Chapter 34 (Modification) No Return Valley (25)
"I can guarantee that her soul will last for two days, so say goodbye to her."

Hua Niang failed to wake up, but her soul condensed a lot. Fu Xiao was afraid of the Yin Fire Talisman, and didn't dare to stay here any longer. She wiped away her tears and hurriedly saluted to the place where she thought Ji Mingzhao was, and then shook her head. Not daring to turn back, she carried Hua Niang on her back, took three steps in parallel, and hurriedly left the dungeon.

With the departure of Hua Niang and Fu Xiao, in the dungeon, the unlucky human who was forced to work, the unlucky ghost Xiu who lost his body, and the unlucky ghost Xiu who lost his body and only his mind remained silent. The air is almost frozen, and it seems that even the breath can be covered with hoarfrost.

Xu Guangbai took a step forward and walked in front of the Yinhuo Talisman: "Come here."


Let's not consider whether I wanted to control your soul before, but just ask if you can give the old tree that lost its body some respect and love that it deserves!
This is obviously not possible.

After treating Hua Niang, Ji Mingzhao finally felt that the pain that almost burst his body had subsided: "Didn't you beg us to take you away, why didn't you come?"

The yin fire talisman was so angry that if it had a heart, lungs, liver and gallbladder, it would instantly burst, and spit blood on the faces of these two bastards, but unfortunately it didn't have it. The yang fire talisman had already been absorbed by Ji Mingzhao, so it could only While dancing the flames irritably, he let go of his harsh words to the two: "Remember your words, don't break your promises."

"I said I will help you, so I will help you." Ji Mingzhao replied, "Can I still lie to you?"

Yinhuofu thought this is not necessarily the case, who knows who you bastard has lied to.

As the matter of the Yinhuo Talisman came to an end, the scenery in Wuhui Valley changed, and the two of them saw a blur before their eyes, and they didn't know where they were being sent.

Ji Mingzhao finally saw the scene in front of him clearly after the dizziness of motion sickness in this trance passed.

This place is the very center of the battlefield.

The battle between the two armies is imminent, and not only the human soldiers are on the field, but even the dead soldiers are unconsciously fighting on the battlefield because of obsession.

The bright red blood dyed the soil into patches of reddish brown, and the reddish brown soil was trampled under the feet of the charging soldiers. The soldiers continued to fall in the charge and fight, and the blood in the corpses dyed the soil red again. Fallen in the field, his body trampled into the mud by friendly troops in the rear.

The corpse turned from complete to red mud, and was trampled under the feet of the latecomers again.

Ji Mingzhao stood by the battlefield, looking at the sea of ​​corpses in front of him: "I don't know why these people died."

"It's all for my own selfish desire."

Xu Guangbai couldn't bear the suffering of the soldiers and couldn't get rid of it. He was about to stretch out his hand to draw amulets to save the wronged souls, thinking how many could be saved, but at this time a strong wind blew past, and there was another scene in front of him.

It was as if someone was dissatisfied with the scenery in front of him, so he picked up the wind and quietly changed the scene here.

Ji Mingzhao resisted the chill coming back from his bones, couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps on his arms with his hands, and watched the scene in front of him change again and again.

Xu Guangbai looked at the scene in front of him that changed many times within a few breaths, and looked at the baton beside him: "We are getting closer and closer to that tower."

"Well, I know." The white octagonal pagoda in front of him could only be seen as a knuckle-sized point in the sky, but now it is the size of half a palm.

That is to say, the tower is probably less than two kilometers away from them.

Ji Mingzhao knows how crazy the people in this valley are. He doesn't know when he can go out after staying in this valley. Waves of monsters come in like a tide. No matter who stays in this environment for a long time, Be crazy, if there is a possibility of re-election, she will never go near that village... No, she will not agree to the task of bringing Xu Guangbai to the task bar.

In the end, in front of the two of them was a huge blue-gray stone tablet, on which three big characters were written flying and dancing: unclean land.

In front of the stele is an endless forest. The green trees in the forest are densely covered with singing birds and fragrant flowers. Birds and animals run in it. One piece, not even a tumbleweed.

There is a world of difference between a monument.

And next to the stele was an acquaintance that both Ji Mingzhao and Xu Guangbai knew: Ning Zhi.

Seeing Xu Guangbai suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, Ning Zhi's eyes turned to Xu Guangbai's body dully, so dry that Ji Mingzhao seemed to be able to hear the creaking sound of eyeballs and eyelids rubbing against each other.

"Do you know where this is?" Ning Zhi opened his mouth slowly, his voice was so hoarse that Xu Guangbai turned his head a little bit unbearably.

To tell him the truth, or to...

If the truth is told, with Ning Zhi's current state, he might be like those people, crazy...

Xu Guangbai opened his mouth, thought for a while, and finally closed it.

"You don't know either?"

Xu Guangbai frowned again, opened his mouth again, and was about to say something when he heard the neighing of animals in the distance.

Then, a group of huge creatures that looked like yaks but had an extra horn on their nasal bones ran past the two of them with a cloud of smoke.

"Mou Mou..."

After the sound like a cow, there was a sound of horseshoes. Ji Mingzhao followed the sound of horseshoes and looked into the distance. He saw a group of armored soldiers holding long whips and waving them at the cows.

After the cows entered the unclean land, they seemed to disappear and disappeared in front of the two of them. After the soldiers drove the cows back to the unclean land, they went back in the direction they came from without looking back, as if for a second Neither want to stay.

"These are Heng country soldiers," Xu Guangbai said to Ji Mingzhao who was holding a baton after the soldiers rode away on horseback. "This is an unclean place."

Ji Mingzhao and Ning Zhi waited silently for Xu Guangbai to finish speaking.

"This is the territory of the demon cultivator."


Ji Mingzhao doesn't know much about Moxiu, and what he reads from his mind are all the images of murder and arson in TV dramas: "So?"

"I don't think Moxiu is as bad as they say. When I was still begging, I passed by Moxiu and gave Baozi," Xu Guangbai continued, "It would be unfair to drive them here."

Ning Zhi listened to Xu Guangbai's words, but still leaned on the stone tablet without moving. Xu Guangbai felt that if he told Ning Zhi that this was the valley of no return, Ning Zhi would not be able to bear it, but Ji Mingzhao didn't think so. Zhao felt that for Ning Zhi in his current state, it didn't matter where he was now.

Such a person who is afraid of death has no fear of death at this time.

Ji Mingzhao knew that this was the next place Venerable Xuantian had chosen for them. Compared with the first two places, this place was probably more dangerous.

"Come with us," Ji Mingzhao said to Ning Zhi who was sitting on the ground, "I have a companion too."

Ning Zhi was still sitting on the stone tablet, he didn't know whether he heard it or not. After a long while, he turned his body slowly as if his neck would not turn anymore: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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