Chapter 323 Blood Spirit Cave (Forty-nine)

The corners of the woman's mouth were wide open, and she was smiling so exaggeratedly that it seemed as if she had cut a deep gash on the flat surface, revealing the bright red that was almost flowing out.

Despite her madness, she was still very well-mannered. Even when she was facing a tower, not a living thing, she was able to behave with full courtesy.

I think this calmness and upbringing means that even if one encounters an enemy, one must bow before taking action. After defeating the enemy, one may even build a tomb for the enemy and invite a troupe of actors to perform for seven days and seven nights.

It's so thorough that it makes people very angry just by looking at it.

If there were any words that could describe the feeling this woman gave...

I'm afraid only...


The ultimate arrogance.

She seemed to be standing on the top of a sacred mountain, overlooking everything in the world. All living beings seemed to be ants that could not withstand her slightest pinch.

She never took the Zhaixing Tower seriously, as if nothing could catch her eye.

He was so arrogant that he looked down on everyone and everything else. It could even be said that he ignored this entire secret realm.

He was so arrogant that even Zhaixing Tower couldn't stand it anymore.

Almost instantly, the walls around the Zhaixing Tower turned into countless monsters with twisted limbs, roaring and screaming. The sound was so sharp that it seemed like needles piercing the eardrums, almost gouging a hole in the entire head.

They pounced towards the woman quickly, and almost in an instant, they were in front of her from ten meters away. The monsters' mandibles opened quickly, and when they were in front of the woman, their one-inch-long fangs suddenly pierced through the skin on her mouth, and the mucus in their mouths splashed three feet away.

The monster's lower jaw was dislocated like a giant python, and when its mouth opened, it was as big as half the woman's upper body. It could swallow the woman's whole body effortlessly.

Soon, even the ground beneath their feet began to collapse.

The woman stepped on the skull of the monster and her feet kept sinking. Soon, as the monsters under her feet surged, her calves also began to sink. It was estimated that it would not take long before her entire body would be devoured by the group of monsters.

But this strange woman did not resist. She even relaxed her hands and feet and sank into the group of monsters.

Soon, a monster jumped out from the group of monsters and tried to swallow the woman in one bite.

Unfortunately, it did not succeed.

Almost instantly, countless demon cultivators swarmed out like locusts from nowhere. The weakest of these demon cultivators had the cultivation level of a demon infant. If these clones could merge into one, the cultivator who created these demon cultivators would probably ascend to become a saint immediately. Even the gods in the divine realm would be unable to fight against him. He would have no rival in this world.

She really has the capital to be arrogant.

Soon, the demon cultivators and Zhaixing Tower were engaged in a battle, countless flesh and blood flew in the air, blood was flying in the air like raindrops, both the demon cultivators and the monsters seemed to feel no pain, charging towards each other desperately, and for a moment, the monster transformed by Zhaixing Tower was at a disadvantage.

As the embodiment of the will of the secret realm, Zhaixing Tower has long been fed up with the constant provocations of these bugs who enter the secret realm in search of treasure.

Suddenly, a dark light flashed in the Zhaixing Tower, and the entire Zhaixing Tower disintegrated, turning into monsters all over the ground.

Qingxi and Sun Laogui, who were still climbing up, were suddenly pinned to the ground by the monster and could not move.

Originally, Zhaixing Tower was relatively restrained, believing that every grievance has its perpetrator and that it did not want to implicate Qingxi and Sun Laogui, two innocent people. However, that arrogant woman was too arrogant, which made Zhaixing Tower extremely annoyed. In addition, Zhaixing Tower did not know whether there were any incarnations of the evil cultivator among those cultivators lying on the ground who did not know whether they were dead or alive. So Zhaixing Tower simply ignored morality and annihilated them all, no matter whether they were good people or bad people, once they arrived at my Blood Spirit Cave, they would all be dead.

Seeing countless monsters swarming in, Old Ghost Sun didn't care about anything else and forcibly burned his life span to set up a ban for himself and Qingxi. He now had only endless despair in his heart, and this time, he was afraid that he really couldn't get out.

