Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 17 The Valley of No Chapters

Chapter 17

The thick yin energy in the water surrounded Xu Guangbai's body, continuously colliding with the big holes all over his body, forcing Xu Guangbai to set up multiple layers of restraints around his body, consuming a lot of yin energy in his body to barely resist.

With the rising of the sun, the Yin Qi gradually transpired and turned into bursts of crimson thick fog, slowly forming a barrier made of Yin Qi over Shichong Town, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

With the transpiration of this yin energy, Shichong Town became dark again, the sun could no longer break through the layers of yin energy, and God no longer favored it. From then on, the sun here no longer rises, and in the haze, evil things wear costumes , with brisk dance steps, carnival day and night.

As the yin qi gained the upper hand again, the red yin qi in Shichong Town, which had been falling continuously, no longer dropped, and stopped at the foot of the gentle slope where the ancestral hall was located, and more than half of the first floor of the two-story small building in the town was exposed. Come.

"Stick Fairy, Stick Fairy!"

Xu Guangbai's two voices were not too loud, but they also woke up Ji Mingzhao who was lying on the jade statue and fell asleep.

"Huh? What happened, is it strange again? Xu Guangbai?"

Xu Guangbai looked up at the darkened sky outside the hall again: "Something is wrong."

Ji Mingzhao tentatively took a step from the jade statue with lingering fear, and took a deep breath. The Yin Qi in Shichong Town was still overwhelming her, but it was much better than before: "What's wrong?"


Ji Mingzhao listened suspiciously. Apart from the whimpering of the north wind caressing the porch around the ancestral hall, there seemed to be bursts of noisy human voices in the distance.

Who is speaking, is it the people of the town?
Shichong town made Yin cinnabar water and soaked it overnight, even a ghost cultivator like Xu Guangbai couldn't stand the Yin energy in the water. How did these people survive?

The feeling of chilling all over his body hit Ji Mingzhao again. Is the voice outside the ancestral hall really a human voice? Is there any living people in Shichong Town?
The voice became clearer and closer, like a hundred people whispering, or a thousand people weeping. The footsteps of that voice dragged the Chishui full of the pool, as if they were constantly wandering in Shichong Town.

What is that sound...

Xu Guangbai bravely walked towards the gate of the ancestral hall, wanting to see what was outside, but he didn't expect to turn back just as he walked to the gate and glanced at it.

Ji Mingzhao followed Xu Guangbai, seeing Xu Guangbai turned back, he was a little confused, so he also went to the door and looked out.

I saw that the strange fish that I saw just now were cruising in the entire Shichong Town. They were in groups, slowly cruising in the red water in the town, looking for prey aimlessly.

On the sea level in the distance, those strange fishes are still climbing up to the shore continuously. The strange fishes are crowding, swarming, and huddled together in a dark mass.

"Let's run," Xu Guangbai retreated into the ancestral hall, and whispered to Ji Mingzhao in a very self-aware voice, "I can't beat it."

Ji Mingzhao was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him that could cause intensive phobia and fainted, and retreated stiffly into the ancestral hall, not expressing his opinion on Xu Guangbai's desire to escape.

Ji Mingzhao was brave and fearless when she was unconscious just now, and God can’t stop a worker from fishing for fish, but now she’s waking up, she’s scared, Party A’s monitoring statue is right in front of her, and she’s climbing on top of the monitoring camera to commit crimes against the wind , ignoring customers, ignoring discipline, and causing an extremely negative impact on the new generation of migrant worker Xu Guangbai.

Although working in 007 doesn't pay enough money, the risk is high and the return is small, but whoever calls people's customers are gods, who says that we are just poor people chosen by heaven.

Ji Mingzhao didn't know if there was anyone who dared to fight against God, but she didn't dare: "I don't think we will be able to leave."

"Why?" Xu Guangbai's eyes were full of running!
"Because the rain stopped."

"What's wrong with the rain stopped..." Xu Guang was halfway through speaking, and suddenly thought that this is the Valley of No Return, and the landscape in the Valley of No Return is constantly changing.

"His grandma's..."

Standing on the slope, Xu Guangbai looked at the strange fish swimming back and forth in every house in Shichong Town, coming in and out freely as if they were going back to their own home: "You don't have to kill them all before you can leave?"

"...Yes." Child, you have become smarter...

The fish swimming in the water swayed their tails and gently brushed away the red waves. The human head on the back opened its eyes wide open, and a pair of thick big hands stood upright as if asking for help.

The talismans on each two-story building emit bursts of white light in the dim light. Every time the white light flashes, there are schools of fish swimming from the sea to Shichong Town.

The fish were attracted by the talisman and kept gathering in Shichong Town. With the double blessing of the talisman and the red soup, the strange fish attracted became bigger and bigger, from the original length of one person to the length of a small boat, and their appearance became bigger and bigger. It's getting weirder and weirder, and the yin energy emanating from his body is comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment period.

Xu Guangbai looked into Shichong Town from the slope, and the dark light from the talisman flashed in front of his eyes, and his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the light flashing in the darkness.

"That talisman," he narrowed his eyes and looked downhill, "seems to be attracting monsters."

"What are you going to do?"

