, with all things as dogs, all living beings are born in the world, the six paths of reincarnation, and the cycle of cause and effect.

For a long time, people will use the term possessed by demons to describe some evil people who are obsessed with ghosts, and they will also call evil people who are selfish.

Chen Sanming seemed to be very interested in these monks, but before he had time to ask carefully, he felt another vibration coming from outside the door.

"Tsk, those guards again," Chen Sanming drank three rounds, and finally remembered what those gold spirits outside the door were doing. When they entered the tomb, they were blown up and down in front of my house, and the house was about to collapse!"

Chen Sanming was so angry that he strode out of the tea room and opened the gate of the mansion. Those pearls that flocked to Chen Sanming met Chen Sanming as if they had encountered an insurmountable high wall, and they could not overflow into the mansion at all.

"Hey, are the people in the distance still alive?" Chen Sanming squinted his eyes and walked out slowly. With every step he took, the surrounding pearl wall began to recover at an extremely fast speed. A full distance of ten miles was under Chen Sanming's feet. In just a split second, he walked up to the dying monks who had been crushed by the Pearl Wall, and squatted down.

"If you have any medicine, take two pills for yourself."

At this moment, Mi Zhi's eyes were blurred and his blood was surging, he couldn't tell who the person in front of him was. He only knew that this person had saved his group, so he struggled to get up and wanted to thank him.

"Oh, you're already like this, don't struggle to get up," Chen Sanming pushed Mizhi back to the ground, but after thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable, so he lifted him up again, "Do you have any medicine?"

Mi Zhi nodded indiscriminately, took out the medicine bottle from his bag, raised his head, and poured a few pills into his mouth.

"Hey, little brother, do you have any brothers?" Chen Sanming glanced over at this moment, and suddenly saw Xiao Zhe behind the team. He immediately thought of Xu Guangbai in the tea room. He could see that Xu Guangbai was a ghost cultivator, but Unexpectedly, it was Xiao Zhe who took Xu Guangbai's body, and only thought that the two were brothers.

"...Yes," who is Xiao Zhe, and immediately heard something else from Chen Sanming's words. This person must have met Xu Guangbai somewhere before asking this question, "It's just that my brother is dead. After cultivating the ghost way, fellow Taoists have seen my brother?"

Chen Sanming looked at the inquiry that could not be hidden in Xiao Zhe's eyes, and frowned slightly. He didn't like this man's bloody smell too much.

This is a kind of intuition. This person's fault is far greater than his merit, and he is scheming. Chen Sanming is not good at dealing with this kind of person, so he just casually said: "Yes, I have seen it."

"Where did Fellow Daoist meet my younger brother?" Xiao Zhe wanted to find Xu Guangbai to get rid of this serious worry, but he didn't meet him in front of Xuantianzong's people. Before he returned to the peak, there should be no obstacles.

Chen Sanming glanced at Yan Xiaozhe, and felt that he didn't really want to find his younger brother. He was not good at dealing with this kind of people, and he didn't want to deal with them. He stood up a little annoyed: "Everything is better, I'll leave when I'm better." .”

Mi Zhi and the monks of Xuantianzong have not yet reacted. This person appeared strangely and walked strangely. I don't know what this person means. Mi Zhi sat on the ground with some doubts, watching Chen Sanming leave quickly. back view.

After a long while, Mi Zhi turned to look at Xiao Zhe: "...Junior brother, do you have a younger brother?"

"Yes, brother."

 I forgot to post two days ago, Happy Friday everyone! ~
  small theater:
  Chen Sanming: I always feel unlucky...

  Xu Wanyuan: I don't care, I just want to fix it!

  Chen Sanming: old you are, you are not allowed to play tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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