Chapter 187 Xiaoyaozong ([-])

"Guest officer, the water is here."

After a while, the shop waiter fetched water and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

With a smile on his face, Xiao Er poured water into the wooden basin behind the screen in the room: "The water is ready for you."

Ji Mingzhao put the turnip grass on the table on the low table beside the bed: "Go down."

But the waiter in the store didn't obey the order to leave immediately, but stared at the grass, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

Ever since Ji Mingzhao came in, the waiter's attention had been on the grass, and now he couldn't help it, and asked, "Guest officer, what kind of grass is this?"

Eight times out of the ten times Ji Mingzhao stayed in the shop along this road, someone asked about Fanlingcao, but no one asked about it when he was in Wuhuo Village. I think the people in Wuhuo Village were close to the capital of Hengguo at that time. There is nothing new about the grass on the back.

"Spirit grass." Ji Mingzhao replied.

Fanlingcao also moved the grass blades by itself.

"Oh..." The waiter in the shop thought Ji Mingzhao was a monk, and when he saw Ji Mingzhao's beauty, his desire to peep at her suddenly subsided, and his attitude became a little more fearful, "If you have something to do, Xiangu will call you little one."

Ji Mingzhao waved his hand: "Don't call me Xiangu, serve me a bowl of plain noodles later, go down."

"Okay, okay." Xiaoer immediately agreed, and all the courage left to ask about the grass was gone, and she went downstairs as if fleeing.

Half an hour later, Ji Mingzhao, who had changed his clothes, went downstairs. The shop waiter saw Ji Mingzhao coming down the stairs, and hurried up to greet him: "Guest officer, the dishes are ready for you."

Ji Mingzhao looked down, and there was a table full of wine and food on the big table in the center of the first floor.

"I didn't ask you to serve a bowl of plain noodles. What are you doing?" Ji Mingzhao frowned, standing on the stairs and refusing to go down, looking down at the shop waiter standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Xiaoer's brow was filled with cold sweat immediately: "This... This is the guest officer invited by our shopkeeper. The guest officer is a distinguished guest who makes the small shop flourish. You can accept the guest officer."

At this time, the shopkeeper behind the counter also quickly came out from behind the counter: "Guest officer, this is all from the small shop. You are a distinguished customer. It is an honor for the small shop to come to the small shop. We are just making a living..."

Tears welled up in the corners of the shopkeeper's eyes, and he bowed his body and kept bowing. If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many tables and chairs here and the space was too small, Ji Mingzhao even felt that the shopkeeper wanted to give her a knock.

Ji Mingzhao couldn't help frowning. This is not the attitude of normal people when they see monks. Normal people see monks with respect, at most with envious eyes. Ji Mingzhao has never seen anyone's reaction when they see monks. is fearful.

What happened to make these people react like this after seeing the monk?

At this time, the rest of the diners in the inn saw the reaction of the shopkeeper. They even rushed towards the door regardless of the pouring rain outside. Dozens of people piled up at the door and no one could squeeze out. The human body runs out of the way, as if Ji Mingzhao transformed from an ordinary person into a man-eating monster in just a second.

Almost in a few breaths, the entire inn was cleaned up, and the shopkeeper finally had room to kneel on the ground, and immediately kowtowed to Ji Mingzhao: "Xiangu!"

Ji Mingzhao froze on the spot, didn't even react to dodge, and accepted the gift firmly.

It's over, it's time to die...

Ji Mingzhao quickly helped the shopkeeper up: "Shopkeeper, I can't bear this big gift."

The shopkeeper raised his head: "You can afford it."

Ji Mingzhao could only say: "You misunderstood, I'm just an ordinary citizen, I can't afford you to prepare such a banquet."

The shopkeeper looked at Ji Mingzhao, as if he wanted to see if there was any deceit in Ji Mingzhao's eyes. Ji Mingzhao could only try to widen his eyes, hoping that the shopkeeper could see a trace of sincerity in her eyes.

"Girl, then all the customers in my store have left, no matter how you do it, you are somewhat at fault, how can you say that you have to pay the old man?"

The shopkeeper's eyes were still full of tears, but Ji Mingzhao felt pity on this shrewd man in his 40s, middle-aged and overweight.

Ji Mingzhao turned his face slightly, unwilling to look at the shopkeeper's glutinous rice balls with his face squeezed out, gritted his teeth: "It's not my fault, I see you pitiful, girl, I'll only help you with half of the knot at most." .”

The shopkeeper immediately wiped away his tears, and laughed again: "A middle-grade spirit stone."

Ji Mingzhao reluctantly gave the Lingshi, and the shopkeeper suddenly smiled happily and told Xiao Er: "The banquet has been withdrawn, change the girl to a bowl of plain noodles."


"Wait a minute," the waiter was about to make a move, but was stopped by Ji Mingzhao, "This is a table for my auntie, don't let it go."

The shopkeeper was quite straightforward, after all, Ji Mingzhao's mid-grade spirit stone was paid back, and there was even a lot of regret: "Then leave the banquet for the girl."

Ji Mingzhao finally became more angry, he grabbed the chicken leg in the middle and started to bite.

At this time, the rain outside the door seemed to be heavier, and a lot of water poured into the inn without crossing the threshold. The shopkeeper ordered the waiter to close the door and seal the gap with cloth.

Ji Mingzhao reluctantly ate half of the ten dishes in front of him, but couldn't eat any more, so he could only sit on the chair and watch the waiter busily scoop out the water that poured into the house.

The rain still didn't show any sign of decreasing, and the waiter was scooping up the water, which seemed to be useless.

"Does it often rain so much here?" Ji Mingzhao asked.

Xiao Er wiped the sweat from his forehead, and replied: "I've never done it before, even this year, I don't know if I was punished by God..."

He paused when he said the scourge, and then he seemed to realize that he said something that shouldn't be said. He raised his head and looked around, and when he saw that it was indeed only him and Ji Mingzhao, he turned back to Ji Mingzhao and said, "You don't know anything. Didn't hear you."

Ji Mingzhao nodded, "I didn't hear that."

The waiter finally felt relieved, and patted his mouth hard with his right hand, muttering something in his mouth.

Ji Mingzhao was some distance away from him, and didn't hear what he said, but asked again: "Xiaoer, what happened here?"

When Xiaoer heard this sentence, the movements of his hands paused, and he turned his head to look at Ji Mingzhao. There was fear and resentment in his eyes, as if he hated why Ji Mingzhao asked such a question: "Why do you ask this?" , go up after eating, don't you see me working!"

This attitude has changed so much that Ji Mingzhao is not even afraid of complaining to him: "Go up quickly, I'm in the way."

Ji Mingzhao was very puzzled by the waiter's attitude in this shop, but he could also sense a little strangeness from it, as if...the people here are very afraid of monks, and presumably, it must have something to do with the sect that only accepts ordinary people.

 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao: I want to sue you!
  Shop Xiaoer (very arrogant): You go!Go if you can!
  Ji Mingzhao: The shopkeeper's!
  Shopkeeper: Alright, bad attitude, this month's bonus will be deducted!

  Shop waiter: I'm not afraid of you buckling me!
  Ji Mingzhao (very curious): Why are you not afraid?
  Shop waiter: I have worked to this day, and I have never had a bonus!

(End of this chapter)

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