It was another light ball rotation, this time the lights seemed to be turned off collectively in the sky, and all the light balls in the sky seemed to have returned home. At this time, Ji Mingzhao and his party had tiptoed to the door of the side courtyard and were waiting for their feet. When I stepped out of the courtyard, it was as if someone turned off a light in the sky, and I was caught off guard and my eyes went dark.

Xue Wen groped up and down his body carefully, from his hair to the soles of his feet. Then he remembered that all the flashlights were given to Zhou Jingzhi and Sun Laogui when they went down into the cave. He felt extremely regretful for his selflessness at that moment. Risk, don't leave one for yourself.

"What's wrong?" Ji Mingzhao asked.

"There is no flashlight." Xue Wen was very frustrated. Without a flashlight, he could not even see Ji Mingzhao's face, which was so close.

"Xu Guangbai, can you see?"

Following the voice, Xu Guangbai turned his face to Ji Mingzhao, shook his head subconsciously, and then thought that since he couldn't see Ji Mingzhao, Ji Mingzhao certainly couldn't see him, so he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "...can't see."

He felt very embarrassed when he said he couldn't see. After saying that, he immediately turned his head to the side, but then he thought that no one could see him at this time, so he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Ji Mingzhao's hope was suddenly extinguished: "Where is Agu?"

"No!" Agu tried his best to open his eyes wide, but no matter how good his night vision ability was, he still had to have some light sources. At the moment, even if he put his hand in front of his eyes, he couldn't see it at all, it was of no use.

"...Forget it, let's move forward."

Ji Mingzhao's thinking was very clear. Since they couldn't see other monks, other monks couldn't see them either. As for the monsters, the light ball still rose and the monsters appeared as usual.

... Just be happy if you die.

With the mentality of who has loved whom in this life, the four broken warriors set off in an unknown direction.

"What the hell is this place! Let me go home! I want to go home! Why do I always go to such a dangerous place? Why does God do this to me!"

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Ji Mingzhao heard a female voice shouting out her heart from afar, and immediately subconsciously looked in that direction.

Unfortunately, it was pitch dark now, and Ji Mingzhao couldn't see anything no matter how hard he tried.

"Don't careful to attract other things. We won't save you then..." A female voice next to her persuaded her in a low voice, but even a pindrop could hear it clearly, even if she continued No matter how low your voice is, it still sounds effortless.

The shrill cry was full of despair: "I'll just die. It's better to die and be reincarnated than to stay in this hellish place!"


It seemed that the monk next to him covered the mouth of the crying woman: "If you don't want to live, we still want to live. Be careful, I will reincarnate you now!"

"woo woo woo woo!"


It seemed to be the sound of a sword being unsheathed, and soon there was the sound of water splashing outwards. Finally, with the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the darkness soon became calm again.


Before Ji Mingzhao, who wanted to practice the ruthless way, said a word of joy without conscience, the ground seemed to move violently, and a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from a distance. It seemed that something extremely heavy came from the air. When it fell, Ji Mingzhao seemed to bounce nearly one meter off the ground.

Not far away, out of sight, there were waves of exclamations. It seemed that there were actually quite a few people around here.

The four warriors bounced hard from the ground and then slammed back to the ground. The pain all over their bodies aroused the fear that penetrated their bones.

It's a difficult place to hide in this place where you can't even see your fingers.

No companions can be seen, no danger can be seen, there is only darkness around, a darkness that can swallow people up.

After the extreme fear, there is the ultimate anger, an extreme anger, anger at the unfair fate, anger at his own lack of ability. Ji Mingzhao even wants to scream like the woman just now, tearing her hair crazily. The only trace of reason she had left drove her to cover her mouth tightly with her hands until her knuckles turned white. She even scratched her cheeks and drew blood, but she didn't know it at all.

In fact, what people are really afraid of is not death, but the long process of waiting for death.

Every second seemed to be stretched infinitely, and the fear was far greater than death itself.

Can't move...

You can't would be more dangerous to move at this time!

Fortunately, she was not alone after all. There was a rustling sound next to her. After a few hands fumbled around, they grabbed Ji Mingzhao's shoulders and cheeks.


You guys did this on purpose, right? !

"Are you still alive?" Xu Guangbai's anxious voice came from the left, "Did I catch the Stick Immortal!"

Ji Mingzhao squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "!"


It won't be possible if you cover it tighter.

On the other side, Agu was holding hands with Xue Wen when walking in the dark. At this time, he hugged Xue Wen's thigh, climbed all the way up his thigh, and soon reached the top, holding his hands tightly Live on Xue Wen's neck.

"Agu... loosen up a little..."

Agu then relaxed his arms belatedly: "Dad..."

Ji Mingzhao felt relieved when she heard that Xue Wen was also out of breath and felt sympathy for each other. She whispered to Xue Wen, "Are you okay?"


When Xu Guangbai heard that Ji Mingzhao was still alive, he immediately relaxed: "What should we do now?!"

"Don't move where you are."

Ji Mingzhao took a deep breath, trying to relax her tense mental state, hoping to let her IQ regain the high ground. The hand on her shoulder seemed to be Xue Wen's, and the hand gently patted Ji Mingzhao's shoulder, as if It was to soothe her emotions.

I hoped that it would be the end after the heavy objects fell, but I didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

It was like nuclear bombs were dropped in Langcheng, causing the ground to buzz continuously. Reason told them to stand motionless, but when the 'cannonballs' fell one after another, Ji Mingzhao and his party were still unable to resist in the end. Biological instinct is to grope forward, wanting to return to the side courtyard again.

The door to the side courtyard could not be found, but they touched the corner of the wall somewhere. At that moment, Ji Mingzhao and his party pressed their backs against the cold wall almost without thinking.

At that moment, it was a rare peace of mind in the darkness for a long time.

The bursts of 'bombing' continued, and began to become more and more intensive, and screams gradually began to be heard in the distance. It seemed that they were not very lucky, and the 'cannonball' hit the target.

"Ah..." Afraid...

Xue Wen held Agu tightly in his arms, pressed Agu's back against the wall, and turned his back to the outside. He used his body to create a simple haven for the seven-year-old child: "Agu is not afraid, Agu is not afraid. …”

At this time, a sound of breaking through the air came from above...

small theater:

Ji Mingzhao: You people can't be serious for more than a few seconds...

Xu Guangbai: Who are you talking about...?

Ji Mingzhao (feeling guilty): That’s because you ruined the atmosphere.

Xu Guangbai: Who are you talking about...?

Ji Mingzhao:……………………

Douzi’s daily life as a Taoist priest!

Douzi is now reciting the sutras, one after another. The Golden Light Mantra needs to be recited ten thousand times. (The Golden Light Mantra is included in the morning and evening lessons.) He also has to recite the morning and evening lessons...

I was learning how to perform religious rituals before, but now I am a qualified Dharma protector!

There is really a lot to carry...

In addition, you can find the Taoist golden light mantra and memorize it, which will be good for you.

(By the way, do you want to hear the daily routine... If you are not interested or are disgusted by this kind of... blabbering, I will not update it...)

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