But she couldn't step out of the range of the formation, so she could only stand on the edge of the formation to greet her: "Benefactor, I have hope to be reincarnated."

Fu Xiao looked very happy. This might be the happiest day since she died.

Ji Mingzhao thinks that he and Fu Xiao are also friends, so she is naturally happy for her to be successfully reincarnated: "That's really great."

Fu Xiao's spirit also recovered a lot, she turned around to Ji Mingzhao, and showed her the light yellow new clothes that Qing Yuan gave her: "Does it look good?"


Apart from not being able to go out these days, Fu Xiao lived a comfortable life.

The elders of Fu Mozong circled around the big formation, standing at the side of the big formation and arguing, Fu Xiao couldn't understand what they were arguing about, only knew that they would always keep looking for someone Come to talk with her, chatting about various topics, sometimes it's the weather outside, sometimes it's Fu Xiao's life experience when he was alive.

When she was alive, she was very afraid of being alone, and even when she was sleeping, she had to accompany her maid outside, but after becoming a ghost, she came and went as a ghost, which made her miss Huaniang even more.

Although she still misses Hua Niang very much now, she still looks forward to the future.

"Talk first." Qing Yuan felt that he was a bit of an eyesore, so he left consciously, leaving this place to Ji Mingzhao and Fu Xiao.

"What has my benefactor been doing recently?"

"I went to a secret realm recently." Ji Mingzhao replied.

Fu Xiao glanced back and forth at Ji Mingzhao several times, and asked, "Who did you go with?"

"Xu Guangbai and the monks of the Fu Mo Sect..." Ji Mingzhao hesitated for two seconds, then remembered Agu and Xue Wen.

Fu Xiao narrowed his eyes: "I have a lover."

Ji Mingzhao looked at Fu Xiao in horror, what kind of keen nerves this is, it can be called the radar for detecting love.

Sure enough, married women are different? !

Ji Mingzhao was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say: "...he has a good personality, and works in... the yamen."

She thought about it for a long time, but she didn't know how to describe Xue Wen's occupation in a way that Fu Xiao could understand, and in the end she could only say that she was working in the yamen.

Fu Xiao was still sitting upright on the slum, but at this moment Ji Mingzhao could barely see a trace of mother-in-law's aura from her. This change was so drastic that Ji Mingzhao stood up straight immediately.

"People will change. You can't just look at whether it's good for you or not. Just like me, I just plan to be good, and it's not like that in the end."

"Benefactor, you have to look at how he treats others. People can pretend. If you want to find someone, you must be modest and polite, and your temper must be more stable. You can't always be moody, and always talk to you. No." Fu Xiao counted them one by one with his fingers, and ruled out everything that could be considered unfavorable to Ji Mingzhao.

In the end, I felt that I had said enough, so I asked with satisfaction: "How is his family's situation, does he have a house?"

Ji Mingzhao thought back to Xue Wen's self-introduction that day, as if he had to report his ID number: "He is the only child in the family, and he has a house, but no land."

When Fu Xiao heard that there was no land, he immediately became dissatisfied: "The only child in the family is fine, why don't you even have any land?"

Ji Mingzhao said in his heart that no one had any land in our time...

But she was afraid that Fu Xiao would not be able to understand her, so she skipped the topic and justified Xue Wen a little: "He is very kind and courageous, and I think we can still get along with each other."

"You have to look at multiple faces, you can't decide if you can't see one, and you can't impulsively know?"

As soon as Fu Xiao heard this sentence, he knew that Ji Mingzhao was still deeply in love and couldn't extricate himself, so he was a little worried that she would follow the same old path as himself. After she died once, she thought about it. There are thousands of men in the world who are obsessed with that bastard, and they will always meet good ones. Why did you have to get angry with your father and find someone to marry casually.

"I know, if he is not good, I will definitely not keep him." What Ji Mingzhao said, he also agrees with some of Fu Xiao's views, if Xue Wen changes, he will definitely not keep him for the New Year.

Hearing this sentence, Fu Xiao knew that Ji Mingzhao hadn't been overwhelmed by love, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "You just need to understand."

"But don't be too slack. Now is the time for you to see that everything is fine with him, so you have to be more careful, don't get married and live with a bastard for the rest of your life." Fu Xiao then added.

Ji Mingzhao also knew Fu Xiao's worry, and also knew that she had been cheated and had a miserable life: "Don't worry, I must take out the eyeballs and wipe them clean every day."

"It's disgusting," Fu Xiao slapped his nose with his hands, and cursed with a smile, "You're so annoying."

After one person and one ghost laughed and made a fuss, Ji Mingzhao moved the topic away from the relationship, and asked her the most concerned question: "Did they tell you when you will be able to complete the transcendence?"

Fu Xiao shook his head: "I didn't say it, but one day I heard from a fairy who came here that it might take more than ten years."

"Will it take as long as ten years?" Ji Mingzhao now has a new understanding of what level of ghost Fu Xiao is.

"It's good to have hope, how long is not too long."

Fu Xiao was very content with this, as long as she still had the chance, it would be very rare, but it was only ten years, and she could wait for a hundred years.

Seeing that Fu Xiao was in a good mood, Ji Mingzhao felt relieved for the time being. She simply swept the ground under her feet with her hands, and sat down cross-legged very relaxedly: "What books have you read recently?"

"I read a few random books, all of which are sour essays written by sour scholars. A female cultivator who is about to become a real fruit goes down the mountain and wants to marry a scholar as his wife. She washes and cooks during the day, and is tender at night, and she will cultivate everything. Pass it on to the scholar, the scholar attains cultivation and becomes the number one master in the world, countless dignitaries line up to make friends, countless wealthy businessmen scramble to offer the treasures of heaven and earth, and countless beauties become his concubines, it's just nonsense No way." Fu Xiao's lectures were thrown on the ground like rubbish, Ji Mingzhao looked carefully, and saw the title of this strange book: "Biography of a Beloved Man", but judging from the title, it is not at all obvious that this is a mediocre book. The strange title of the book is so shocking.

"...Who bought this book for you?" Ji Mingzhao wanted to know who bought this book more than such absurd stories in the book.

"It's the elder fairy who just left," Fu Xiao said, "I asked him to come down the mountain and buy some idle books for me, and he bought them without even reading them."

"The bookshelf behind him is full of books like this, and there is another one, which says that an ordinary scholar was favored by a suzerain. In the first place, this book became the king of the world, and then ascended to the immortal to become the king of the heaven. Still judging the injustice of the world, why should he judge?"

"……I will help you ask."


Half an hour later, Ji Mingzhao reappeared on the first floor of the library, at this time Qing Yuan was standing by the table drawing symbols, seeing Ji Mingzhao approaching, he saluted Ji Mingzhao: "Miss Ji, are you done chatting? "

Ji Mingzhao nodded, and asked hesitantly, "...the books you bought for Fu Xiao...where did you buy them?"

"A scholar set up a stall outside, so I bought all his books." Qing Yuan also saw that Ji Mingzhao was hesitant to speak at this time, "What's wrong?"

Ji Mingzhao: "... Fu Xiao said... Let's change to another family in the future."

small theater:
Qingyuan: What, isn't the book good-looking?

Fu Xiao: See for yourself.

Qing Yuan (flips through the book): ...No wonder...

Ji Mingzhao: No wonder why?
Qingyuan: No wonder there are no nuns to buy it...

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