He was still smiling, looking very relaxed, but his hands that supported the ban began to tremble uncontrollably: "Girl, if you are lucky enough to survive, remember to go to Wan Yan Sect and tell Mr. Song that I can't go back to fulfill my filial duty."

Qingxi was silent for a long time, closed his eyes to hide the sadness in his eyes, and replied: "Okay, I will fulfill my filial piety for you when the time comes."...



Half an hour ago.

The sparrow in Ji Mingzhao's arms struggled to get out from the front of Ji Mingzhao's clothes.

It first looked carefully at Ji Mingzhao's "sleeping face", and hesitated whether to wake up the unconscious Mr. Ji.

After hesitating for a quarter of an hour, Sparrow decided to wake up Ji Mingzhao. After all, any work that was not completed under the boss's nose would be in vain.

The sparrow was rather reserved when trying to wake up Mr. Ji for the first time. It only dared to gently push Ji Mingzhao's face with its little claws. When it saw that Mr. Ji did not respond, it became bolder and finally flapped its wings at Mr. Ji's face, which was extremely rebellious.

After an incense stick of time, Sparrow, who was unable to wake up Mr. Ji, realized that his boss was probably in a deep coma.

It was afraid that in a few days it would be separated from its beloved boss forever and its promotion would be shattered forever.

Saving Mr. Ji is urgent.

After finishing this big deal, my chance of promotion will come!
Wherever there is an opportunity for promotion, there will be people who are willing to take risks.

Mr. Ji’s teachings are still ringing in my ears. I have to be down-to-earth and work diligently. As a day employee, I have to keep the boss’s words in mind.

The sparrow looked up at the cloudless sky. Twelve suns were shining in the sky, making it difficult for the sparrow to open its eyes.

It vaguely remembered the conversation between Ji Mingzhao and others just now, which seemed to be about... reaching the top of the tower with the notice... ?
The sparrow was a little overwhelmed, but decided to give it a try.

It flapped its small wings, whose span was less than that of a chopstick, and flew slowly into the sky on the chaotic air current. From time to time, it looked down, and only breathed a sigh of relief when it saw that no other sparrows were following it.

Even if there are already three small captains, after completing this big task, he will be the captain-in-chief!
The sparrow flew hard, against the ups and downs of the turbulence. As it flew higher and higher, the turbulence became stronger and stronger. It kept adjusting its movements in the air to prevent its wings from being broken by the turbulence during flight. Its mud chest was hit and pitted by the turbulence during flight. At this time, it was somewhat glad that it was just a lifeless little sparrow. If it were a living creature, it would have been squeezed to death.


Almost there...

When the sparrow flew to the 19th floor of the Zhaixing Tower, the Zhaixing Tower in front of the sparrow suddenly turned into countless monsters and suddenly collapsed in front of it. The sparrow was frightened and flew backwards twice, and it managed to avoid the monsters falling from the sky.


Sparrow is a little distressed. The road to promotion is long and Sparrow still needs to work hard.

Little Sparrow gets big points!
small theater:
Ji Mingzhao: Now, let's commend the great hero in this secret realm. It turned the tide in times of crisis! It is! The sparrow that saved countless monks! Today is also the promotion commendation meeting for the sparrows. From now on, when I am not here, it will be your boss! From now on, you have to call it "Boss Ma! But, fellow birds, don't be discouraged. As long as you work hard, promotion in the future is not a dream!
Reporter: Mr. Ma, how did you manage to turn the tide of this disaster?

Sparrow: First of all, you must have extraordinary insight and judgment. Secondly, you must keep the boss’ words in mind. In everything, you must be concerned about the boss’s concerns and worry about the boss’s worries!

(Mahjong fans outside the stadium: Mr. Mahjong! Mr. Mahjong!)

Reporter: Dear fans, please calm down, our autograph session will begin soon.

(Fans: Mr. Ma! Mr. Ma!)

Xu Guangbai: ... (Something is wrong, but it seems that there is some rationality in the unreasonableness. Maybe this is the O. Henry ending...)

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