Chapter 37
Ji Mingzhao turned his head abruptly.

The first glance was attracted by Xue Wen's face.

On his thin face, thick eyebrows are like black ink, and the ends of his narrow and long eyes form a sharp line. The bridge of his nose is narrow and straight like the peak of Mount Hua, straight and straight, but a person with such a sharp face looks soft and sharp. Become a line called gentleness, as the name suggests, the warmth in the bones can't be concealed even by the surface.

People are like immortals in a painting, untouched by the world.

It's just that this fairy-like person is 1.9 meters long, wearing a dark training suit full of dust, a pair of combat boots wrapped in mud, and a big red plastic whistle hanging around his neck. holding a squeaking plastic ball covered in tooth marks.

"How did you get your clothes?" Xue Wen looked at Ji Mingzhao's ancient clothes, and couldn't hide his envy in his eyes, "The one behind you is..."

The girl in front of Xue Wen was dressed in a neat blue cloth, with a pair of almond eyes like the ripples of a blue lake, red lips and bright teeth, and her whole body was as bright as the scorching sun at noon.

"Comrade, you're here!" Ji Mingzhao didn't hear what Xue Wen said at all, she couldn't restrain her excitement, she held Xue Wen's hand as if meeting a comrade, and thanked Xuantian Great Immortal for bringing me from a far away place Bring it to your teammates, and I will give you more tributes after I find your temple!
Side task: Offer tribute to the jade statue of Venerable Xuantian.

After completing the task, you can get X10 top-grade spirit stone.

Ji Mingzhao shouldn't have thought of Venerable Xuantian at this time, and he shouldn't have wanted to offer some tribute to the Venerable when he met his colleagues whom he met for the first time.

The mission bar finds the right time to attack again, and the target is still Ji Mingzhao's chin.

The old lady can let you succeed three times?
You want me to make a fool of myself in front of handsome guys, you think it's beautiful!
Ji Mingzhao had already predicted the mission bar's prediction, and took a big step forward, trying to avoid the task bar's attack.

But the task bar obviously also predicted her prediction. When Ji Mingzhao retreated, the task bar followed closely, and went straight to Ji Mingzhao's forehead from an extremely tricky angle. Ji Mingzhao couldn't dodge in time, and once again Knocked out by the taskbar.

"Are you okay!" Xue Wen is still young, and he has only been in the system industry for a short time, so he has seen everything, at least he has never seen the taskbar beating someone. Seeing Ji Mingzhao being knocked down by the taskbar, he hurriedly He wanted to help her up.

"It's okay." Ji Mingzhao covered his chin, slightly pushed Xue Wen's hand away with some embarrassment, and stood up from the ground by himself, "I'm used to it."

Xue Wen didn't know what expression to put on, so he just pursed his lips and gently rubbed the right hand he had just stretched out.

What made you get used to the task bar like this...

"Stick Immortal," Xu Guangbai asked when he heard that Ji Mingzhao seemed to be talking to another invisible person, "Who is talking to you?"

"This is Xian Xian, my friend." Ji Mingzhao replied smoothly.

Xue Wen's eyes widened in disbelief, and he whispered to Ji Mingzhao, "That's what you told him?"

Ji Mingzhao nodded, "What did you say?"

"...I said that I am her dead father, and I don't worry about her floating back to protect her." Xue Wen said with some embarrassment, "There is no other choice."

Xu Guangbai couldn't see Xue Wen, but could only see the brightly colored whistle Xue Wen was wearing on his chest, so he nodded slightly in the direction of the whistle.

"Xu Guangbai, wait here for a while, I have something to say to Xian Xian."

"Where are you going?" Xu Guangbai asked.

"Go to that tree up ahead."

"Go and come back," Xu Guangbai felt relieved when he heard Ji Mingzhao's words, and meditated against the tree behind him, "Don't talk for too long."

"Got it," Ji Mingzhao responded perfunctorily to Xu Guangbai, and pulled Xue Wen aside, "Do you know where this is?"

Xue Wen nodded: "No return to the valley."

"You guys came in too?" Ji Mingzhao thought that Xue Wenwen and Agu were outside the valley, but he didn't expect them to come in too.

"Agu and I were originally in a village outside the city of Shu." Xue Wen took out a small bead from his backpack. The bead was shaped like a pearl, but it seemed translucent, like a fish's eye. Called Shuzhu, it was Agu’s first chance, it could find the nearest auspicious place, we followed it all the way, found a temple, and then entered the Valley of No Return, after entering the Valley of No Return, I tried to contact You, it’s just that Wuhui Valley couldn’t contact you for some reason.”

She was ashamed to wait for Ji Mingzhao to forget that there was Xue Wenwen and Agu at all. After Xue Wen took out the Zhu Zhu, the fenlingcao behind her became excited, its roots, stems and leaves moved together, trying to struggle out of the cloth bag come out.

"Put the beads away!" Ji Mingzhao's hands were extremely fast, and he put the bag from his back into his arms and held the fanling grass in one go. He even took out three high-grade spirit stones from the backpack and put them in the bag. In the cloth bag of Lingcao, within a few breaths, the quick movement made Xue Wen, who hadn't reacted yet, amazed.

"What is this?" Xue Wen asked, is it a plant or an animal, why does it seem to be able to move...

"Turning grass..."

The side task: to give Fanlingcao three high-grade spirit stones has been completed.

You can get top-grade spirit stone X10.

"Damn it!" The task bar popped up again, but as Ji Mingzhao raised his head, he just wiped it along her right cheek.

Fuck... what did I say in front of the handsome guy...

Ji Mingzhao lost all face in just a few minutes in front of the handsome guy, and he didn't think about it. My name is Ji Mingzhao, I'm 24 years old, I'm not married yet, I don't know what the handsome guy wants.

Xue Wen was taken aback by the task bar that popped up suddenly: "Are you okay?"

Ji Mingzhao shook her head, and suddenly felt hopeless in her heart. She smiled bleakly at Xue Wen: "It's okay."

"Are you sure you're all right?" Don't crash your brain again...

"It's okay," Ji Mingzhao was afraid that Xue Wen would ask again, so he quickly wanted to change the subject, "What about Agu, why haven't we seen each other?"

Seeing that Ji Mingzhao didn't want to say any more, Xue Wen changed the subject according to her wishes: "She's gone hunting, and she might not be back in a while."

"By the way," Xue Wen continued to ask, "That grass," he pointed his finger at the grass, "what is it?"

The Fenlingcao in Ji Mingzhao's arms gradually calmed down after getting the spirit stone: "This is called Fenlingcao. It will run away when it meets monks or people with potential for cultivation. It likes to eat animals, plants and objects with energy fluctuations. Don't be an idiot. Take out the spirit thing by its face."

"Okay," Xue Wen quickly put Shu Zhu back into his backpack after hearing this, "What are you going to do next?"

In fact, Xue Wen wanted to know why the taskbar pursued Ji Mingzhao so hard and insisted on knocking her to the ground, but this is just... Xue Wen couldn't ask the question when he saw Ji Mingzhao's face was red and swollen. , I could only swallow the question that came to my lips, and changed the subject.

"Why is your spirit stone so big?"

 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao: I hate the taskbar!
  Task bar: After that, no spirit stones will be given.

  Ji Mingzhao: No, no, brother, no, I love you!

  Xue Wen:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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