Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 61 The Valley of No Chapters

Chapter 61

"Stick Fairy! Stick Fairy!"

As soon as Xu Guangbai broke through the formation, he ran straight towards the direction where Ji Mingzhao was. Since the baton he was carrying and Ji Mingzhao were not lying together, Xu Guangbai could only grope hard on the ground at this time.

"Stick Fairy!"

Xu Guangbai slapped Ji Mingzhao's thinning face after starving for several days: "Wake up, stick fairy!"

Ji Mingzhao was still in a deep coma and did not respond to Xu Guangbai.

"Stick Immortal!" Xu Guangbai panicked, groping for Ji Mingzhao's face with his hands, slapping Ji Mingzhao's head left and right, and slapped several times, "Wake up!"

"...You can't slap your face, you should be among the people!" Xue Wen, who was lying on the giant wolf, couldn't stand it anymore. He was afraid that Xu Guangbai was not serious, and the person who was about to wake up gave him a few more slaps, and quickly sprayed With a breathy voice, he reminded, "...No, not on the waist! Between the nose and mouth!"

"Oh..." Xu Guangbai quickly took his hands away from Ji Mingzhao's belly button, and began to grope his face again.

"Hmm..." Fortunately, Ji Mingzhao didn't fall into a deep coma, and soon woke up.

"Stick fairy!" Xu Guangbai grabbed Ji Mingzhao's shoulders with both hands worriedly, "How are you doing!"

At this moment, Ji Mingzhao felt as if his whole body was being crushed by ten large trucks in a row, and he had no strength to push Xu Guangbai's hand away: "It will be better if you loosen your hand..."

Xu Guangbai quickly let go of his hand, and looked eagerly towards the direction where he thought Ji Mingzhao's face was: "The array is untied."

Ji Mingzhao laboriously summoned the Yanghuo Talisman, and after the Yanghuo Talisman circulated around her body for a week, she finally felt better: "You broke the formation?"

"Well," Xu Guangbai squatted down obediently in front of Ji Mingzhao, like a dog who hasn't demolished his house today and is asking for praise from his master, "I broke the formation."

Ji Mingzhao reluctantly sat up from the ground. If she hadn't had the Yanghuo Talisman in her hand and Xue Wen stopped her in time, she would have turned into that kind of white, transparent thing and Xu Guangbai's staring eyes.

"How are you all? Are you injured?" Ji Mingzhao asked in Xue Wen's direction.

Xue Wen forcibly swallowed the mouthful of old blood rushing to his throat: "Both Agu and I need to be rescued."

"Then you have to come here by yourself, I can't move for the time being." Although the Yanghuo Talisman can heal, but the healing speed is very slow, it can't be like adding blood in the game. Jumping, Jackie Chan and Tiger, just like when they were not injured.

"Xu Guangbai, how are you?" Ji Mingzhao asked.

Xu Guangbai really didn't get hurt very much, this time the battle was mainly caused by Xue Wenwen and Agukang's injuries.

But Xu Guangbai is angry, why Ji Mingzhao didn't ask him first, but first asked the Sensei Whistleblower, when the Immortal Whistle was in the future, the Immortal Stick would take care of everything on him, now, now he does everything We are all behind, how can there be such a reason? !
Xu Guangbai endured and endured, the words I was seriously injured were on the verge of his lips, he insisted on enduring it, after all Ji Mingzhao is not blind, he can tell at a glance whether the injury is serious or not.

"...I'm fine..." Xu Guangbai stared at Xue Wen fiercely with his eyes: "Old boy, this time I'm taking advantage of you!"

Moreover, Ji Mingzhao himself was very weak, and treating Shaoxian would only add to the injury. Thinking of this, Xu Guangbai became even angrier, and looked at the commanding post with an even more unkind expression.

Xue Wen held Agu in his arms, and walked towards Ji Mingzhao with Xu Guangbai's gaze as if he was about to cut him into pieces. He was under a lot of pressure, but he didn't know why Xu Guangbai was so hostile to him.

