Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 185 Wan Yanzong's Daily Life

Chapter 185 Wan Yanzong's Daily Life

The monks turned their eyes from Agu to the monkey dressed as a scholar on Agu.

The monkey scholar has received unprecedented attention, and he grinned a little shyly, showing a shy smile.

Song Weng couldn't see Monkey Scholar smiling like this now: "That monkey, close your mouth, it's annoying to see you."

The Monkey Scholar's smile froze for a moment, then stopped, and then bared his teeth at Song Weng very angrily.

"Hey you monkey!" Song Weng rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight the monkey desperately. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Agu hid the monkey behind him very skillfully.

"You won't say a word?"

"Not a word."

"Can you understand simple ones?" Old Ghost Sun asked.

At this time, he was as optimistic as Song Weng at the beginning. He felt that his inability to speak was at most a problem with his tongue, but his inability to listen... probably couldn't.

Song Weng looked at the old ghost Sun now, as if he was looking at himself who was innocent in the past. He could only say that he was his apprentice, and he was so similar to being optimistic: "I don't understand, I don't understand a single word."

Old Ghost Sun's eyes widened, he grabbed Agu's face with both hands, and looked up and down: "Which mountain depression did you pick up as a wild child? Doesn't his father teach her to speak?"

For a moment, Xue Wen's countless condemning gazes almost turned Xue Wen into a sieve.

Xue Wen really wanted to argue that he was not Agu's real father, but at this time, Agu had a monkey translator, and he could understand the words after rounding. Naturally, he couldn't say that he was not her real father in front of Agu. Can swallow this silent condemnation by force.

Song Weng was so angry at these unrestrained guys: "My father is here, you are all alone, and there is no one in your mouth. He died long before Agu could speak. Agu was killed by a dumb mother-in-law. Raised so I can't talk!"

"Master, have you taught her how to speak?" Old Ghost Sun was scolded twice, but he still couldn't help asking. He felt that his master's ability was really limited, and he couldn't even teach her how to speak.

"Can I not teach it!" Song Weng felt really humiliated when the sad thing was mentioned, and even his speaking momentum was two points lower.

"Then Master, you taught this?" Feilu looked at Agu, and Agu also looked up at Feilu. Feilu smiled at Agu, and Agu opened his mouth to Feilu, his upper and lower teeth snapped. When it was closed, it made a crisp sound like metal.

Feilu gasped and turned around quickly. The injury on his hand has not been healed, and now his whole arm is so painful that he can't use it.

This girl's teeth are too sharp, and she just gave a psychological shadow to a magic baby in the late stage of biting.

Old Ghost Sun also looked at Song Weng.

"Teach me if you have the skills!" Song Weng was panting with anger. Although she didn't teach Agu that she was at least [-]% responsible, it still embarrassed the century-old teacher.

"Then we're not going out to investigate?" Old Ghost Sun asked again.

"You investigate, once you go out for three or four years, what do you find out!" Old ghost Sun didn't mention it, but Song Weng became angry when he mentioned it, "It's just you all, who look like this Strange shape, three of them fainted in one day! Do you know how to restrain yourself!"

At this time, Xue Wen finally knew why Old Ghost Sun was talking about him. Thinking about it now, he probably didn't get in.

There are more than 100 demon cultivators in the main hall. Although their cultivation bases are not low, they are too eye-catching. Some of them were rescued by their parents' efforts, and some of them were born with poor aesthetics.

There are a few that can be seen, such as Sun Laogui and his ilk, who look good according to human aesthetics, but they are surrounded by demonic energy, and they are not human at a glance.

These magicians can be said to be very eye-catching if thrown into the crowd, and they can be seen at a glance to be different.

"You, I took that corner of your face!"

Feilu bowed his head very aggrieved: "No, it looks good."

"Your horn grows in the middle of your face, just ask who is not afraid!" Song Weng became more and more angry as he talked, and he rolled up his sleeves and was about to give Feilu a pull.

Feilu was so frightened that he ran all over the main hall: "Farewell, Master! Every time I come back, you can't see my horns. If you do this again, I won't come back!"

"Stinky boy, how dare you!" Song Weng stopped rolling up his sleeves at this time, and with a flick of his right foot, he threw off the straw sandal on his foot, grabbed it in his hand, and then threw the straw sandal straight at Feilu's face.


The straw sandal hit Feilu's proud horn, Feilu's face tilted, and he subconsciously touched the corner, feeling relieved that the corner didn't seem to be crooked.

At this time, Xue Wen, who had witnessed countless chicken and dog jumps, was still standing at the gate, watching the farce in the main hall, not knowing what expression to use for a while.

Only then did Xue Wen think of Ji Mingzhao who had been left behind at some point.

Feeling guilty, he clicked on Ji Mingzhao's name, only to see that there was only one sentence in it: Are you busy?
Xue Wen thought about it, and to be honest, it wasn't that he was busy, but that he had witnessed the farewell... It was very lively.

He basically recounted to Ji Mingzhao what happened just now, and at the end he added a summary: it was very lively.

Ji Mingzhao felt that there was a big difference between the magic cultivator and the human cultivator, and the devil cultivator could really do whatever he wanted.

At this time, Ji Mingzhao suddenly realized that he still had something to say to Xue Wen: Xu Guangbai told me today that he saw Xiao Zhe, and Xiao Zhe is now in Xuantianzong.

Xiao sting?

Xue Wen couldn't help frowning, he turned his head and looked at the demon cultivators who were making a mess not far away.

At this time, Song Weng calmed down after cursing in two or three sentences, and followed by these apprentices, they started to fight together again, shouting nonsense.

If you tell them that Xiao Zing is in Xuantianzong at this time, these vengeful demon cultivators will attack even the world's number one sect, and then...

I'm afraid that the entire Wan Yanzong will join in.

Although they only got together for a few days, Xue Wen liked these free-spirited demon cultivators very much, and really didn't want them to die.

But that kind of deep-rooted hatred stuck deep in their hearts like a thorn, and it wasn't something Xue Wen could let go just by saying that it was important to protect himself.

Some live by hope, some live by hate.

So is the devil.

At this time, Ji Mingzhao sent another message: I plan to go to Xuantianzong after investigating the sect that specializes in accepting ordinary people.

Xue Wen: What are your plans?
Ji Mingzhao didn't really have any plans. It's far beyond her control that this matter has come to this point: every step counts, but now the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. It is impossible to surprise and muddy the water.

Xue Wen thought for a while: You have to pay attention to safety, and I will go to you after Agu's matter is dealt with.

Ji Mingzhao: Okay, then you go ahead.

Xue Wen really wanted to say that I'm not busy, and I can continue chatting, but at this moment, there was a shout from inside the door: "Whistle, come in and have a drink!"

Xue Wen leaned towards Ji Mingzhao between continuing to chat with Ji Mingzhao or going in for a drink, but when he saw Agu trying to pick up the wine glass again, he turned his attention back to Agu: "Children can't drink, Agu .”

 small theater:

  Song Weng: I got the corner!

  Feilu: No, I'm handsome!
  (At this time, a young girl passed by, the girl screamed and passed out)
  Feilu (proud face): He's handsome, look, he's so handsome that he's passed out.

  Song Weng: ...?
(End of this chapter)

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