The sparrow rose higher and higher with the strange fish until it disappeared, and the strange fish completely returned to the sky. For a while, more than twenty light balls lit up in the sky.

The monks who could still chat with each other just now felt an unprecedented sense of oppression when the light ball hung high in the sky again.

It was a feeling of oppression that would crush the internal organs. Even those with a high level of cultivation like Zhou Jingzhi could only kneel down on the ground unable to move. The other monks were even more embarrassed. Let alone kneeling, they could only be crushed by the heavy pressure. On the ground, someone with a very low level of cultivation like Ji Mingzhao couldn't bear it and passed out.

The strong oppression made all the bones in Ji Mingzhao's body creak, and blood continued to seep out from Ji Mingzhao's almost burst skin. At this time, the house in Langcheng returned to its original state almost in the blink of an eye. It has become a sea of ​​people, and the people in the city are bustling in the streets and alleys. The sounds of hawking, talking and laughter are mixed together, forming a worldly scene.

It's just that the people in the city seemed to be unable to see the monks all over the ground, striding through without stopping at all. But even if they were so compassionate and didn't take advantage of his illness to kill him as soon as they met, these monks probably wouldn't be able to survive. The next time the ball of light rotates.

the other side.

An hour ago.

Old Ghost Sun carefully stepped one foot into the Star-Zhaing Building. He lit the flashlight given to him by Xue Wen and pointed the flashlight into the building.


Although the flashlight shone into the building, the light was completely swallowed up by the darkness in the Star Reaching Building, leaving no trace behind.

Old Ghost Sun was worried. The worst thing he could do was die: "Since Brother Bird says it's safe, it must be safe."

The sparrow on his shoulder was already very dissatisfied with his probing movements. After hearing Old Ghost Sun's words, it finally breathed a sigh of relief. Its throat moved as if it was snorting.

You're pretty sensible.

Seeing that Old Ghost Sun was about to enter the tower, Qingxi tore off a piece of his robe, tied Old Ghost Sun's and her arms together, and followed him into the tower.

Even after entering the tower, it was still pitch black, and even if you put your hands in front of your eyes, you couldn't see the outline at all.

The man and the demon walked in the darkness for an unknown amount of time. It seemed like a quarter of an hour, and it seemed like a whole day. This floor was indeed as safe as the sparrow said, but they had not encountered any obstacles after walking for such a long time. It seems that the tower is empty, there is nothing.

"How long have we been walking?" Old Ghost Sun's voice sounded in the darkness.

Qingxi thought about it carefully and finally answered very sincerely: "I don't know."

"Why does this tower feel like it can't reach the end?" Old Ghost Sun muttered in a low voice.

I don’t know if they were walking in a straight line in the dark, but why couldn’t they even reach the edge of the tower?

What's even more strange is that the internal space is so large. How did the sparrow confirm that this place was safe in such a short period of time?

Old Ghost Sun subconsciously turned his head in the direction of the sparrow. In the darkness, he could not even see the outline of the sparrow, but an indescribable strange feeling spread in his heart.

What on earth is this sparrow?

I don't know how long I walked, but it seemed that the whole space had been turned around. Old Ghost Sun vaguely felt that his front arm touched something.

"Stop." Old Ghost Sun said.

"What's wrong?" Qing Xi asked behind him, "Did you find anything?"

Old Ghost Sun touched it carefully: "It seems to be a candlestick hanging on the wall."

He felt around in his cunjian bag and took out a fire seal: "Let's give it a try."

After saying that, Old Ghost Sun brought the invisible flame closer to the candlestick.


It actually lit up? !

Old ghost Sun was just trying to be a living doctor, but he didn't expect that the candlestick was actually lit by fire.

As the candlestick was lit, the tower instantly lit up, and the scene inside the tower was clearly visible.

The space here is not large, but you can walk from left to right in thirty steps. It seems to be a bedroom, but the furnishings inside are very simple. There is only a bed and not even a table. "It's strange, it seems like the space is pretty big?"

I didn't expect it to be so small...

"Brother Bird is really awesome..." Old Ghost Sun murmured as he looked at the small space.

I'm afraid they were all blinded by something just now. No one like this sparrow can see through the fog and see the essence.

When the sparrow heard this, she puffed up her little chest, obviously very proud.

Qingxi walked around the room, finally squatted down and looked under the bed.



"Why is it dark?!"

Qingxi was so frightened that she screamed. The person hiding under the bed screamed louder than her.

But Old Ghost Sun on the other side screamed louder than them.

"What's wrong?!"

The two sides of Qingxi couldn't take care of it at all, so they could only reach out and try to pull the person out from under the bed.

Old Ghost Sun looked at the ink-like darkness outside, and couldn't help feeling panicked. He guessed that this might have something to do with the lamp he lit. He hurriedly tried to put out the lit lamp, but no matter whether he was blowing or shooting, the light in the lamp was still there. The flame just stayed there.

what to do……

what to do……

Not long after, Old Ghost Sun heard the first sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.


There has never been a real night in this secret realm. The moon they thought before was just a slightly darker ball of light, but this place still obeys some laws of the main world, and the sages who created this secret realm cannot escape the limitations of their thinking. All irrationality is established on the basis of the main world.

For example, now, the lights in the room are only turned on when the sun sets.

Even if Old Ghost Sun is such a cool and calm devil, he can't help but curse in his heart. The person who created this secret realm deserves to die, and the guy who dragged them into this damn secret realm deserves even more punishment.

"What's going on!" Qingxi couldn't care less about why Fang Luochen was in the Star-Zhaing Tower now. Although he was suspicious, it was not impossible that he entered the tower due to other opportunities, so he focused on Sun On the lamp in front of the old ghost.

"It can't be destroyed!" Old Ghost Sun was so anxious that sweat was pouring from his forehead, "Do you have a water diversion charm?"

Qingxi really didn’t have any. Her talisman had long been used up: “I’ll draw it now!”

"Hurry up!"

Ignoring the pain of being burned, Old Ghost Sun directly slapped the flames with his hand, but the flames could not be extinguished in this way. They still burned very smoothly, and even the flames did not waver at all.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside the building gradually became more frequent. The falling heavy objects... were probably the strange fish swimming in the sky.

"Faster!" Old Ghost Sun shouted towards Qingxi.

At this time, Qingxi didn't care about how much spiritual energy was left in his body, and forced himself to draw a water-drawing talisman.

With each stroke, Qingxi's face became paler, until after the last stroke was completed, Qingxi's face was as pale as paper and without any blood.

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