Comrade Xue panicked, and Comrade Xue had nothing to do.

Xue Wen treated Ji Mingzhao's wounds under Xu Guangbai's murderous gaze, and then chose a place far away from Xu Guangbai to sit down.

Ji Mingzhao was still a little exhausted after using the Yanghuo Talisman, so he lay back on the ground again: "This is the first time it's so exciting, what about the next few floors?"

Xue Wen hugged Agu who was already asleep, coughed lightly, and sighed softly: "Let's take one step at a time."

"But the problem is that there are no stairs here, and how to go upstairs is a problem." Ji Mingzhao looked around the entire empty hall, feeling a little at a loss in his heart.

"Perhaps Fu Wang can know?"

Only then did Ji Mingzhao think of the overbearing little bastard who entered the tower with them.

"Where is King Fu?"

It was the first time that Ji Mingzhao paid so much attention to this little bastard. After searching around, he finally saw Fu Wang lying on the ground in the corner of the hall.

Xue Wen followed Ji Mingzhao's gaze and looked in the direction of King Fu: "In a coma."

Xue Wen's giant wolf was taken back when he came to look for Ji Mingzhao. Xue Wen's attention was always on Agu, so when he put away the giant wolf, he forgot about the King of Fu he picked up on the way.

Logically speaking, even if the giant wolf suddenly disappeared, it would be impossible for King Fu to get out so far.

Thinking of this, Xue Wen winked at Ji Mingzhao: It's just pretending.

Ji Mingzhao nodded, and totally agreed with Xue Wen's statement. The three giant beasts at the Golden Core stage were terrifying, but it didn't make sense that she and Xue Wen could resist King Fu, who was also an ordinary person, for 10 minutes.

There is only one possibility, he is simply pretending.

Ji Mingzhao reached out and grabbed the corner of Xu Guangbai's clothes: "Xu Guangbai, King Fu is still fainted, it's cold on the ground, go and wake him up."

Only then did Xu Guangbai shift his attention from Ji Mingzhao to Fu Wang: "Okay."

After Xu Guangbai finished speaking, he got up and walked in the direction of King Fu.

The distance between Fu Wang and Xu Guangbai was not far, only ten meters away. Xu Guangbai didn't beat him fast. When he was approaching Fu Wang, Ji Mingzhao clearly saw Fu Wang's eyelids move.

"Hmm..." Just as Xu Guangbai was about to reach out to King Fu, King Fu slowly opened his eyes, "Is it... over?"

"Yes, it's over."

Fu Wang breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally over."

Now he began to feel that the savior and supremacy he was pursuing before was what he thought at the time. He couldn't survive a day like Xu Guangbai and Agu who lived in the sea of ​​swords and blood every day, and lived in fear every day.

He has only one thought now, that is to leave here immediately and go home immediately!
He doesn't want any cultivation base or immortality!He just wants to go home now!
"Fu Wang, do you know how to get to the next floor?" Ji Mingzhao asked.

King Fu was taken aback when he heard this sentence. The tower is transparent from top to bottom, so what about the next floor?

"Can't we leave now?"

As soon as Ji Mingzhao saw Fu Wang's expression, he knew that this guy didn't know anything: "Didn't you say that the world is unfair and that a genius like you is buried in the world and wants to be inherited and become a fairy? Are you home?"

 Thanks to the rice cooker for the monthly vote for Douzi ( ̄▽ ̄)

  Thank you thank you again ( ̄▽ ̄)

  I wish my little sister a lot of money and happy every day! ( ̄▽ ̄)

  small theater:
  Xu Guangbai: The surname is Xue!Stay away from my mother!

  Ji Mingzhao: No way!Monkey child, do you want your mother to fall in love?
  Xue Wen: ...Then shall I come or...not come?

  Xu Guangbai/Ji Mingzhao: Don't come here! /come over!

(End of this chapter)

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