The pool full of fresh fish is alive and kicking in the red pool, the muscles are firm, and the meat is also crispy and elastic, suitable for sashimi, Xu Guangbai gritted his teeth: "I, you stay here, and when I say something, help me lure the monster away. Just help me lead away."

Ji Mingzhao knew that he couldn't help much, so he didn't try to force himself to go with Xu Guangbai: "Be careful."

Xu Guangbai turned his head with some discomfort, rushed straight down the ramp, and jumped onto the roof of the nearest residential building in one vertical leap.

He leaned on the roof and looked down at the fish in the waterway. Although there are many fish in the riverway, they are very harmonious. The bridge returns to the bridge and the road returns to the road. The well water does not interfere with the river water. Their destination is the houses in the town. The fish in the houses filled the rooms, overflowed from the windows, and entered through the doors on the first floor. If the owners of these houses were still alive, they would surely burst into tears and enjoy the scene. The joy of harvest.

Xu Guangbai casually picked up the black tiles on the house and used them as a pad, swung his arms round, and threw it towards the door of the nearby house. The black tile did not fall into the water, but hit a strange fish directly, and the strange fish made a sharp sound. The howling caused the fish heads around to move.

Soon, the balance that had been maintained overnight was broken by the black tile, and the strange fish that was hit by the black tile was injured, and scattered traces of blood in the water, attracting the blood and biting into a ball.

The stronger smell of fish and blood continued to disperse in the water, and more and more fish attracted by the smell of fish blood piled up on this street. The more they piled up, the more fish were injured. These fish The height of the stack was two stories high, and the sound of hissing and roaring continued to come from the fish mountain.

Xu Guangbai didn't expect that just throwing down a piece of black tile would have such an effect. With a run-up, he jumped over the roof of the house on the right, avoiding the fish peak, and his soul floated gently to the wall pasted with the talisman.

He carefully avoided the fish that kept splashing out during the fight, and reached out to grab the talisman.

The talisman is slightly cool in the hand, and the whole is light yellow like milk. It is smooth and shiny in the hand. It seems that it is not made of paper, but more like made of animal skin. According to Xu Guangbai's little life experience, it should be human skin .

After getting a piece of talisman, Xu Guangbai quickly returned to the roof, and threw a black tile at the place where the fishes were fighting just now.

Under the impetus of the catfish effect, the strange fish in the pond stirred again, not only the strange fish on this street, but also the strange fish on several nearby streets were affected.

The injured strange fish is decomposed and digested by the companion, and becomes a part of the companion's body, and then re-grows from the companion's body to become a new life community.

Xu Guangbai kept jumping on the roof of the building, collecting the talismans wherever he went, and drew a huge lightning-inducing talisman on the roof with a floating dust stick.

By the time the fourth picture was drawn, his soul body had almost reached its limit in the constant consumption.

He tried his best to support his body, and jumped towards the next roof again.

As more and more strange fish were killed and decomposed below, the living strange fish went through the survival of the fittest caused by Xu Guangbai. The winner swallowed the body of the loser, and the body became bigger and bigger. It was gradually occupied by minced meat, and the original appearance of the fish could not be seen, only a pile of rotten meat that could not see the original form was left.

The piled rotten meat of those strange fishes is getting bigger and bigger, gradually surpassing the height of the houses, gradually leveling with the ancestral hall on the ramp, and becoming a colossus under the sky.

Xu Guangbai's heart sank when he looked at the huge monster that was becoming less and less like a fish covering the sky and covering the sun.

I didn't expect these strange fishes to be able to combine together after biting each other to form a new monster. The strong yin qi emanating from this monster is already at the level of a golden core stage monk, far from Xu Guangbai, a newbie ghost cultivator. Competitive.

As there were more and more talismans in his hands, the attention of that meat mountain was gradually attracted by the talismans in Xu Guangbai's hand.

Xu Guangbai stands on the roof of the most central house in Shichong Town. This house seems to be the home of the mayor. Others have two-story small buildings, but this house has three floors and occupies a larger area than other houses. More than twice.

To drive the lightning-inducing talisman, a large amount of yin energy must be consumed. Xu Guangbai's cultivation base is low, and every time he draws the lightning-inducing talisman, he must drain all the yin energy in his soul to draw a lightning-inducing talisman.

The previous multiple extractions and releases had pushed his soul body to the limit, and the pain that seemed to be broken by every inch of it continued to leak from the meridians, forcing Xu Guangbai to support his body with floating dust to barely stand.

The mountain of meat in the distance approached slowly, shaking his body, but Xu Guangbai couldn't move. He could only watch helplessly as the mountain of meat got closer and closer, until there were only two streets less than 50 meters away.

It's really hard for me to survive.

No one loves me.

No one waits for me.

I'm like a donkey
like a horse,

like a dog,


Not like a person.

Why me, why, always me?
God loves the world, but how has God ever loved me?
 Regarding the setting of the strange fish: The strange fish likes meat and is sensitive to sound, so Xu Guangbai was chased by the strange fish before, but now he is not chased because he did not make any noise. Cannot be perceived, does not bleed and does not attract monsters. ( ̄▽ ̄)

  Thank you for watching ( ̄▽ ̄)

(End of this chapter)

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