Chapter 200 Xiaoyaozong (XIV)
Ji Mingzhao hurriedly cooperated with Xue Wen's movements to hide quickly.

The spirit deer sniffed in the air, then closed its eyes and probed with its divine sense, but after all failed, it lowered its head again to eat grass.

Ji Mingzhao and Xue Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You mean, the rest have cultivated human bodies?" She heard different meanings from Xue Wen's words, that is to say, the actual controllers of this sect are most likely the group of demon cultivators.

Xue Wen nodded silently.

When Ji Mingzhao looked up at the group of spirit deer again, his face was filled with disbelief.

"How about I use monkeys and rabbits to lure them away, and how about you bring that little deer?" Ji Mingzhao suggested.

Xue Wen nodded. He was also paying attention to whether there were any animals on the mountain while he was on his way, but the mountain was extremely quiet, not to mention small animals, and even insects were hard to see. Now I think this place should be the site of these demon cultivators , these ordinary creatures should not dare to approach.

"You can give it a try."

Ji Mingzhao released the monkey and the rabbit from the backpack, and after a brief explanation, the monkey and the rabbit ran towards the distant spring together.

After only a dozen steps, the monkey got to the spring water ahead of the rabbit.

The spirit deer heard something approaching in the distance, the big deer formed a circle and surrounded the younger deer in the circle, the leading male deer pointed its horns forward, and went straight to the monkey.

But although the deer is flexible, it has no hands. Compared with the deer, the monkey still has an extra advantage.

I saw the monkey swinging among the trees and landed between the two horns of the head deer.

The deer raised its head and let out a cry, shaking its head to shake the monkey down. The deer beside it stared blankly at the monkey above it, showing no intention of helping.

This monkey...why is he still wearing a skirt?

Monkeys are common, monkeys wearing skirts and holding sticks are uncommon, and this monkey is still covered in plaster.

All the deer froze at the same time, dozens of pairs of big eyes stared at the monkey, unable to react for a while.

But the deer couldn't react, but the monkey was not affected. It jumped from one deer's head to another, disrupting the deer's formation within a few breaths.

At this time, Ji Mingzhao's army of rabbits had also arrived. The rabbits were low and fast, passing between the deer's legs, making the already chaotic herd even more chaotic.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Xue Wen held his breath and focused his attention on the deer that he had aimed at a long time ago. The deer was restrained almost instantly, and his body quickly ran out of the team uncontrollably, jumping and running out of the herd .

During the chaos, none of the deer noticed that a fawn was missing from the herd.

The deer was irritated by the monkey and the rabbit running around, a white light appeared between the antlers, after the white light, the running rabbit disappeared completely, but the annoying monkey, because of its agile The figure dodged the attack, and returned to Ji Mingzhao's side in a few ups and downs.

Ji Mingzhao hugged the little deer that was running fast from the woods, and wanted to send the little deer back before the demon cultivators found out that the little deer had disappeared. She spoke quickly to Xue Wen, "Hurry up!"

Xue Wen invaded Xiaolu's consciousness. Xiaolu's big eyes were not bright, and he quickly spit out a ball of white light from his mouth.

He picked up the white light, quickly grabbed Ji Mingzhao, and ran down the mountain quickly.

At this time, the herd of deer in the distance had already noticed that a fawn was missing, and an angry roar shook the whole mountain to tremble.

Xue Wen controlled the deer to run towards the herd of deer, quickly put Ji Mingzhao on his back, and ran all the way down the mountain.

His speed was so fast that the monkey who was about to approach them failed to catch up for a while. The monkey grabbed Xue Wen among the rippling branches and brought Xue Wen and Ji Mingzhao down the mountain quickly.

"Let the monkey let us go!"

Xue Wen looked back while the monkey was leading them on the road, and saw the herd of deer coming towards the monkey. If the monkey kept holding them forward, it would be inevitable that they would not be affected.

"Let go!"

When Ji Mingzhao gave an order, the monkey quickly let go, Xue Wen hurriedly took Ji Mingzhao into his arms, and the two quickly rolled down the mountain following the force of being thrown down by the monkey.

At first, I only saw this kind of experience in TV dramas, but now I experience it myself, I only feel that the bones of my whole body seem to be broken when they touch the ground, and the pain is stuck in my mouth, but I can’t utter it, all the internal organs seem to be here During the rolling, it was dragged by the force of the rolling so that it would come out of the body.

The speed of rolling down the mountain is more than a star and a half faster than running down the mountain. It took Xue Wen nearly two hours to go up the mountain, but the monkey took him halfway down the mountain, and the other half took only a stick of incense.

" are you..." Ji Mingzhao was already having difficulty breathing when she landed, but she was still conscious. She was protected by Xue Wen in his arms, and there was grass behind her to block her. Naturally, her injuries were not as serious as Xue Wen's. .

Xue Wen was still conscious at this time, but he couldn't make a sound. He was mouthing, meaning he was still asking: Are you injured.

With trembling hands, Ji Mingzhao took out the elixir that Qing Yuan gave her before leaving. Qing Yuan was very defensive. Since he thought that Ji Mingzhao was his apprentice, giving it to Ji Mingzhao was the same as Qingxi The treatment, even the medicine was given in piles. Ji Mingzhao opened Xue Wen's mouth and stuffed the medicine roughly into Xue Wen's mouth, then shook Xue Wen's head severely: "Don't sleep, don't sleep!" sleep……"

Xue Wenzhen hasn't been injured to that extent, and since his ability has improved, his physical fitness has also improved a lot, but after seeing Ji Mingzhao so worried, for some reason Xue Wen continued to act very cooperatively.

So gentle, so nice.

Ji Mingzhao summoned the Yanghuo Talisman, and the Yanghuo Talisman slowly circled around the two of them twice, Ji Mingzhao suddenly felt that his breathing seemed to be much more normal.

"Xue Wen, how are you?"

Ji Mingzhao was still very worried about Xue Wen's state. Xue Wen didn't pretend to be long, and his acting skills were also very poor. After repeated inquiries from Ji Mingzhao, he nodded reluctantly: "I'm fine."

"Huh..." Ji Mingzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this sentence, she couldn't help resting her head on Xue Wen's chest, "I'm scared to death... I thought you were going to die."

She regretted that she should have summoned the Yanghuo Talisman on the way, and rolled down from the mountain to become an ordinary person, but if she encountered a stone, she would have died countless times. She didn't dare to think that if Xue Wen died when he rolled down , even if she has the Yanghuo Talisman, she still can't snatch someone from Hades.

Xue Wen felt that Ji Mingzhao seemed to be trembling all over, so he put his hand on her head lightly: "I'm fine, I'm very healthy."

Ji Mingzhao breathed a sigh of relief, and staggered to get up, but the pain that had been ignored just now swept her whole body.

Damn, she forgot to take medicine for herself...

Xue Wen quickly supported Ji Mingzhao, and Ji Mingzhao stood firm, took out the medicine bottle from his backpack again, and poured himself two pills.

 small theater:

  Xu Guangbai: ...Don't you think that Xue Wen is a bit stupid?
  Ji Mingzhao: ... Where do we start?
  Xu Guangbai: He actually thinks you are gentle.

  Ji Mingzhao: ... Where am I not gentle? !

  Xu Guangbai (ignoring Ji Mingzhao, talking to himself): Could it be that he broke his brain when going down the mountain?

  Ji Mingzhao: ...

(End of this chapter)

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