Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 31 The Valley of No Chapters

Chapter 31

The cultivation of resentful ghosts relies on devouring. When they first become resentful ghosts, they burn their souls into yin qi. According to the amount of yin qi, they are also divided into walking corpses, white-clothed sha, red-clothed sha, black-clothed sha, ghost soldiers, ghost generals, ghost kings, and ten souls as sha. A ghost, a hundred souls become a ghost soldier, a thousand souls become a ghost general, and ten thousand souls become a ghost king. He cultivates extremely fast, but it is not tolerated by the law of heaven.

When Fu Xiaochu turned into a ghost, he was full of resentment. He was already a black-clothed evil boss, and he was stimulated by the Zhao family. His soul burned and became a ghost soldier. Reluctant to deal with it, not to mention that he only has a soul left now.

The yin energy around her was so strong that it almost formed a black vortex: "Go to hell!"

Seeing Fu Xiao approaching his master step by step, Ning Zhi immediately struggled to get up a few steps to block Liang Kang: "Don't hurt my master!"

"Don't hurt your master? Then he didn't say anything, he just attacked Hua Niang when he came up, why didn't you stop him, now he has become a ghost himself, but he saw you protecting him, his indiscriminate is a killer move," Fu Xiao obviously She was already extremely angry, "Don't even let her say a word of excuse, what's the difference between you and those evil spirits you speak of, all sanctimonious things, go to death!"

Ning Zhi opened his mouth to refute something, but in the end he could only make a speechless dry voice, yes, he only listened to the one-sided words of the elders of the Shangcheng clan and believed it, never thought about what happened in case This female ghost is really innocent, a ghost is just a person who has lost his skin, and a person wearing a skin may be worse than a ghost.

Fu Xiao raised one hand, with a dark light flickering in the palm of his hand, and struck directly in the direction of Liang Kang and Ning Zhi.

"I felt that you were stupid and didn't want to accept you when I was apprenticed to the teacher. Why haven't I grown my brains for so many years, if I knew it, I wouldn't accept you."

If I had known that you had made such a big mess, I wouldn't have come to save you...

The dark light was getting closer and closer to the two of them, Ning Zhi couldn't help but bury his head in Liang Kang's arms, tears were like a broken faucet, the tears spilled out without money, Liang Kang sighed, raised his broken soul and body Protect Ning Zhi in his arms.


But the imagined pain didn't appear, and the two raised their heads suspiciously, only to see that the Yinhuo Talisman floating in the air absorbed Fu Xiao's Yin Qi, and the fire blazed up.

"What's going on..." Fu Xiao struck again, but the Yin Qi of this blow was still sucked by the Yin Fire Talisman, and the Yin Fire Talisman flew to Fu Xiao's side, sucking all the Yin Qi in Fu Xiao's body. Inside the flames, "Flower... flower lady...?"

The Yinhuo Talisman could not answer, but Fu Xiao still felt that this was Hua Niang, so he pointed at the Yinhuo Talisman and cursed: "You are a soft persimmon, you will be manipulated by others while you are alive, and you will not be safe when you die. I believe that you have really arrived!" Eight lifetimes of mold!"

Fu Xiao stepped forward and hugged the Yinhuo Talisman, holding down the struggling Yinhuo Talisman, kneeling on the ground and crying loudly while holding the Yinhuo Talisman.

Why do you always want to save me, even if you risk your life to save me, is there something wrong with your brain!
Liang Kang trembled and stood up from the ground: "You..."

Holding the Yinhuo Talisman, Fu Xiao raised his head abruptly, his eyes wished he could swallow Liang Kang's soul and body together, the Yin energy in his body revived, and he raised his hand to attack Liang Kang again.

The light of the Yinhuo Talisman flickered slowly, as if someone sighed slowly, and then Fu Xiao was wrapped in the flames of the Yinhuo Talisman, and firmly controlled in the flames of the Yinhuo Talisman.

"Flower girl, let me go!"

Seeing Liang Kang standing up, Ning Zhi quickly stood up from the ground, and supported his master with his hands: "Master..."

Liang Kang gently withdrew his hand from Ning Zhi's: "Now that I have this appearance, I can't be your master. I haven't taught you in these years, and it doesn't count as switching to another school."

"It's not... Master..."

"I'm not your master," Liang Kang immediately interrupted Ning Zhi. It's not that he doesn't know right from wrong. Everything in the world recurs in karma. Cultivators respect Tao, respect Tao, and follow the sky. Now he also sees that there may be some misunderstanding , "You are born stupid, I didn't want to teach you, but now I saved it... Now that things have become like this, how do you let me see you in the future, how can I not hate you."

Ning Zhi opened his mouth and was speechless for a while, the incident happened because of him, but he was the only one who was unscathed.

He saluted Liang Kang, Liang Kang didn't accept it, turned around and was about to drift away into the distance.

The yin fire talisman flickered, flashing and flashing behind Liang Kang.

It seemed that someone was hesitating whether to let Liang Kang go like this, or just drag him into a place of eternal doom.

Liang Kang didn't go far, and he might still be angry. The fire finally enveloped Liang Kang, and Liang Kang's soul dissipated in the fire without even making a sound. Soon, even Ning Zhi, who was right behind Liang Kang, had no time to react, and his master disappeared forever before his eyes.

"Master...Master..." In just a few breaths, from the joy of being lost and found again to the great sorrow of being lost again, it was far beyond what Ning Zhi, a young man with no experience in the world, could bear. He took out his dagger that couldn't make any sword moves, and slashed and slashed at the Yinhuo Talisman in vain.

But how can a sword hurt fire.

"Ah! Ah!" Ning Zhi was so sad that he couldn't help holding his head tightly with his hands, knelt down, and hit the ground hard with his head, thinking that he was the one who knocked the master's death out of his head.

The Yinhuo Talisman ignored Ning Zhi who was kneeling on the ground, but took Fu Xiaopiao straight into the temple, and floated straight in front of Xu Guangbai.

Xu Guangbai looked at the Yinhuo Talisman floating in front of him, then at Fu Xiao whose eyes could almost eat him, and then at Ning Zhi who was lying on the ground crying outside the temple gate, and asked Ji Mingzhao at a loss: "Would you like me?" what to do?"

Ji Mingzhao slowly crawled out from under the altar. The current development of the matter far exceeded Ji Mingzhao's expectations, and she was a little unsure how to deal with the current situation: "What do you think?"

"...I don't like her..." But she seems to really like me, if I don't accept her again, is she very pitiful...

At this time, Fu Xiao, who was surrounded by flames, also spoke: "Who are you?"

Xu Guangbai raised his head and looked at Fu Xiao who was half a head taller than him floating in the air: "Who are you?"

"I'm asking you, who are you!"

Xu Guangbai has always been reluctant to talk nonsense with people, so he turned around and walked towards the temple.

"I didn't ask what your name is, what is your relationship with Hua Niang."

"...whatever your business."

Just as Ji Mingzhao crawled out from under the altar, before he could cover Xu Guangbai's provocative mouth, he heard Xu Guangbai say this.

Son, you two are fine, don't let people misunderstand you!
"You must have lied to Hua Niang, you men don't have a single good thing!"

Xu Guangbai was very dissatisfied with Xiaoyi's behavior of knocking down all men with a stick. There are all kinds of people in this world, how can they be so arbitrary, and use gender to judge whether they are good or bad: "Yes."

Fu Xiao lowered her eyes and looked at the boy in front of him who was not as tall as a piece of tofu: "Where is it?"

"I am."

(End of this chapter)

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